HEllo Wendy and welcome to HOD:) We too use BJU homesat. We've used homesat for all their classes, but this past year i've "learned" about unit studies:) I felt my heart drawn to doing some type of unit study as my children fairly close in age and i want to actually teach them instead of them sitting in front of the dvds all day. So i bought tons of different curriculums! I have prayed and asked the Lord to show us His plan. I talked w/my children and asked if they were ready to try something else....they said yes on doing a unit study, but NONE of them want to quit bju!!! I have 7 children ages 11 down to 1, (plus a girl due in Aug~still havent figured out a name for her yet........i love Hadassah, dh said no)...
Anyway, my 4 oldest are all doing bju and they love the math and reading and english,,,,,,,,so those classes we'll stick with, but for history (mainly) we're doing Bigger w/the extention package. My kids also love their bible class and science for bju as well, but are willing to do HOD for those as well. I love how the HOD guides tie together each subject so well.
If your children already love doing bju, stick w/it and add the HOD 1)for the fun of it and 2)as a way to do a unit study w/more than one age at a time.
My oldest is doing bju science, math, bible and eng/lit ,,,but is so willing to do the Bigger w/us as well. There are days where i can have him do the science or any of the other subjects w/the kids if i need to take care of something else. Plus the fact, its training him to someday be a hs daddy~:)
We love bju but we are also loving the Bigger and looking forward to learning and growing as a family in doing the HOD together!!! I think if you stick w/the bju and add the HOD, you will be very pleased w/the decision and your kids will feel like they had some say in the matter:)
If they love their bju classes, stick w/it, as the LOVE of learning is such a motivator!!!
Have a blessed school year:)