Your journey to homeschooling

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Your journey to homeschooling

Post by my2guys » Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:47 am

I thought it might be interesting to hear everyone's story about how they came to the place where they decided to homeschool their children. We're still very early on in our homeschooling journey, and it would be great to hear the path you took to arrive where you are today. As for our family, I started about a year ago with my (then) three-year-old with some Letter of the Week ideas. He was getting to the point where he seemed like he needed a little more structure to his days and because he's got a December birthday, I was looking for something to do with him until he could go to preschool a for couple of mornings in the fall. After that we were planning on PreK and then ps K. Well, he just took off with his learning once we started - and we were only spending about 20 minutes a day doing "fun" stuff. By last summer we were LOVING it and I had started to look into this "homeschooling thing". :wink: As of right now, we're sure that we're doing PreK at home and I would say 99% sure that we're doing K at home. We're going to do our PreK year as our "test" year, but I think dh (he teaches ps 6th grade science) and I have come to the conclusion that we don't want to send our five-year-old off to seven hours of school when I could accomplish the same thing at home in about an hour! Anyway, we're one of those families that is kind of taking it a year at a time right now and we're going to see where God leads us. I was just remarking to dh yesterday after church, that it's amazing how many "normal" :wink: homeschoolers the Lord has put in my path over the years. Even ten years ago when I was working as a software engineer and not married yet - I had four different co-workers whose wives were sahm's who homeschooled their children. It's so interesting to look back and see how God works!
Ben (14yo) 8th with MTMM
Sam (12yo) 6th with RTR
Have already used and enjoyed: LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR & Rev to Rev

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Post by beandip71 » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:23 am

I prayed about it and felt God leading me to HS. I did not like the idea of sending my dd to school for half the day and then having homework. It just did not make sense to me. We can get it all done in an hour. I also want to raise her in the ways of the Lord and I feel God has placed that responsibility on me and my dh. Plus, I don't like the control ps would have over our lives. We like to go on vacation when everyone else is in school so it is not crowded. Or be able to go to Disneyland (we have annual passes) during the week. I also like having her home with me during the day. There are more reasons, but those are the ones that are most important.

CTC-10 y/o (dd)
Bigger-8 y/o (ds)

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Post by kerby » Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:42 am

Let's see...

We were fortunate to be able to send our older boys to private school - a very small Christian school. My oldest had only 4 other students in his class until gr 3, then there were 8. My middle ds had 11 classmates in K and 7 in 1rst. It was extremely stressful for me to try and do the extra work at the school for financial aid w/ the 2 little ones in tow. The stress of driving back and forth, the cleaning, and still managing the house and 4 dc was just too much. I also finally realized that I had been dealing w/ post-partum depression, too.

To relieve this, we thought we would send the boys to ps. It's the "best" in the area and the teachers are very caring. BUT!!!! It was AWFUL!!! If I had known what was truly happening, and not having things being made out to be more than they were, I would have contemplated taking them out ASAP! I tried to give the school the benefit of the doubt.

My oldest ds hated school for the first time in his life - and not just the "typical" hate school. :( That should have been my first and final clue!!! My mistake. :cry: His self-esteem was completely shot down w/in 2 months! I don't think he will ever be the same. He has started to do better but he's not the same boy that he was.

My 2nd ds had educational issues - or should I say, lack thereof. He was not challenged in any way. He was also told that he could not write in cursive - this is how he learned to write - because the other students did not know how. Now, his handwriting was almost perfect!!! His first gr teacher at the private school, who was very critical, had very few, if any, red marks on his papers. It was beautiful and very legible. He struggled w/ peers, too. Not in the same way as his older brother but acceptance of him was not there. He was told things and from what I saw, there were other students in the class who were the same if not worse than him (ie bossy). He would come home and talk w/ me about kids on the playground not following the rules of the game they were playing. We talked it over so he would know how to handle it but it was tough for him.

They were both used to structure and teachers that had a handle on students. All the dc were held to the same standard. Now, the teachers at the private school certainly didn't see everything, don't get me wrong. But, they did deal w/ issues that were presented and the few things that happened because kids are kids, we were able to deal w/ and the boys had the support of the other dc in school. At the ps, they did not have any support. The teachers at the ps did the best they could, but there was soooo much that they couldn't deal w/ or didn't see.

