Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

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Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by my3sons » Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:30 pm

I was talking with a person (not on on this board) who said her dd just didn't get into the rhymes and motions. This really puzzled me, because movement like that is just part of enjoying being a child of that age - plus, it's just part of how dc learn when they are young! As we talked, it finally came out that the mom was actually just sitting on the couch directing her child to do the actions, acting herself like it was a pointless thing to do. My heart just sank at the thought of her little dd feeling goofy as her mom did no actions herself and acted like her dd looked ridiculous doing the rhymes. Of course her dd didn't enjoy this! Poor girl had to try to figure out the actions on her own from her mom just reading them out loud. She also said her dd made up silly actions, so she kept needing to "correct" her. :shock: No surprise the dd didn't want to make up actions for her poetry or to learn her Bible verses later on either. :shock: When I said the plans were assuming the mom was doing it in an excited way right along with the dc, she told me she'd never thought of that, but she probably wouldn't be comfortable doing actions with her child anyway. :(

PLEASE tell me that all you great moms doing LHTH and LHFHG are getting off the couch and getting into the rhymes and motions right along with your dc!!! I need to hear it; just for reassurance. :wink: I've used LHTH since it was first published, with my own dc and with countless preschool classes at our church. I have NEVER had one single child not get into the rhymes and motions as long as I got into them! We're talking hundreds of dc here - I'm just praying that this mom's way of doing this was a unique thing. Please reassure me, o.k.?!? :D I need to hear it...oh my, how our attitudes affect our dc's!!!

In Christ,
Julie :D
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by annaz » Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:49 pm

We haven't done those programs, however, I get up and do the jumping jacks and sit-ups and all that jazz for bible memory with dd. She thinks I'm a dork, but loves me doing it! Love it!
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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by Rebecca » Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:03 pm

Well Julie, sometimes ... a LOT of times... I do sit on the couch. :wink:
However, my son does very much enjoy the rhymes. I have a very positive attitude about them and do them even if he seems bashful at first. Sometimes, I will demonstrate the first couple of times. We got into our own groove with the rhymes. I am not very good with rhymes and motion type things- so he knows on Day One- I have to figure out what we are doing! Usually I just read/sing the rhyme- and then I add the motions.

I am one tired mama- I have not slept through the night for more than a year- and a stretch of four hours sleep at a time is luxury. Just in the last two weeks as my son nears his one year birthday- this is improving- but I have taught HOD bleary eyed this year!!! :D

However, we love the rhymes. And I do them with my son as much as possible- but I do sit. I thought this was fine- because I heard so many testimonies of mom's doing HOD while on bedrest. I figured- they must be doing them from the couch too! 8)

I think it is all about attitude!
Love in Christ,

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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by Kathleen » Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:04 pm

Never fear, Julie! :D One enthusiastic rhyme participant checking in! :D

We had a great time twisting 'n turning 'n touching our toes in the T-T-T rhyme. Garret was thrilled to learn how to spin super-fast on one foot. :lol:

It is amazing how kids pick up and mimick our attitudes towards things. We live outside of a town with A LOT of railroad traffic. And, there wasn't a way around, over, or under the tracks. We waited on trains MOST of our trips to town. So, we never knew if it would take us 15 min to get to church...or 40 min to get to church! :shock: (We are incredibly thankful for the new overpass now!!!) When Grant was about 2 we were in IA visiting family, and we came upon a train crossing the road. Another little boy we were with was saying, "Wow! Cool! Look at that train!" Grant looked up in the air and said, "Oh, man! Not again! Now we're gonna be late." Hmmm, wonder why he didn't respond like the other little boy. :roll: :lol:

I proudly move and grove with the little guys, and jumping jack, sit-up, arm circle, toe-touch, run in place, and push-up with Grant. (You may want to ease into the push-ups though. Warning from experience. :shock: )

:D Kathleen
Homeschooling mom to 6:
Grant - 19 Kansas State University
Allison - 15 World Geography
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Asa - 8 Bigger
Quinn - 7 Bigger

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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by Mumkins » Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:13 pm

I do them from the couch often :oops: But I do do it with her, enthusiastically. If I had to be standing for one, I would get up. But we are only on week 5.
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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by Emilylou » Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:14 pm

Praise God my DC enjoy these without me having to do them. :lol:

Although I do agree- I used these in many Sunday school classes and with lots of my preschool co-op kids. All the kids love them as long as the teacher is doing them too.
~ Lisa
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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by spidermansmum » Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:41 pm

I am doing the actions [whilst reading the book ].I dont think its Nathan's favourite part of the curriculum but its definately Stanley's .Nathan doesnt ever sing-or join in with singing at church .I think its part of his aspergers,beacuse its something he has never responded to or with.But we keep going because i think he is benefitting from it.
- Delighted to have used LHTH,LHFHG and Beyond, Bigger , Preparing and DITHOR
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LHTH slowly with my 2 year old
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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by eazbnsmom » Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:48 pm

True confessions here :shock: : Sometimes I do the actions with my kids and sometimes I "sit on the couch" :oops: I have 5 children; however, three of which are doing the program and that helps a lot. The oldest is not, but loves to come and do the actions with the younger kids anyway and she will help me "lead" if the spirit does not move me. ;) I do do most of the motions, even if I am sitting. :mrgreen: I would not expect my child to do it alone though :D .

