OT--For those who have homeschooled preschoolers

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OT--For those who have homeschooled preschoolers

Post by Dustybug » Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:09 am

I've run into this several times lately since beginning my LHTH curriculum. It seems that many people IRL and on forums don't really consider me a "real" homeschooler yet just because I don't have "school aged" children. My DD is 3 and we are wrapping up unit 3 in LHTH, and have been schooling for 6 weeks now, but whenever I tell someone I'm homeschooling and then they ask how old my children are, after my answer, the response is always sort of aloof or negative. Did anyone else experience this?
Mommy to
Gabriella (7) BLHFHG, ETC, Song School Latin
Aron (5) TMJ's Fruit for Tender Hearts, ETC, Singapore Essentials Math K
Lydia (3) Learning letters, numbers, shapes, and colors

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Re: OT--For those who have homeschooled preschoolers

Post by pollo_la » Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:25 am

LOL, I do know what you mean!! Usually I only tell people I'm homeschooling if they ask if my dd is in preschool. I simply tell them no, that she is homeschooled. Then, for some reason they are totally fine with it! However, in that case there is usually a follow up question... "Are you sending her to Kindergarten?" :roll: Anyway, when I talk to other homeschoolers I usually just state that "I'm just starting out with homeschooling," and they seem to be fine with that. Although, in all honestly, haven't I been "homeschooling" since birth?! I find that others may think it is perfectly acceptable to sit down and do a craft with your preschooler or read a story, but the minute you call it "homeschool" then they think you are "starting too early." Oh well... It is what it is... And you should absolutely feel proud and happy that you ARE homeschooling your 3 year old!! :D
Wife to Daniel since June 2002
Mom to: Odessa (5) using LHFHG and Emerging Readers from BLHFHG,
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Re: OT--For those who have homeschooled preschoolers

Post by crlacey » Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:01 am

I think the thought, at least in my area, is that you aren't officially homeschooling until your keep your child home from kindergarten. Then you are recognized as an official homeschooler since preschool is still optional but kindergarten attendance is enforced.
DD 20 married college graduate
DS 17 college student

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Re: OT--For those who have homeschooled preschoolers

Post by Lynnw » Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:08 am

pollo_la wrote:LOL, I do know what you mean!! Usually I only tell people I'm homeschooling if they ask if my dd is in preschool. I simply tell them no, that she is homeschooled. Then, for some reason they are totally fine with it! However, in that case there is usually a follow up question... "Are you sending her to Kindergarten?" :roll: Anyway, when I talk to other homeschoolers I usually just state that "I'm just starting out with homeschooling," and they seem to be fine with that. Although, in all honestly, haven't I been "homeschooling" since birth?! I find that others may think it is perfectly acceptable to sit down and do a craft with your preschooler or read a story, but the minute you call it "homeschool" then they think you are "starting too early." Oh well... It is what it is... And you should absolutely feel proud and happy that you ARE homeschooling your 3 year old!! :D
I agree! You summed it up perfectly.

Also, I am guilty of sometimes answering what I expect others want to hear - for fear they will think I'm pushing too hard or else not pushing hard enough (fear of man - yikes!). For years with my oldest I had people telling me not to do too much.... now he's finishing 4th grade and I can tell you there are some skills we should have worked harder on :wink: . Anyway, for *me* at least, I need to remember my accountability is to the Lord and not worry too much about what others think about the path we take, the curricula we choose, etc. But I totally understand in those preschool years - you seem to get criticized no matter what you say! Hugs!
Married 19 years to Dh, Detective and Army Reservist: 1 tour in Iraq, 1 tour in Afghanistan
ds 12.5 (7th grade) RevtoRev
ds 9.5 (4th grade) Preparing

dd 8 (3rd grade) Beyond
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Re: OT--For those who have homeschooled preschoolers

Post by erdrmom » Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:04 am

I so know where you are coming from! I have never sent my kiddos anywhere else for learning. Even though I now have one in K (and one pre-K), we still aren't "considered" homeschoolers, because here K is not required, although most kids go to K at the local school. I just know that I am doing what needs to be done for my kids and I am confident in my decision. As homeschoolers, we will always be going against the flow whether for preschool or high school. Because my kids are very tall, they are always asked why they aren't in school when we are out during the school day. I love that now I don't have to say anything because they both say, "We are homeschooled." :D

Loved teaching and learning through LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, BHFHG, PHFHG, & DITHOR
Planning for the upcoming year with DD10 in CTC half-pace and DS7 in BHFHG half-pace

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Re: OT--For those who have homeschooled preschoolers

Post by Carrie » Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:03 pm


I just wanted to let you know that you're an official homeschooler here on the HOD board! :D We're excited to share your homeschooling joys right along with you! :wink:


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Re: OT--For those who have homeschooled preschoolers

Post by moedertje » Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:28 pm

I was at a homeschool convention when my oldest ds was 3 looking for a pre-school program and everyone kept telling me to relax and just have fun and not get too serious.
Than I found HOD and the fun really began. I am truly very excited that the Lord lead me to HOD and that learning has been fun for our family!It's amazing how it only gets better.
So, don't worry about what anyone thinks and just do as you see fit for your family. When your dc is doing great and loving school everyone will start wondering what you did so right and you can turn them into HOD users :lol:
Be blessed with your homeschooling journey.
Raising Arrows; Psalms 127:4
ds17, Class of 2020, now at IHOPU
ds 15, WH
dd 13, MTMM
In year 1 of homeschooling it all started with LHTH for us.

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Re: OT--For those who have homeschooled preschoolers

Post by Jessi » Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:02 pm

We have been homeschooling since birth. I don't say much about it in real life mainly because I don't want to be a braggart. LOL If I get started...whoah mama- I can get a bit long winded about the benefits of homeschooling! If I am asked, I'll answer but I have yet to have anyone react snobby or cruel to me. In fact I even had a complete stranger in walmart ask my daughter if she was in preschool and when Emma said I teach her at home the woman gave me a weird look and walked away. I ignored it and while we were in check out she came up to my cart and leaned in and said "Good for you, mom. I'm convinced home is the best place for our kids." And she wasn't a homeschooler. :-) If you hear negative feedback ignore it...they haven't been sitting in on your prayer times with the Lord. They dont' know what God is calling you to do. Rest in that fact.
Wife to Brad for 10 years
Emma- 7 Beyond, DITHOR,
Logan- 4.5 LHTH, R & S workbooks
www.ourmodernmemories.blogspot.com - personal blog
www.modernmemoryfilms.com - our wedding videography site

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