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Singapore Math Placement

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 9:42 am
by daisytownmom
Good Morning-

I don't want to vent, but I'm sooo frustrated with my math placement for my 10 yr old son. We just completed Abeka Math 3, which I thought was pretty advanced. While we struggled, we plugged through the year and planned on doing math through the summer, because it is not his favorite subject. Any time off, and he slips away.

He also completed standardized testing this year (required in PA) and scored in the upper 90th % in math (CAT Test). So I thought we were doing great.

We have tried several times to take the Singapore Math placement tests. He is struggling to even COMPLETE the 2B test. We were both in tears! Level 3 is out of the question. Is this normal?

I know that Singapore is very advanced, but should I go back to 2A for his 4th grade year? I "held him back" a grade already...he is age appropriate for 5th next year.

We are just discouraged....


Re: Singapore Math Placement

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 9:50 am
by lmercon
Singapore has a different way of thinking about math. They start children off with this way of thinking right from the start, so it's not unusual for children who transfer from other more traditional programs to have to take a step back to retrain their mathematical thinking. My sil hsed her fourth grade ds for the first time this last year and started him in 2A, and he's a mathy kid. It took him a bit to learn the new way of thinking, but once he did, he flew through the rest of the book. My sil was really glad she started where she did because she found he had some real understanding gaps, which Singapore filled in nicely. He is now doing really well and steadily moving along. I wouldn't get hung up on the book numbers. Just start him where he places or even a half year behind that so that he is super confident with his ability. I taught fourth grade in ps for eight years and highly recommend Singapore.

Re: Singapore Math Placement

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 11:18 am
by srp1997
Hi Jodi,

I just wanted to let you know that I am in the same boat. My 10yo ds is going into the fifth grade this fall. I printed the 2B - 4A placement tests. Let me just say, I am aware that there are a few small gaps in his mathematical understanding. He has tested above average on the Iowa and CAT, with his computation scores being his lowest. It seems he has general understanding and good sense when it comes to math but computation is his weakness. On 2B he missed 19 which is within the acceptable score. On 3A he missed 39. Now when we went back over 2B he realized his mistakes and needed no real reteaching. When we went over 3A it was obvious that the things he missed are small steps in the process that he never really mastered. So I am going to use the Bigger guide's math activities from 2A and 2B for easy review until 3A and 3B come for summer work. It makes me feel like he isn't on grade level and I don't like to feel like he is behind. However, I have to remind myself that it will all work out for his good if I make sure his foundation is solid. Look on the bright side, by the end of it all, we will have earned a Masters in Math, right? :lol:
Hang in there.

Re: Singapore Math Placement

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 11:49 am
by daisytownmom
Thanks for the encouragement, ladies.

Can you split a level? For example: order 2B & 3A for a school year? Or is this not recommended?


Re: Singapore Math Placement

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 12:25 pm
by WigglesMom
I felt the same way that you did when I first gave my dd's the singapore placement test. I could have screamed, WHAT?!!! My girls have always had all A's and tested grade levels above in math. I didn't get it at first. Now that I have the books and textbooks to look through, I feel a little bit more confident starting them out near where they tested. My girls tested 2a (3rd grader) and 2b (4th grader). If I go by the placement test, then I would start out in 2b and move to 3a with my oldest. Some recommend starting in the b level of the previous year that your child is supposed to be going into is a good placement. Like my daughter is going into 4th grade they would recommend starting at 3b.
I am going to put my oldest in 3a simply b/c I have looked through the books and I know the areas that gave her problems on the placement test. I may review some of them in the 2b first, but I am not going through 2b all the way. I will look at her placement test and see her weak areas then find them in 2b and we will cover them that way. And I may look through it more and decide that we don't need to do anything in 2b. My middle dd is going to start in 2a but on lesson 31 (about 1/2 way into the book).
I would look at it like that. If you know the weak areas and the areas that would be beneficial for them to cover, then do them. I don't see going through the areas that I know they can do and do well. I honestly feel that we will go through these levels quickly. I may be wrong, but that is how I am going into it with the intention to cover only what I feel they need to work on in these lower levels.
I started my ds6 with Earlybird Kindergarten 2a simply b/c he would only have been in Primary 1a and if we are going to use it the whole way through why not start at the beginning with it with him. He is way ahead of LHFHG in math b/c he can do a lot of it. We are about 3-4 units ahead of our other subjects in math. There has been some topics that Singapore really turned on the lightbulb for him and I am glad that I chose to start him in Earlybird 2a, but I am not going to restrict us to covering it exactly as written every day if he can do more pages or already understands the concept.
I think that is how it will be with the girls we will start where I feel they are weak and we will move quickly through it. And the 2b test gave us fits as well. I don't know if any of this will be helpful to you, but it really helped me to look at it as a review of weak skills and not think about working on the things that don't give us problems.

Re: Singapore Math Placement

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 6:08 pm
by lmercon
daisytownmom wrote:Thanks for the encouragement, ladies.

Can you split a level? For example: order 2B & 3A for a school year? Or is this not recommended?


Yes, you could definitely do that!

Re: Singapore Math Placement

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 6:21 pm
by Daisy
I had the same issue!!! My 10yo (4th grade) tested into 3A (but with tears). So we backed up to 2B. It's been rather easy but she is learning mental math. Most importantly she is loving math again. Here is how I have us set up...

Spring 09 - 2B
Summer 09 - 3A
Fall 09 - 3B (5th grade)
Spring '10 - 4A
Summer '10 - 4B
Fall '10 - 5A (6th grade)
Spring '11 - 5B

Which means she will be on track for prealgebra beginning in 7th. So far so good.

Re: Singapore Math Placement

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 9:45 am
by my3sons
Daisy wrote:I had the same issue!!! My 10yo (4th grade) tested into 3A (but with tears). So we backed up to 2B. It's been rather easy but she is learning mental math. Most importantly she is loving math again. Here is how I have us set up...

Spring 09 - 2B
Summer 09 - 3A
Fall 09 - 3B (5th grade)
Spring '10 - 4A
Summer '10 - 4B
Fall '10 - 5A (6th grade)
Spring '11 - 5B

Which means she will be on track for prealgebra beginning in 7th. So far so good.
I love this schedule - thanks for sharing it; I think it will give ladies ideas for how to move along with Singapore and yet start at the necessary place. I too think it is very important to not get hung up on the numbers and start wherever they test. I'd explain to dc that this is common with Singapore, and that it's no big deal - no need for tears, just a great way to know where to start. Singapore is considered to be advanced. I'd just start with 2B and enjoy! :D

In Christ,

Re: Singapore Math Placement

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:15 am
by Carrie

What you see happening with the placement test is very normal with kiddos switching to Singapore from another math program. :D I would definitely back up and place your kiddos wherever they placed on the placement test. I would also encourage you not to fly through the lessons but to go at a steady pace, making sure to teach either the textbook lesson or the hands-on lesson from the HOD guide. These are foundational for making sure your kiddos understand what they are doing. I would caution against just having the child do the workbook on his/her own, as much of the teaching is in the textbook or within the hands-on lessons provided. :D

I love the schedule that Daisy shared, as it really helps give perspective to Singapore's advanced scope and sequence. :D
