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Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:36 pm
by Allison TX
We used Preparing last year (3rd & 4th graders) and loved it.
I was planning to use CTC this year but after viewing the books decided to wait another year because most of them would be too difficult for my soon to be 4th grader. He has dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, and some attention problems. I know using CTC this year would overwhelm and frustrate him.
So I thought I could use Bigger with both of them, with grade appropriate LA and math, and add extensions for the 5th grader. But I am second guessing myself because we would be going back a guide. Also, my boys will be 9 (almost 10), and just turned 11. So I am concerned that they will be above the targeted ages for Bigger.
Looking at the placement chart, the 5th grader fits into CTC, and the 4th grader fits into Bigger or Preparing. I aslo have a 1st grader who will be finishing up Little Hearts and starting Beyond after Christmas. I know I can't do three programs. I tried at the beginning of last year.
What do you all suggest? I love HOD and want to continue using it.
Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:00 pm
by WigglesMom
I am using BHFHG with my 3rd and 4th grade girls this year. I don't really think going back a guide would hurt. The extensions are great. I bought them, but they actually overwhelmed my 4th grader. We are transitioning from ps and she needs to adjust before I start the extensions. I wouldn't look as much at the age as the skill level. I think it would be a hard decision to make whether to move forward and perhaps lose your younger child in the program or to go back and perhaps draw out school for your older child. You can really beef up BHFHG and it says that you can extend to ages 10-11.
I would go where my heart led me. My middle dd does the left side of LHFHG and the right side of BHFHG. My oldest dd is doing BHFHG as written for 4th grade. She actually placed in PHFHG, but b/c of finances we chose to start with BHFHG. It was the best thing I could have done. She was not ready for PHFHG in so many ways.
I don't think it would be bad since you will be keeping their language arts and math on level.
Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:52 pm
by zookeeperof3monkeys
My 10 yr old 4th grader placed in Preparing, but I already had all but two of the books for Beyond, so that's what we are doing now. He loves it! It's a lighter schedule than Preparing. I just added some pre-made notebooking pages to it.This gives him an outlet for drawing and adds more writing .I have him copy and illustrate the Bible verse for the week, the History and Science he does a short summary and illustrates. We are doing Bigger this fall when he starts 5th grade, he will be 11. He's so excited to start it because its all about American inventor's, scientist's etc. He told me this year with Beyond has been the best year ever! I really don't think my child would have done well in Preparing this year, he's a bit emotionally immature, has a short attention span and has a hard time writing (fine motor skills). If your son is similar to mine I think CTC might be overwhelming.You will make the best choice for your family....after all who know's them and love's them better than you.Don't stress out too much, go where your heart leads and have a enjoyable year.
Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:56 pm
by jenhill
I will be using Bigger with my 2nd grade and 4th grade girls this fall. I was fortunate enough to attend a homeschool conference and Carrie was there! She was really helpful in guiding me towards the best curriculum level choice for my girls for HOD.
I think a big part of the decision was the fact that this is our first real go at homeschooling - so it will be a major transition for everyone. And I felt I could transition us better if the girls were being taught together. And since HOD is a lot different than how they learn in school that Bigger would be a good starting point for us!
Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:44 am
by Allison TX
Thank you all for the encouragement. I really do feel Bigger is the best choice for my 4th grader. It sounds like the extensions add a lot more to the program, so I think my 5th grader will be fine too. Now, if I can just keep from second guessing myself again!
Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:13 am
by shaybird
I have ordered CTC for the fall but I really have struggled with doing one of the earlier guides. We are not in a hurry and my 11 yodd is a child who is on her own time frame as far as grasping concepts. We may go back after CTC. She has seen some of the books for this year and is really excited. My only concern is if it is too much for her. There is a nice shift in pace and skills with CTC that I like but I do not know how she will handle it. She is really excited and asking to start soon. Luckily, the guide is not ready until August!! LOL
Stay cool,
Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:49 pm
by Carrie
The ladies have given you excellent advice, and I agree with them.

Bigger Hearts is targeted for ages 7-9 with extensions for ages 10-11, so you should be fine with your kiddos doing Bigger Hearts. As long as you up the level of language arts and math for your 5th grader, combining for much of the rest should work well.
Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:04 pm
by water2wine
We are finishing up Bigger with three 4th graders (one with special needs) and one sixth grader. My sixth grader does some extra reading but we have really found the program has been perfect for us. I think you will find it works great with a 4th and a 5th grader. It's been perfect for us.

Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:25 am
by Allison TX
Thank you all! I have quit second guessing myself and am getting so excited about starting Bigger.
One more question-
We started Bigger the spring before we began Preparing (about a year and a half ago), but we didn't get very far because of a move, then summer break, then we started Preparing instead of continuing on with Bigger. So do I start over at the beginning, or pick up where we left off?
Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:53 am
by WigglesMom
I think since it was so long ago that you tried Bigger before that I would just start again at the beginning.
Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:34 am
by Allison TX
Thanks, Val. That is what I was thinking. I'll probably just restart at the beginning.
Re: Has anyone used Bigger with a 4th or 5th grader?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:55 am
by spidermansmum
I would start at the begining-make this a fresh new start