How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

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How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by Candice » Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:46 am


I just wanted to get some opinions about a situation that I have come across while using History For Little Pilgrims (HFLP) text that is used with LHFHG.
When using HFLP, my dd has been quite sensitive about some of the pictures and content in some parts. One example, in Chapter 4, when reading about "The Blood Of The Lamb" she gets scared of the picture depicting blood on the doorposts. And when I read the corresponding text, she often tells me, "Mommy that is not appropriate for me". She has also had the same reaction when reading from our children's Bible. She has even told me to skip over the story of Cain and Abel because of the killing.
I am finding that I have to filter much material because of her sensitivity. She becomes concerned by any material or text that is violent in nature. Especially if it speaks about/depicts death, killing, blood, violence, etc.
I have talked about it with my DH, and we both agree that many stories from The Old Testament are quite violent. He thinks that we don't need her to be exposed to these types of stories yet (she is 5.5), since she isn't really equipped to process them appropriately. I agree, but am desiring to find some type of purposeful balance by teaching her the significance of these stories but maybe modifying them somehow so that she can learn from them, but not be frightened by them.
I have gone through some pictures with a marker to cover up some things, But as I am sitting there with black marker in hand, I can't help but wonder if it makes sense to be covering this material with her at this young age.
I have learned from experience that when a particular situation or problem arises, it is usually beneficial to find some sort of "middle ground" and continue to move forward, instead of tossing out "the baby with the bathwater".
Can anyone help me find "my middle ground" ??? :D
Looking for opinions, suggestions, experiences...not sure how to proceed.

Thank you,
Candice :D


Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by Mom4Him » Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:29 pm

What a wonderful question!! I am looking forward to hearing what others have to say, as I have some girls with sesitive ears/hearts as well. :wink:

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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by rni'smommy » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:40 pm

With Cain and Able I just told dc my that he hurt his brother very bad. I know it is more serious than that but they do not understand death yet so that is how I explained it. I too am interested to see how others deal with this topic.

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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by sharonb » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:41 pm

I hope you are able to get some good advice! I'm not going to be much help; even my sensitive child handles Bible stories quite well, even if they are somewhat violent. We limit what we allow them to see/hear otherwise, but have always covered the Bible stories matter-of-factly.

Alison in KY
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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by Alison in KY » Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:43 pm

Is this just the Bible portion of the program? I like Karyn Henly's Bible books, the Beginner's Bible and the Day by Day Kids Bible. Very age appropriate IMHO.


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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by Candice » Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:48 pm

Alison in KY wrote:Is this just the Bible portion of the program? I like Karyn Henly's Bible books, the Beginner's Bible and the Day by Day Kids Bible. Very age appropriate IMHO.

Hi Alison,

She has difficulty with some portions of History For Little Pilgrims as well as violent/graphic bible stories such as Cain and Abel, Passover, Crucification of Jesus, people drowning during the flood (Noah's Ark).
She does well with issues of character, betrayal, evil versus good, right versus wrong, etc. I feel confident discussing those areas, but I sort of freeze up (because I know how she will react) when we come across violent pictures and details of those pictures/stories. The illustrations and details of violence are what seem to be most difficult for her.
I am inclined to just skip over those parts completely, but they are heavily woven throughout the story of history, and seem to be an integral part of the LHFHG program. I sort of feel like I am in an "all or nothing prediciment" (my way of thinking, anyhow!). My typical course of action when faced with a difficulty/challenge in a program is to just put the whole thing aside thinking that it just is not the right thing for my daughter right now. Well, this time I would like to try and work through the issue somehow, while honoring my daughter's sensitivities and needs.

Candice :D

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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by water2wine » Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:32 pm

Not sure if this is an answer or not but just my first gut reaction is that since the stories are age appropriate but I understand your child is sensitive to this and it is completely understandable so don't get me wrong :wink:, perhaps she has some underlying fears that might need to be addressed in general. Like for instance when you get to the blood of the lamb perhaps something like an explanation of how holy God is and how it is hard for us to understand our own sin and so God did give us an example that shows us the sorrow we should have but that the message really is one of hope and the mercy that was shown in passing over the houses. That God wants us to really understand the cost of sin but also the grace of forgiveness. And that it is important to understand how hard things were before Jesus came to be our Savior so that we can really see how very blessed we are to have Him and how very much He loves us, protects us and how He can protect us from anything so that we need never fear. If you get the idea I think maybe helping them to refocus on the real message of hope. And also that there is no longer a need for the types of things seen in the OT that are hard because Jesus paid the price for our sin so we do not need to fear. Maybe talk about the rainbow and the promise God gives. Also if I had a child that was this sensitive I would probably read ahead the night before and perhaps paraphrase the things that might be harder for them to grasp in a positive way minimizing the tough stuff and magnifying the message of hope and that we can trust God always.