I kept them home for gr 3 + 5, a last minute decision that was prompted by younger ds asking to be hsed. I tried to do K4 w/ dd that same yr but she was just not ready for the program I had. That was OK. I had all I could deal w/ with the boys. I was also trying to transport ds back and forth to PreK. What a yr! :shock:

Now I wouldn't change a thing! It's still not easy, and there are days when I really wonder "why" or think it would be easier if... :roll: I'm dealing w/ so many attitudes and issues that I honestly don't feel I would be dealing w/ if the boys hadn't have gone to the ps - even after this much time. :x But I do see things starting to change. Also, my own understanding of them and how they learn, plus what type of structure I need for teaching, is making a big difference. I also like having all the dc home, even if they are driving me NUTS, I still don't want them to go all day. :lol:

Of couse, educating dh about the differences between hs and ps is another issue... One that is coming along, s-l-o-w-l-y. :wink:

All-in-all, it's been a process that I cannot change, and can only hope God will direct me w/ a whole lot more. I know He has helped me this far and I know that He will be w/ me as we continue. :)


PS~This is probably more info than you wanted but it's the way it comes out. :wink: Hope you understand.

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Post by mom2boys030507 » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:08 pm

I have wanted to give homeschooling a try since we first started talking about having kids. My dh and I always agreed that I would stay home, but he figured I would go back to work when our youngest started school. He listened to my desires and now seeing our oldest learning he is also convinced that Hs'ing is right for our family. I don't know how long we are going to homeschool but I do know that it will be for a number of years. I am loving being able to teach my children and love having them home. There is no way we can afford private school, but at home I can teach them Godly values.
Karen - mom to Bryce 02/03, Micah 03/05, and Matthew 05/07

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Post by my2guys » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:09 pm

kerby wrote:
PS~This is probably more info than you wanted but it's the way it comes out. :wink: Hope you understand.
Actually, it's not more info than I wanted. :wink: I love hearing how each person's story different and all of the details that led them to where they are today. Thanks for taking the time to write that all out.
Ben (14yo) 8th with MTMM
Sam (12yo) 6th with RTR
Have already used and enjoyed: LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR & Rev to Rev

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Post by MamaMary » Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:53 pm

my2guys wrote:
kerby wrote:
PS~This is probably more info than you wanted but it's the way it comes out. :wink: Hope you understand.
Actually, it's not more info than I wanted. :wink: I love hearing how each person's story different and all of the details that led them to where they are today. Thanks for taking the time to write that all out.
I totally agree! I absolutely LOVE the details! :D :wink:

I actually wrote my why for our homes personal website. I wrote this a few years ago. ... al105.html
Mary, Mama to 4 amazing sons and wife to one incredible husband! Come check us out on the blog:

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Post by my3sons » Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:24 pm

I was a public school teacher for 7 years, and then I got my master's degree while I was pregnant with my first son. I was job-sharing with my sister and thinking I had the best of both worlds when all of sudden she told me she was going to homeschool the next year. I didn't want to find another job share partner (I mean, who could top my sister?!?), and my hubby was really hoping I would utilize my master's degree and become a principal. I realized I needed to make a decision about what to do, and it was kind of an "at the crossroads of life" feeling for me. One day I dropped my ds off at daycare, and he was crying at the door when I left. I cried all the way to my job, and then I taught the entire day without thinking of it again. As I drove to pick him up, late again, I thought to myself, What am I doing? My child was crying when I left him, and I somehow forgot that all day! I am an awful person!

Well, I talked to my hubby about me staying home the next year, and he only agreed to it if I could replace my income. So, I tutored every night at the library while I finished job-sharing that year to build up enough income to quit. I tutored all summer at the library and also at home, working around unreliable babysitters and my hubby's equally unreliable schedule. Then, I began on-line tutoring for Alpha Omega. That allowed me to be home the whole day and only tutor part-time. By the time I had my second ds, I had worked my way up in AO to have enough students on-line to stop tutoring children at home and at the library.

My husband began to come around to homeschooling at this point, although he still wasn't sure about me staying home and not contributing financially. That is when my wonderful sister began asking me to come to book fairs and be her editor, and she and her wonderful husband paid me to do this, even though they were just beginning their business and didn't necessarily have the funds for it (yes, this is my dear sister Carrie and equally dear husband Mike). That was enough money to replace what I'd been earning at AO, and finally I was just able to homeschool. What a fabulous feeling that was!