My children's all time favorite one in LHFHG is "March, March to Jericho". Sometimes I will sing "March march around the wall" 7X before the walls fall down. They have a blast.
Kay in PA

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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by netpea » Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:10 pm

Ok, I confess, when I did LHTH I did the rhymes with them. Doing LHFHG I mostly direct from the rocker. My girl doesn't need me to dance with her, she is a dancing fool...
Lee Ann
DD10 - no longer schooled at home
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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by allforjesus » Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:24 pm

OK, I totally do them and look ridiculous. But after 3 kids and 3 years of homeschooling, I've realized the sillier I am, the more fun they have. I would DIE if someone actually observed me! But, that's why I'm in my living room, not a classroom! Now the olders still get "into it" with the youngers and make their school fun too. Have no fear, Julie, I'm all with ya! :D

I love HOD!
-- Sue Ann --

7th grade son - Rev2Rev, DiTHoR
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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by my3sons » Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:23 pm

O.k. gals - I am feeling better now! WHEW! :D Thank you for responding here and putting my fears to rest. It's wonderful to hear how you are willing to "be a kid and have some fun" sometimes too. Even those of you that prefer sitting down with your rhymes seem to have the "this is fun" attitude to pull this off in the manner with which it is intended. :D I do get being exhausted or incapacitated - full-time bedrest with all my pregnancies at one point or another, and severe reflux all 3 dc :wink: . Really thinking through this - I think the point is, if we are excited, they are excited! If the end result is dc enjoying the rhymes (and school in general), I think we've satisfactorily done our job fellow HODies! :D I was just thinking about my Dad while considering these rhymes. My Dad could (and can :wink: ) make learning fun at all times - just because of his personality. My sisters and I actually learned all of the names of weeds while we were walking beans growing up - and we thought this was great fun, I might add, even though it was back-breaking work in extremely hot temperatures that went from dawn to dusk at times. It was fun all because my Dad got into it and made it fun. His fun-loving spirit toward life is catching, and I guess that's the kind of attitude I'm thinking of as we strive to teach our dc - whether it's rhymes or something else. I have completely found that my attitude SO determines my dc's attitudes. Thank you ladies for having a catching attitude of joy with your dc!!!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
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Wife to Rich for 28 years
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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by crlacey » Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:27 pm

Normally it's me up and acting silly while trying to convince DD to get off the couch. She has been much better about having fun with them over the last month or so though.
DD 20 married college graduate
DS 17 college student

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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by sharonb » Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:34 pm

We haven't used LHTH yet (hope to eventually!) but I do know that my children enjoy things much more when I'm getting into it with them. Now, when I was pregnant, I did spend a LOT of time on the couch. And for a few months there my nursling kept me glued to the couch most of the time! But now that she is scooting and playing, I'm able to be up and about much more during school, so I am able to get involved with the children more.

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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by annaz » Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:34 pm

Kathleen wrote:Never fear, Julie! :D One enthusiastic rhyme participant checking in! :D

We had a great time twisting 'n turning 'n touching our toes in the T-T-T rhyme. Garret was thrilled to learn how to spin super-fast on one foot. :lol:

It is amazing how kids pick up and mimick our attitudes towards things. We live outside of a town with A LOT of railroad traffic. And, there wasn't a way around, over, or under the tracks. We waited on trains MOST of our trips to town. So, we never knew if it would take us 15 min to get to church...or 40 min to get to church! :shock: (We are incredibly thankful for the new overpass now!!!) When Grant was about 2 we were in IA visiting family, and we came upon a train crossing the road. Another little boy we were with was saying, "Wow! Cool! Look at that train!" Grant looked up in the air and said, "Oh, man! Not again! Now we're gonna be late." Hmmm, wonder why he didn't respond like the other little boy. :roll: :lol:

I proudly move and grove with the little guys, and jumping jack, sit-up, arm circle, toe-touch, run in place, and push-up with Grant. (You may want to ease into the push-ups though. Warning from experience. :shock: )

:D Kathleen
Kathleen you're a hoot! :lol: :D :lol:
(I have to pee before starting the jumping jacks!) :oops:
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Re: Please tell me you DON'T do this with the Rhymes and Motions

Post by tiffanieh » Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:48 pm

Oh...I most definitely do it with them...if not I'd have two little boys who would just run around the house in circles loving the excuse to just RUN! My challenge isn't acting silly in front of them, but holding the book with one hand so that I can read the words and acting them out at the same time too! :) We typically do it several times each day so that by the 2nd time I've got the rhyme down and don't need the book in hand! kids love the rhymes...we STILL waddle like the penguins do in Antartica!!! :)
Enjoyed LHFHG, BLHFHG, 1/2 of BHFHG and now doing PHFHG
Mommy to Ethan (10) and Ashton (9)

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