Let me just also say that I am very extremely protective with my kids. :shock: In fact I had major conversations with Carry about focus and content before we really decided HOD was for us and even after. What I have learned for me, and it might apply to you, is that I want them to know the truth and the truth is in the world we will have troubles. But in the same breath that in the world we will always, always have Jesus and there is nothing we need to fear when we have the Creator of the universe so powerful He can walk on water and heal the blind, raise the dead and so merciful that He would pay the price for our sin. Because at this point in the game the world is a very evil place and there is no sheltering them from everything though I try. I want to teach them coping skills skills so that when what I can't control comes along and they find something out that was so horrible I would never want for them to know they can filter it in terms of the awesome power of God Who will never let us down and always protect us. And what I have found is because I have done it this way when something happens or is seen that is hard, even my five year old knows how to filter it through the Word and see God's plan and hope in even the toughest stuff. In the end fear losses and the Word in their heart wins. I see it over and over again in ways that I never would have predicted or believed if someone had told me that is what would have come from letting them really know the whole truth of the Word.

OK bear with me I am going to ramble a bit more. :D I understand having a fear of the hard parts of the Word. I was not raised in a Christian house and when I was ten someone told me to look up Corinthians 13 (this was not a believer BTW). I was not familiar with the Word and somehow I ended up in Revelation 13! It scared me so bad I did not open my Bible until I was 25 and way off track with God. So with my kids a huge part of me just wanted to stay in the gospels and maybe Psalms until they were maybe 12 because I did not want the same thing to happen to my kids. I was afraid if I told them the whole truth of the Bible I would lose them. But what came to me and I really feel it was from God that I should not be ashamed (and I do not mean this in the usual sense of the word) or fearful of the complete message of Salvation. And I need to trust that God tells me to teach my children truth, the good the bad and the ugly and that He is in charge of the result. So I was committed to teaching it despite my fear. And through prayer and submission to God He showed me a way that worked for my kids, did not cause fear and caused them to grow to a deeper understanding than they ever could have had if we had played it safe. So applying this all to you and if I were you, I would read ahead and paraphrase if I had to, I would focus heavy on the gospel and salvation and protection that God gives His children and in that sometimes we have to understand hard stuff to see how blessed we are, and I would pray that God would show you the way to teach your child that does not cause fear. He called you to it so you are the best equipped for that call. If in that you hear wait then wait, that is His answer for you then. But be open (which it really sounds like you are) to hearing what else might you need to teach so that the message can get in her heart the right way and without fear.

I hope there is something in this babbling of mine that will be of help to you. :D It is really a very personal thing that you ask that is hard to answer when you are not the one called to raise that particular child in question. Only you can know what is best for your child. Praying for you that you find peace in a decision that is best for your family. :D
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by mommyofgirls » Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:20 pm

water2wine - i would give you a standing ovation if i could. i think you hit the nail on the head. 8)

Candice - i definitely would not water down the crucifiction. i think people (even kids) need to understand (not to the extent that they are traumatized of course) what He REALLY did for us. God will protect her heart as you continue to immerse her in the Truth. Keep in mind, the Bible is supernatural. Not "just another book". i whole heartedly believe that if we say something that is hard for our kids to hear, or might be traumatizing, He has the power, capability and inclination to protect their hearts....even to the point where they might not even remember it if need be. :)
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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by water2wine » Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:27 pm

mommyofgirls wrote:water2wine - i would give you a standing ovation if i could. i think you hit the nail on the head. 8)
Oh good cause I could really use one today, hahahaha! Seriously just a bunch of babble glad it at least made some sense. :wink:
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by lmercon » Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:33 pm

I think I might say something along the lines of, "I know this is upsetting. It makes me sad too. Because of sin, there are many sad things in the world. But we can be glad because Jesus died to take sin away, and some day, if we trust in Jesus as our Savior, we can live in Heaven forever where it is always happy and only good things happen." Use her sensitivity to the effects of sin in the world as a means of sharing with her the joy in the Gospel.
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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by Candice » Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:36 pm

Thank you so much W2W, I found so many nuggets of wisdom in your words and have really come away with a new perspective after reading your thoughts.
I realize that my lack of education regarding the Bible and God in general, has proven to make me feel less than equipped to walk through this with my daughter. There is always more to the story isn't there?
There are many words that really stood out in your message...hope, fear, truth, salvation, sin, and so on. I think since I am personally still learning about these, I am in turn, having a difficult time sharing them with my daughter. My foundation is so new and not yet strong. I really connected with what you wrote here (among other things)...