I began trying to get my dear hubby to see the benefits of homeschooling by getting my son to read early (a true feat since he was a premie with speech trouble), by hanging his school work all over the fridge, and by having him read to dh and show him his work from each school day too. We've slowly progressed from the "taking it one year a time" discussion to "maybe all the way through high school".

Now, let me say that I do not tell this story to people. I'm actually quite private about this, although those of you doing my devotional will catch bits and pieces of this here and there. I always want to respect my husband, and he is worthy of that respect. He is now pretty much the sole provider for our family, but oh what a struggle that has been. I did not want to go against him on anything, and I do believe God has honored that by turning his heart more toward homeschooling. I did not have a husband who wanted his wife to stay home with his children, but I did have a husband who came around to it, and is still coming around to it. For those of you in this situation, there is hope. Prayer can move mountains. I thank God I am able to homeschool my children - every day. It is a true blessing.[/i]
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
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Post by my2guys » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:26 pm

Wow - these stories are great! Thanks so much for sharing your hearts. It is so encouraging for someone just starting out to hear how God works differently, but so powerfully, in each situation. :D
Ben (14yo) 8th with MTMM
Sam (12yo) 6th with RTR
Have already used and enjoyed: LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR & Rev to Rev

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Post by water2wine » Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:46 am

I started out thinking I would homeschool. My husband was actually adamant that I do it and that I call his sister about how to do it. Unfortunately she did not share info just sent me to a few general kind of WTM books. I guess she did not want to me to be mad at her if it did not work. Anyway read the book and some things made sense and some things did not make sense. One thing was I felt like history instead of learning about God was the main thing. And the other was how on earth was I going to pull it off. :shock:

So I ended up at a Christian book store, not knowing that is really not the best place for homeschooling material as far as being complete. I asked the lady that worked there (and probably had never homeschooled herself) what I needed for my kids who were 4,4,5,5 and one with special needs. She decided that since what I had looked to her like my own preschool that a preschool program with work centers would work best for me. So she sold me something that is really designed for an actual school not homeschooling, the old Saxon Math K, and the old Sing Spell Read and Write (both of which are the ones people hated). All of that might have worked for a very organized and focused person who liked a whole bunch of involved systems but it was overwhelming and frustrating for me.

Meanwhile I had my friend who was a Special Ed teacher telling me I had to put my dd with special needs in school in school to get help from the pros and that she did not think it was working with my other kids either. My husband saw that I was stressed and heard my concerns about what my neighbor, my friend and everyone seemed to be saying that I was not doing a good job, it would not work, it was not fair to the kids, you name it. I caved and they went into ps. It took three years for me to see that a huge mistake had been made and it came from a lot of frustration with dealing with IEPs and my dd not reading still in the second grade. I pulled her only out for a month to protest that they were not following her IEP and focused only on reading. An amazing thing happened, she started reading. 8)

So I did pull them all out and since my confidence was shook I put them into a very expensive online program. It took about 7 months to realize they were not learning LA really, and that their history was all "social studies", that math did not work for us when there was nothing but really ditto sheets, that I was sick of printing everything out all the time and that the Bible content was very weak. So we quit that and did the major LA and math marathon with R&S and eventually two things happened. I was praying about ramping up my business and I clearly heard God say step down and let your husband step in to provide. I clearly heard God say, you prayed for children and a family, now you have six and you are praying what to do with them so you can have something else. And in that I admitted that I am an intense, pretty much, single focus girl. I was either focused on my business or them and could not do both at once. So I decided to talk with dh but inside it was over for me and I wanted to step down and focus on school and only things that pertained to hsing, family and home.

I think I missed what was going on for a long time having my focus on something that had nothing to do with my family or kids. If I ever do something again it in the way if a business it will need to be in one of those areas so my family can also benefit from it. But I am not completely sure the way The Lord is leading in that direction and I do know that this was the right thing and focusing on my kids is the one thing I will never regret! Dh was resistant at first but now he is 100% behind it. His fear was the loss of income. And it was a valid fear since dh had been laid off five times in the past seven years and had his income cut in half and never fully restored. However he has had more side jobs now than ever before. He has his day job technical writing and at night he either writes or programs depending on the contract. We are praying that it lasts and it is a huge faith walk. But I believe it is clearly what God said to us, so therefore I believe He will honor it.

