Hey girls! You are so sweet to ask about high school.
Truth be told, we are just glad to have a plan to write guides through grade 8. By the time we have our guides written through 8th grade, my oldest son will be heading into 11th grade. So, I will be doing high school along with the rest of you.
I honestly can't foresee us writing high school guides, but I can foresee us possibly listing out recommendations for options we've tried and enjoyed that follow the HOD philosophy for high school. Of course that would be after we finish writing our other guides, so it's a long way off.
I know that does nothing to help those of us getting close to having high schoolers (and those who already have high schoolers now) but there is only so much time, and at our house we must continue to make homeschooling our own kiddos our priority.
Thanks for the vote of confidence though. It is MUCH appreciated!