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Cheerful Cursive!!!!
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:54 pm
by annaz
I just wanted to mention that I emailed Cheerful Cursive company to send me samples of their program and while it took about 2 weeks, they sent me some!
It looks like a fantastic program and just the type of cursive I was looking for! I love that it shows other letters on how they could look. Different fonts so-to-speak. Excellent!
Re: Cheerful Cursive!!!!
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:08 pm
by my3sons
I'm so glad you like what you see.

We really enjoyed Cheerful Cursive last year - I probably shouldn't say "we" because my ds was all but doing it independently about 2 months into it. I'd check back with him to see if he needed any help, and he was done. He also has continued to have nice cursive this year, and all we've ever done is 1 year with Cheerful Cursive. I liked it for the reasons you shared too!
In Christ,
Re: Cheerful Cursive!!!!
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:33 pm
by dale1088
Julie, did you need to move on to another program or was your kiddo pretty well set and going with cursive on his own after this book?
I ask because I was trying to save money initially, so I didn't buy CC when I got Bigger, and instead got a cheapo book at the bookstore. Yes, I saved $10, but the thing was basically worthless and my dd is still struggling with many letters, and now we've wasted these months when she should have been perfecting her cursive. I will definitely buy CC for this coming year, just wondering if it alone was enough or if you moved on to another program after this one?
Re: Cheerful Cursive!!!!
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:02 am
by Tansy
My littlest one is loving cheerful cursive, I got a cheap o book too just for her to play with. But she really really wanted to be like big sister an write in cursive so I got CC. cause I didn't like the cheapo book. one thing I noticed and i might be wrong.. but I'm pretty sure you can copy it for your children in your immediate family. Not a homeschool teaching group etc.. so you can look at it as a one time investment.
to day was the first day she had any trouble and it was with little s. but since I'm just adding it into her kindergarden school work "for fun" I wasn't stressing..
Re: Cheerful Cursive!!!!
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:45 pm
by my3sons
dale1088 wrote:Julie, did you need to move on to another program or was your kiddo pretty well set and going with cursive on his own after this book?
I ask because I was trying to save money initially, so I didn't buy CC when I got Bigger, and instead got a cheapo book at the bookstore. Yes, I saved $10, but the thing was basically worthless and my dd is still struggling with many letters, and now we've wasted these months when she should have been perfecting her cursive. I will definitely buy CC for this coming year, just wondering if it alone was enough or if you moved on to another program after this one?
We have only done the one year of Cheerful Cursive for my ds, and this year in PHFHG, he has not needed any additional cursive. I did make a sheet of just the capital letters for him to refer to at the beginning of the year, but even after taking the summer off in between (with him doing no cursive), he slid right back into it beautifully. When the plans say to do cursive, he does, but when they don't he usually prints. I've just left that up to him because his cursive (and print) both look fine.
In Christ,
Re: Cheerful Cursive!!!!
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:21 pm
by dolphingirl
Just wanted to pop in and say that my son also was able to write in cursive independently and neatly after going through Cheerful Cursive. He didn't need additional instruction afterwards and he really seemed to enjoy the book. He liked the funny little character guys who teach the various strokes and I liked the Bible aspect integrated into it. An awesome program! After one school year using Cheerful Cursive, his handwriting looked almost identical to mine and my husband's (admittedly, we don't have very "sophisticated" looking cursive writing like some, but definitely very readable!)
Re: Cheerful Cursive!!!!
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:28 pm
by Carrie
We've found the same to be true here. We've loved Cheerful Cursive and didn't find the need to do anything other than the copywork in Preparing Hearts for cursive this year! HOORAY!