Anyway when I stepped down from my career I also started HOD for my little ones and a chronological Bible study with my older kids that lead us actually to HOD for my bigger kids and continuing the Bible and character study as part of it. My only regret is that I did not use HOD right when I found it. I think I had too many insecurities and I thought it was going to be overwhelming. I guess I was gun shy. But now I do have a strong resolve to hs all the way through highschool and I guess if I was going to let the voice of "failure" influence me it is better that it happened early rather than in highschool. My resolve is firm now. The happiest, bestest place on earth for school is HOME! :D
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)


Post by SoaringEagle » Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:40 am

My husband had a couple friends that homeschooled so when we got married I got to know them. When my daughter was around 2, I was thinking at first that we would send them to school. I think my dh liked the idea of homeschooling right from the start. I thought it was scary idea and how would I teach them??? I am not good at explaining things. After thinking, looking at reviews, on how to homeschool, praying, and realizing that in just a couple more years my daughter would be going to school, I decided that yes I will try to homeschool. Of course looking at all of the reviews of curriculum, I got carried away and bought a couple programs for when my daughter was 3, I ended up selling/giving them both away. I was doing some pre-k with my 3 yr old but I let her lead. We did it when she wanted. I have relaxed some...

So I am so glad that we will be homeschooling and I'm planning on doing it right through grade 12 (our high school here isn't so great).

I can't believe my dd will be 5 this Fall...time sure goes by fast and I am glad that I will be able to enjoy these next 13 years together (that is how many years are left before she turns 18 ). I also have an almost 22 month old and he wants to do school just like his big sister :D

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Post by inHistiming » Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:00 pm

God always has a plan doesn't He; He finds a way to make it happen. My first experience with 'homeschoolers' was with a dear friend while my husband was still in college. We met her and her husband through our church, and they only had one 7 month old daughter at the time. She's one of those crafty, has her children at home, strong women in the Lord that I so admire! They had already decided to homeschool. It was totally foreign to me, but I admired her determination and her planning ahead. Today, they have 4 children, all birthed at home, all homeschooled, and all taking on their parents Christian values as well as their talents!

Time went on, and we moved to Florida after my husband graduated from college. By then, we had one 18-month old and I became pregnant very soon afer the move. I got involved in our new church, taking bible studies and volunteering in the childcare for studies, services, etc. In one of the studies I distinctly remember one of the women, as we went around the room introducing ourselves, saying she homeschooled her children. She was sitting next to me, and I looked at her and said, "I could never do that." I believed this because our little boy, to me, seemed strong willed and I didn't think I could handle trying to teach him, nor did I think he would listen! She replied that it is definitely a calling from the Lord.

Anyway, time again went on and we had our 3rd child in 2003. My oldest son had attended pre-k for 2 years at the school through our church. I LOVED the school and the teachers; it was my goal to teach there one day. (I've always been drawn to little kids, babies, and watching them learn new things.) However, we had decided that we could not afford to send them to the Christian school, especially with the new baby, etc. So, we enrolled DS in ps K. I really liked his teacher but it was difficult for me every day. I left the school, after dropping him off each day, crying. I was used to walking him in to the classroom, and the ps did not allow this. After the first week or two, the school decided to add another K class because ALL FIVE were too full. Of course my son was one of the ones to be moved and I was not impressed with the teacher. I spent a little time volunteering and observed lots of yelling and too much redirecting, not much teaching. My son had already learned the alphabet and how to write his name, etc. He was stagnating starting at the beginning. But, what else were we going to do? Then, my husband's grandfather in Alabama became ill and was admitted to the hospital. Over the period of a month, he was put on and taken off of the ventilator 3 times. After he was put back on it the second time I decided to stay in town while hubby went back home to work. I visited Grandpa 2 times each day, along with the other family members. Anyway, when we had decided to stay we also decided to pull DS out of school. He would have failed if he missed 9 days in one semester, and he had already missed 5 due to this illness. Things went well; I taught him to read. However, with a 6 month old and a 3.5 year old I felt I didn't have enough time to do this and ended up putting our son back in the private school by January. He excelled there, and went through 1st grade. I volunteered every week in his class and absolutely loved his teacher.

