Ok, here is what I bought and why:
1- Little Hearts for His Glory- 5&7 year old (it was a little low for 7 year old but I figured it was hx/science, so no big deal if it meant I could combine)
2- "Beyond" little hearts- Bought for 7 year old, JUST FOR Math and Spelling
3- Bigger- 11 year old with Processing issue's.
Here's the problem. (not really a problem because whatever I don't use this year, I'll use next year)
It never occurred to me that "Little Hearts" would be over my 5 year old sons head? That one thing has changed everything. Once I saw this I went ahead and ordered the "Little Hands" package for him.
Well, now it occurs to me that if I had known from the beginning that Jacob would use "little Hands" (totally my fault) I would have bought "Beyond" for Seth my 7 year old, as that actually fits him better.
Right now, I'm flipping between two books (hearts and beyond) for my 7 year old, which was fine when I was combining, but seems like more work to use two books for one child. (Is this making any since, sleepy grin)
Because I already own the manuel it would only be 71.00 more dollars to
get the books for Beyond.
I mean financially I would prefer to use what I have, BUT I guess my question is this?
My other choice would be to use what I have (both manuels) this year and next year SKIP Beyond and go right to Bigger.
If I went with option two, would that hurt anything to skip Beyond? I mean we are using Beyond this year for the math and lang arts anyway?
Ack! I would love your feedback.
At this moment, I am leaning towards ordering the Beyond books and using that? But I'm open to change if you have any other idea's?
Ack, now look what you made me do! I have 14 yearbook students who are gonna be waiting for me if I'm late! I have to go!