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Bigger only or Bigger and Beyond?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:08 pm
by slpchris
I am so thrilled to find HOD! Once I decide where to place the kids, I think it will help our second year tremendously!

Info: Next term, I will have a 7 y/o 2nd grader, 8 y/o 4th grader (9 in Dec.), and an infant. We are finishing our first year of homeschooling after a couple of years at a Christian school. I am disappointed with how things went in History and Science and want to change things. We tried STOW and it just felt so “off” for me to be teaching some of the material to my boys. I decided to ditch the chronological history and focus on American History next session. I’ve been reading so many reviews of HOD and I am excited to start. I love the way it seems to build a Biblical foundation. I’ve already decided to use DITHOR.

The 7 y/o (currently a 6 y/o 1st grader) reads at a 2nd grade level, great at spelling, moving a bit ahead in math, no exposure to formal grammar. He likes being read to as long as he can bounce on a mini-tramp while he listens. Not into crafty things, loves science and experiments.

The 8 y/o (currently an 8 y/o 3rd grader) reads several grade levels ahead, is on target for 3rd grade math, will have finished R&S 3 grammar by summer (did very well, retained the info), enjoys history, science, and hands-on activities. He can memorize spelling lists, but it does not carry over into daily life (huge disconnect with spelling). We have not done much writing and would like to focus on that next year. He loves to snuggle while I read to him.

Question: I considered Preparing Hearts for the older, but I really want to do American history next term. So, I “thought” I settled on Bigger with both boys. Until I kept reading the boards and started considering Beyond. I don’t want them to miss part of the cycle of history. If I do Bigger with both boys, will I be dragging the younger one along through Preparing the following year? Is Beyond too light for a 9 y/o 4th grader? I am concerned there won’t be enough detail and challenge in Beyond. If I split them into Beyond and Bigger – I am afraid I will not get to it all with the little one cruising along.

So, any recommendations from those who have gone before me on this?? I am positive this is the direction I need to take them next year. I am so excited to order DITHOR so we can get stared immediately! I am open to suggestions and appreciate the help!

Re: Bigger only or Bigger and Beyond?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:36 pm
by mansmom
I'm not sure how much I can help...except to say welcome and you are going to LOVE HOD!

I am doing Bigger with a (next fall) 7 year old and 9 year old and I think it will be a great match.

And I was going to say you mentioned your older son was having trouble with spelling lists and then actually USING the older daughter was EXACTLY like that. We started using Carrie's Spelling by dictation and I have seen INCREDIBLE results...I would highly recommend following that path exactly how she has written it...I think you will be amazed...I know I am!

Re: Bigger only or Bigger and Beyond?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:46 pm
by Riversidemom3
Hi and welcome,

I just wanted to say this was my first year with HOD. We are in Bigger right now with a 4th and 2nd grader and it has worked out great. After homeschooling since 1998 this has been the best year yet. Bigger sounds like a great fit for you and will give you a year of American History with them before starting World and the complete cycle. Have fun on your journey!!


Re: Bigger only or Bigger and Beyond?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:39 am
by Carrie
I just wanted to pop-in and welcome you to the boards! :D I agree fully with the ladies that Bigger sounds like a good fit for your pair of boys. You can decide whether or not your older son would be able to handle the independent readings from the Extension Package, as it is targeted for 4th and 5th graders. You may also wish to consider using a few parts from the right side of the Preparing Hearts manual for your older child, such as the schedule for Rod and Staff English, the dictation passages in the Appendix of Preparing Hearts, and the upper level math schedules. Depending on how well your 4th grader does in dictation, you may be able to get by using the last half of the passages within Bigger Hearts instead. :D

Let us know if you have other questions! :wink:


Re: Bigger only or Bigger and Beyond?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:40 am
by slpchris
"You may also wish to consider using a few parts from the right side of the Preparing Hearts manual for your older child, such as the schedule for Rod and Staff English, the dictation passages in the Appendix of Preparing Hearts, and the upper level math schedules. Depending on how well your 4th grader does in dictation, you may be able to get by using the last half of the passages within Bigger Hearts instead. "

I was planning on using R&S grade 4 for the oldest son. He finished 3 this year. Do I need the Preparing Hearts manual to follow LA? Will he miss out on something if I set our own schedule for R&S or will we be ok? I plan to use a different math than Singapore for him because he did not like it at all.

I guess my question is, if we don't follow the Preparing Hearts schedule for math and LA, will we be out of sync with the weekly plans? I have a pretty high maintenance infant and I would like to avoid "tweaking" the schedule as much as possible. I did way too much of that this year!

Re: Bigger only or Bigger and Beyond?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:54 pm
by Carrie

You should be able to use Rod and Staff 4 just fine on your own, simply doing a lesson a day. If you have your own math, then you won't need the Preparing Hearts guide for that either. Last, you will need something for your older son for dictation/spelling. You could try using the last half of the dictation passages within Bigger Hearts for the first half of the year, and then could shift toward choosing your own passages from the literature instead to finish out the year, or you could go with a spelling program. However, my personal favorite is dictation. :D