The summer after my son's 1st grade year, my husband was offered a field assignment in Virginia and we jumped at the chance to go. We decided that we would homeschool, because although we had a 'verbal' commitment that we would be there at least 3 months, hubby's contract only said 2 months. We had been in VA about a month when I decided, again, that I couldn't hack it and put them in the ps. My poor children, they've been so resilient! Fortunately, the principal went to our church and was a Christian. I was excited about that. :) Well, after living in VA for six weeks, finding a church we liked, and settling the kids in school, we found out we would be going back to FL at the end of November. We spent exactly 8 weeks there-we enjoyed touring DC but would not have moved the whole family had we known it would turn out that way. I called the private school in FL to find out if they had openings. Wouldn't you know they had 1 in each class! Also, I was offered a job by the prinicple there. Before moving to VA I was supposed to work in the Pre-K as an assistant-the person who took my place had just left so they wanted me to fill in that same spot. I said yes b/c it was my dream! I was also asked to work in the after care program w/ 3rd and 4th graders. I agreed to do this as well. Can you tell I'm a 'Yes' person? :?

So, in December of 2005, I started working and my littlest son was in childcare from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every week day. Although I only did the pre-k class 2 days a week, I had begun taking college course too and had to have him out of the house to do my work-or so I thought. Well, I don't think I need to tell any of you that that year was a very difficult one. My son (little one)had sleep issues for the rest of the year. I actually called a family meeting in February of that year to ask my husband and kids what they thought we should do. I wanted to quit working; however, I also wanted to "let my yes be yes" as it says in the Bible. I wanted to honor my commitment for myself and for the kids at the school because they had already had to adjust to one new teacher. Anyway, we decided as a family to stick it out, but I promised them that I would NOT do after care the next year (my older kids were in school from 8:30-6:00 too) no matter what. I was determined to be off by 3:00. So, when the time came to let the principal know if we would return the next year, I said yes but I had to be off by 3:00. I was offered a pre-k teaching position and was so psyched because this was my dream, remember? And I would be off by noon so could continue with my college classes. Well, in about April (2006)we had learned about my daughter's vision problem. We took her in and got glasses and began vision therapy, at home and in the Dr's office. When school ended the teacher passed her to first grade and we registered the kids, plus "little one" for the next year.

I continued taking classes at the college over the summer (5, what was I thinking?!), while the kids spent their days at the daycare my littlest son had been attending. We struggled with various issues, not to mention financial ones due to the expense of childcare and my classes! I ended up having to take the kids out of childcare, and keep them home with me. I was taking online classes, so this worked okay- I had a friend I paid to keep them when I needed to take a test-but it was so hard. I didn't get to spend much time with my kids, and the youngest STILL had sleep issues. I spent an hour or more trying to get him to sleep each night. Okay...we had been planning a week's vacation in GA for that June. I was able to get ahead a bit because I had already dropped my math class because it was too much with the other classes I had, but I still had to take my work with me on vacation. I got to spend time inside working in the mornings while my husband took the kids on hikes- not my best moments I can tell you. I did spend a lot of time with them relaxing though. The cabin we went to is owned by my inlaws and is right on the Toccoa River-it's called Toccoa Pearl, you can go to if you want to stay there! Anyway, it wa so peaceful and we were all so relaxed, it really got me thinking about what I was doing with my life. We had also visited a close friend of mine in TN who is a wonderful encourager. She and I had talked long and hard about what I wanted. All during this, I felt I was being called by the Lord to make some drastic changes. I began to think about what it would be like the next year, during Christmas and Easter, watching my little 3 yr. olds perform for their parents, and being so proud, while my own son performed right next door and I wasn't there. I also thought about how my daughter would fair in a first grade class, in which I knew she would be behind in her reading. I had volunteered in both 1st grade classes so I knew what was required. I recalled those verses in Deuteronomy that talk about teaching your children, "when you lie down, when you wake up, as you walk along the road" and I knew I would not be able to do that if I was spending so much time with other people's children. It's Deuteronomy 6:5-9. So, I talked to my husband. He was not interested because we had tried this twice, and he said no. I was at a loss about what to do. I prayed, we fought, and I prayed some more. I finally approached him again. I promised that I would not quit, that I thought this was God calling me to do this, and he reluctantly agreed to allow me to try "one more time."

