Preparing Hearts before Bigger Hearts?

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Preparing Hearts before Bigger Hearts?

Post by wdworkman » Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:05 pm

Do you think that I could use Preparing Hearts with my 10 yo next year & then Bigger Hearts with the Extension Package the following year? His older sister (high school) will be doing World History next year and American History the following year, so that would keep us together more in our studies.

Janet W

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Post by MamaMary » Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:11 pm

Hi Janet, ((Waving)))

I am so glad to see your smiling face over here. I don't have an answer to your questions but I couldn't see you and not stop over to give you a cybersmooch on your cheek! :wink:

This is a GREAT question!
Mary, Mama to 4 amazing sons and wife to one incredible husband! Come check us out on the blog:

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Post by Carrie » Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:53 pm


Welcome to the boards! We're glad you're here. :D

This is an interesting question that I hadn't pondered before. :o It would largely depend on whether you are planning to use the language arts and math that are in our programs or not. Those are the areas that are most needed to be on level for your kiddo as you well know.

It also would depend on whether your child would think the activities in "Bigger...." felt too young overall for an 11 year old. Our guides do build one upon the other in the areas of geography, oral narration, written narration, notebooking, and creative writing. The science steps up quite a bit in "Preparing..." as well.

I, of course, would lean toward doing "Bigger..." and then "Preparing...", since that is the way they were written. But, I also do hesitate more with changing the order, since your kiddo will be 10. It would be much easier to reverse the two programs if he were 8 or 9.

I know that can't be changed, but for the other moms reading my post, I wanted them to know that would make a difference!

I would take a look at the sample week of "Bigger...." on our website and see what you think:

I would also take another look at the placement chart and see what answers you get there:


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Post by wdworkman » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:41 pm

Thank you so much for your reply. According to the placement chart, Preparing with English 4 seems to be where he would be next year:
We have worked with grammar/parts of speech, but not done any diagramming yet.
He would be happy reading the Independent Reader books. The Extension Pack readers would probably be a stretch for him - doable but not fun. So I thought that we would start the year with the easier books & possibly try some of the harder ones as he progresses.

Janet W

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Post by Carrie » Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:32 pm


That sounds like a good plan. If you haven't done much diagramming, you could either start in Rod and Staff 3 or 4. 3 lays the foundation for diagramming, and so it is usually recommended for students that are new to Rod and Staff English to drop back a level or two from their current grade level.

Also, it's a great idea to keep the independent reader books fairly easy for the kiddos, so the readings and assignments can actually be independent! So, you're right on track with that! :D


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