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It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:47 pm
by 9hillbillies:)
It's a girl:) :D :D :D I had my sono today and by Gods grace, all is well and this little one is a girl:) We are excited, but then again, we would be excited either way!!
So, now for girl names, feel free to give suggestions....
You can look through my other childrens names and then see what should be next:)
**hint** has to be a bible name:)

thanks for your prayers!

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:53 pm
by netpea
congratulations. I am a bit green with envy :mrgreen: ! Your house must be so much fun!

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:59 pm
by inHistiming
It's so exciting to find out the sex of your baby...congratulations! Girls are such fun...we just had our 2nd girl (4th child) on March 1, 2009 and I am so loving this little one!

Some Bible names I like...


Other names I like..just for fun:

Sophia Rose

I know you'll get some more great suggestions. It's so fun picking out names. :D

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:04 pm
by 9hillbillies:)
Thanks for the replies:) Oh, those are some good names. Do you happen to know what Ellianna means? My baby now, 16months is Elsie so Elsie and Ellianna would be cute together!!!:) I have never heard of that!!!
I have Elsie Esther so maybe
Elllianna Elisabeth:) ???

dh DOES have a say;( LOL :mrgreen:
I had wanted Mary Elisabeth for quite some time, but i think he vetoed that one! I like Leah and Hadassah too!

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:07 pm
by dale1088
YAY Angie! Congratulations!!!

Is Elsie short for Elisabeth?

Some name I like: Abigail, Miriam, Ruth, Candace, Daphne, Rachel, Tabitha, Chloe, Faith.

Actually, Miriam Ruth is pretty together, huh? is a fun site!

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:11 pm
by 9hillbillies:)
Hi, yes i like those names too;) Elsie is not short for Elisabeth, but when our pastor does the kids names, (we dedicate our babies at our church) and he does the name, as far as the meaning and comes up w/a life verse and song, Elsie is derived (if i spelled that rigth) for Elisabeth:)
I do like Mirian Ruth:)
thanks:) Yes this is the fun and challanging part of knowing what ones having;)

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:40 pm
by tiffanieh
Congratulations!!! I think it's so funny (or remarkable) that each of your children's sexes comes in pairs! 2 of each, then 2 of the next, and 2 of the next!!! Guess if you want that boy you'll have to go one more time! LOL

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:44 pm
by pollo_la
netpea wrote:congratulations. I am a bit green with envy :mrgreen: ! Your house must be so much fun!
I feel the same! :D Congratulations on a healthy baby girl!!!

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:48 pm
by eazbnsmom
Congratulations, oh to have a little girl again. My nephew just had a baby girl and they named her Mercy.

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:59 pm
by Mumkins
Congratulations! I think Elsie and Abby (Abigail) sounds cute together:)

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:33 pm
by Marsha
Congratulations. I am 15 weeks along, so we will find out what we are having in about 5 weeks.

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:34 pm
by wcoffey
To answer your question: "What does Ellianna mean?" I have a friend who named her daughter Eliana, she said that it means to walk to the promise land. In my baby name book it means "God has answered me/Fulfilled promise". Ways to spell it are Ellianna, Eliana, Elianna.

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:57 pm
by butterfly113
When I was a little girl, I always wanted to have a daughter and name her Victoria Elizabeth. The Lord has blessed us with our one and only son! WHom we still love immensely!

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:18 pm
by water2wine
Congratulations! I am also partial to the name Eliana which means God hears. I spell it with one L. That is what I found as the traditional spelling of the name. I have an Eliana in my bunch. Love her name. Another name that I love is one of my dd's middle name, Arabella which means beautiful alter to God. Another one that I love is Serafina (but we do have a dog named that, hahaha!). I like frilly girly names. :D I also have a Veronika (spelled that way for her heritage but usually it is Veronica). Veronica means shroud of Christ or true image.

Re: It's a'll have to open and find out...

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:48 pm
by yayadaisy
Wow that is exciting! Now you just have to wait until the big day. We are expecting in about three weeks. We do not know what we are having though. But we have picked out Helena as a girl name. Hope all goes well.

Sheila mom to five great kids, one angel and one on the way.