I was afraid if I told them the whole truth of the Bible I would lose them. But what came to me and I really feel it was from God that I should not be ashamed (and I do not mean this in the usual sense of the word) or fearful of the complete message of Salvation. And I need to trust that God tells me to teach my children truth, the good the bad and the ugly and that He is in charge of the result. So I was committed to teaching it despite my fear.

I realize that perhaps fear on my part is contributing to my ability to move through this. I do believe that we can continue with the reading while also honoring my daughter's needs. I feel better prepared to work through it, thank you for that.
I am going to read your post again and sit with it a while since there is a lot there! Thank you for sharing with me/us, I so appreciate your wisdom and experience.

Candice :D

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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by ahngele » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:01 pm

I myself am very sensitive to violent and or torture, I cannot watch many movies because such images just stay with me, and my dh screens movies for me to let me know if they are too violent/scary for me. What I have done when I want to read a book but the pictures are too much is I put a piece of paper over the picture while I read the opposing page. If it is bothering her I would cover it up, if she is a really visual person it may be too hard for her to get those images out of her head. I still am bothered by some images I saw in movies and books as a child.

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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by gotpeace91 » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:30 pm

You have given me a lot to ponder with your question. Your description of your dd exactly matches what I felt and said at that age. My Mom did try to protect me for which I was very grateful at the time. We didn't watch a lot of TV but she kept me from reading some books that were required at our Christian school such as Fox's Book of Martyrs and The Hiding Place. I don't think I would have been able to handle those at that time. I still cannot read books or watch movies or shows in which there are people in pain or murdered or in danger. I take it to heart so much and dwell on it longer than I should. I have learned in my adult life to deal with fear by reading God's word and praying and this does help. I liked water2wine's advice to paraphrase while focusing enthusiastically on the positive rather than the dark or painful parts. Do not let her dwell on them either. If you find that she is doing so help her to pray and find her some verses that deal with fear. I like Psalm 27.

I hope that some of this will be of use to you. I haven't started HOD yet but I have tentatively decided to try not to protect my kids too much as I know that Carrie has put alot of thought and prayer into choosing books and I don't want my kids to have my view of things if that makes sense. I don't want my fear to transfer to them. So I am going to try to handle things as they come and teach them Courage. Something that is very useful for a Christian soldier in these times.
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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by water2wine » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:37 pm

Candice wrote:I realize that my lack of education regarding the Bible and God in general, has proven to make me feel less than equipped to walk through this with my daughter. There is always more to the story isn't there?
Candice I can so relate to this. When you are not raised in the church there feels like there is a part missing that can never be gained and you sort of feel behind in knowledge of the Word no matter how much you read. What has really helped me is to realize that for me the goal is that they would know it better than I do and quickly surpass my knowledge. Knowing that when they do the Holy Spirit will still enable me to teach beyond what we both know. My older kids in all honesty know the OT better than I do, in some cases noticeably better. It could be embarrassing except that in truth when you think about it that really was my goal.
Candice wrote:I realize that perhaps fear on my part is contributing to my ability to move through this. I do believe that we can continue with the reading while also honoring my daughter's needs.
It's a delicate balance to protect your children from the world while still really giving them the absolute inerrant truth of the Word. And in truth there are lots of times I say I do not know let's look or even ask them for clarification. :lol:

I think another poster had a good point if she is visual keep the pictures from her. I think that is legitimate. You do not want that to be something that Satan uses to scare her from the truth of the message that is really one of hope and love.

Bottom line Candace what was God really thinking when He entrusted us with humans! :lol: It feel like they are so easy to mess up. :roll: But the truth is even the gaps, even the weakness, even the mistakes if done with a heart of teaching them the ultimate truth in His word, He can bless and use for His glory. It is easy to sound good on paper. I promise you in real life I am horribly unequipped to raise six kids. But I know the issue is not one of being equipped, it is being called. He'll show you the best thing and the best way for your child. A prayer I always feel God answers is "Lord teach me how to teach them what you would have them learn." He always has been faithful to answer and He will do it clearly if you ask Him.

Sending prayers up for you. :) It is not an easy issue you are dealing with and I hope it did not seem like I took it lightly. :oops: It's just that the answer I think is you have to jump and trust that God will carry you even if the ground appears to have been moved and at the same time you have to do that with wisdom. And only you can do for your child the right thing because you are the one He called to teach your child Who He is. Only you can know His call for your child. Just listen to Him, He will lead you. :wink:
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
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Re: How To Handle Heavy/Violent Content With A Young One

Post by mommyofgirls » Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:17 pm

i also agree about covering up the pictures, etc. i am very visual and, as i've told you before, cannot even watch the news because it keeps me up at night. those things just bother some people more than others. what a great mother you are that you know your child's heart so well!
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