Can I combine or do I need to separate?

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Can I combine or do I need to separate?

Post by sierrad » Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:44 am

Hi :) My name is Sierra and I have been a lurker at HOD for the past year. I wish I had chosen this last year, but felt led to combine several diff. things for my kids. I'm looking at this new year coming up and need something a little more organized with less prep work for me. I will have a 4th grader (he'll turn 9 in Nov.), a 1st grader (6 yr. old), a K'er (5 yr. old) and a troublemaker...err, I mean a wonderful 3 yr. old that makes our school day a little more interesting! Two years ago we all did ancients, this past year we worked through Story of the World, Vol. 2 (middle ages). My middle two do all science and history with my older son. My 4th grader is an advanced reader and picks things up very quickly. LIke most boys, he doesn't enjoy wirting, but once he gets going, he's so creative. My two middles are emerging readers, know how to form most letters, and can spell any word they can read.

My question...can I combine all my kids into one...I'm leaning towards BHFHG since it will be American History and this is where my oldest son places, or should I try to separate the older and younger set? I really don't want to do multiple history time periods. My two middles place in-between LHFHG and BLHFHG.

Thanks in advance for the wisdom and insight you have to offer me!


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Re: Can I combine or do I need to separate?

Post by MamaBear23Cubs » Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:35 am

Both Beyond and Bigger are American History. You could use both of those together. You could do Beyond and beef it up for the oldest and tone it down for the preschooler who I am sure is gonna want to tag along with older siblings. :) My oldest didn't do Beyond except for the math activies but is now reading the history stories on her own time and really enjoys them. She just LOVES early American history. Sometime this summer/fall she will start Preparing. She likes having her own curriculum that is different from her brother and sister. I could combine my younger two but right now isn't the time. They both have widely different skills that I am taking this summer to close in the gap. If by the time we start back up they are closer in skills they both will do Little Hearts if not then I will be using three guides but thanfully Little Hands isn't very time consuming and my oldest is slowly starting to do independnet work.
Military wife and Mama to 3 (DD12, DS8, & DD7)
Have used: Little Hands For Heaven, Little Hearts For His Glory, Beyond Little Hearts For His Glory,
Bigger Hearts For His Glory, and Preparing Hearts For His Glory.

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Re: Can I combine or do I need to separate?

Post by Carrie » Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:19 pm


I'd love to have you check out our placement chart and tell us where you think your kiddos fit best, all combining scenarios aside. Then, once we have a good feel for where your kiddos are, we can help you talk through possible placement options. Here's a link to the placement chart:

Pay the most attention to the first page of the chart as that is the most important in determining accurate placement. Once you've had a chance to check out the chart, I'd love to hear where each of your kiddos fits best. Then, we can go from there. :D


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Re: Can I combine or do I need to separate?

Post by sierrad » Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:14 am


I took a look at the placement chart and my younger fit in Beyond...except for the the handwriting part. My 4 year old, wold be fine, but my 5 year old is still printing half his letters backwards...his math ability is off the charts for his age. My 8 yr. old would do fine in Preparing, but I don't really want to be doing American history with two and history overview with the other, so that's why I was kind-of considering Beyond and Bigger.


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Re: Can I combine or do I need to separate?

Post by Tree House Academy » Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:38 am

My advice would be to combine your K'er and 1st grader in Little Hearts and do Bigger with your 4th grader.

I have a 5th grader and a 1st grader and while my 1st grader is advanced, I decided to split them. While I think my younger could have done the History and Science in Bigger, I think it would have been over his head and I would have been taking him "along for the ride" more than teaching to his level. It was important to me that I not do that, so I chose to separate them.

The reason I suggest doing Little Hearts for your K'er and 1st is 1. so you can teach on the level the K'er will best understand. You can always "beef up" but it is hard to take things down a level. and 2. so you do not have to do manuals back to back each year. Most experienced HOD users, and Carrie herself have really advised against this as it can cause some major burnout for the teacher.

Keep thinking and praying on it and I know you will make the best decision for your family. Welcome to HOD!

ds13(8th) - Rev to Rev w/ TT Pre-Algebra, R&S English 6, CLE Reading 8, Rosetta Stone French
ds9 (4th) - Preparing Hearts, TT Math 4, R&S English 3, CLE Reading 4, & Writeshop Jr.

We have completed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, CTC, & RTR.

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Re: Can I combine or do I need to separate?

Post by Carrie » Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:51 am


The ladies are giving you wonderful advice. :D I agree that if you are wanting your older son to do a tour through American history, then Bigger Hearts would be the best fit for him. You will also want to use the Extension Pack which is targeted for 4th and 5th graders, in addition to the rest of the scheduled books within Bigger Hearts. Bigger Hearts will also lay a strong foundation in copywork and writing that your son will need as he heads into Preparing Hearts the following year. :D

I agree with Rebecca that I would place your 5 and 6 year olds in Little Hearts for His Glory. It is so true that it is easier to beef up a program than it is to water one down. Doing Little Hearts will also give you a chance to make sure your kiddos writing ability has time to mature before heading too quickly into our upper programs which require more writing. :wink:

If you needed to add the right side of Beyond to "up" the level of language arts and math then that is easily done. You could add the right side of Beyond for the spelling lists, the gentle grammar lessons every 5th day, the Singapore 1A/1B hands-on math lessons (with 2A/2B in the Appendix), and the Emerging Reader's schedule in the Appendix. When your kiddos finish their phonics, they would just head right into the Emerging Reader's Set, following the schedule in the Appendix of Beyond. :D

I'd love to hear your thoughts if you get a chance to pop back in. :wink:


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