We pulled all three kids out and I told the principal I couldn't take the job after all-she wasn't happy but wanted me to do what God was directing me to do. That's when I started looking for curriculum. I settled on HOD for my daughter, and used something else with my son. Once we made the decision I had such peace. There were some really hard times, and there have been this year too. I've wanted to quit. But, I made that promise. My husband spent 6 months in Maryland that year and it was tough. We missed him terribly and had such joyous reunions when he came to visit every two weeks. I came to rely on God even more because I had no one else. If I had relied on Him first from the beginning I may not have had to go through all of those difficulties, who knows? :roll: But it taught me that He keeps His promises! He will carry me when I cannot walk another step. He will give me the answers I need if I will only ask. His plan, in His timing, is always best. :lol: I'm so glad that I've finally realized that. I still struggle with this daily-I have NOT arrived. But I always have a peace and a joy that only comes from Him. And I want to teach my kids to rely on Him from a young age so they can have that peace and joy much sooner than I did. We still pray each year to make sure this is still God' plan for us. My husband is confident now that I will stick with it if I say I will. And God gives me strength each day. So now, you all know exactly why my user name is inHistiming. It's a constant reminder that doing things in my own strength leads to difficulties, pain, and heartache. His way is narrow but filled with joy. I praise God for His blessings and pray that He will continue to bless my family. May He do the same for all of you on your journeys! :wink:

~He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.~
Job 8:21 (NIV)

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Post by Melanie » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:57 am goes....but it's going to sound a lot like Julie's :wink:

I was a first grade ps teacher for 9 yrs. My master's is in curriculum and instruction and I was on track for the curriculum coordinator for our district...I was told I could have the job when the current person retired.

My twins were born during my 9th year and we had daycare at out school, but, it was very hard to leave them there every day and that was when my heart turned toward staying at home. Then, my dh told me he wanted me to stay I resigned with the idea of coming back when they started school.

My twins were invetro babies and we worked very hard to get them. I became pregnant with my dd when my twins were 6mo. old. Everyone started calling her the "miracle baby"! My principal actually teased me saying, "You'll do anything to not come back here!"

When my baby was 18 mo. old she was diagnosed with celiac disease and this was when we really first considered homeschooling. Celiac diseas is an auto-imune disorder in which the body attacks itself when exposed to gluten (wheat, barley, rye) and if not diagnosed, will eventually destroy the intestines. She cannot play with play-dough, use certain paste, certain lotions, etc.

My dh wanted me to stay home with them, but we always thought it would be just until they went to school....the one income thing scared us. But, it all has worked out wonderfully! We moved away from the city last year and started a "new life"....

We live on a 500 acre ranch raising cattle, my husband still has his job in the city (mechanical engineer) and works from home via satellite. I am able to hs the kids, help with the ranch, and help dh as his "secretary". The Lord has certainly been good to us and helped everything we have prayed about, work out in such wonderful ways! We consider ourselves to be truly blessed.

I never considered it as my journey to hs'ing....more like my journey to finding what my life was meant to be. We have had some sad things happen to us (many miscarrages), but we try to not dwell on those things. It rains on the just and the unjust! Trust in the Lord...and He truly will direct our lives.

I tried to keep it short, but trying to keep your life story short is hard and I've left out a lot, but that's the gist!
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Post by beandip71 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:06 am

I loved your story Melanie. Your ranch sounds wonderful! I live in crowded, smoggy SoCal. :( Thanks for sharing! :D

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Post by Melanie » Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:27 pm

Thanks Gina. I've never been to CA, but would like to visit someday. I've enjoyed reading everyone's stories. I had never wrote all of that down and it was kind of theraputic in a way.

Julie - I just realized I left out the part about tutoring for a few years and my twins being premature (just a little, I don't ever refer to them as premie's), but when I was reading your story, there were a lot of similarities.

This has been interesting to read. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and careers and our choices to hs stemmed from different circumstances, but here we are, all joined together by homeschooling and HOD! I'm glad to get to know all of you! :D
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Post by Carrie » Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:51 pm


This has been a wonderful thread. I do think it is so helpful to write out your journey, so you can see how God has led you to where you are now. It is also so uplifting to other moms to hear that none of us are perfect and all of us are still seeking the Lord's help to do what we do each day!

I'm sure most of you have read our journey to homeschooling, but I'll link it here just in case you haven't:

It also looks like I need some more recent family pics up, as my boys are getting older now.

Here's our educational philosophy too:


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