A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

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A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by 9hillbillies:) » Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:09 pm

Oh, i had already typed it all out, and hit save, but i dont know how to find it, so here i am ,,,retyping;( :cry:
Anway, i have the book, A Childs History of the World, the main history book for Preparing. I have been recently reading it, and have some ???s. :oops:
I did see this book last year and had em Carrie at the time, but i must have deleted it, as i cant find it;( So here i am , asking ya'll:)
I am so confused w/this book. It starts out w/the Stone Age, etc...then get to Abraham, but no mention of creation. We believe the earth began w/Creation. Now my children know that there is the theory of Evolution, but we believe the bible in that it states: In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth. I believe that we don't actually read the evolution part to our children, although that is fine that they know that, but it never talks about Creation and seems to think there were other people on the earth, not Adam and Eve as the first people~that God created.
So, i'm not sure how this fits in ....exactly where we begin in the book, but it is somewhat confusing. I understand that the author calls himself a christian, but a christian must believe in Creation!:)
Am i missing something?
I don't know if anyone else has used this book, i'm sure there are, as lots of you are doing Preparing. So any insight/thoughts, whatever you can share would be a blessing!
I sit here and try to put into words my thoughts......something hard for me to do:) LOL But it talks of these cave men, etc....they were not the first people on earth...Adam and Eve were, so this is where i'm getting confused. I also am not sure as to what 'religion beliefs' are used in the HOD programs, i know we only use the KJV and i like how the Bigger has the Hymns and the KJV, ,,,,We also are baptist, and i have seen posts from other types of religion,,,(catholic, etc...as one post the lady said she was catholic) which i'm not complaining about,,,,,i'm just wondering what type of background biblical teaching is instilled in the program.
One program i was looking at, had a Lutheran background, which some of their teaching goe against some of the things we believe. I hope i'm making sense:) I know there will be all 'types' of religion,,,i'm not saying Baptist,,,whatever,,,is the ONLY ones w/the truth, i know other folks have truth as well, we are just concerned as to what is woven into the curriculum;)
Anyway i hope i have not offended anyone, i'm curious and trying to be cautious:)
Thank you for all who reply! I really look forward to others input!!!
Wife to my sexy hubby: Frank :)
mama to:
Frank Jonathan 11
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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by 8arrows » Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:19 pm

HOD skips those first chapters, and that's where Grandpa's Box comes in--integrating Biblical truth with world history. Everything I have seen from HOD has promoted Biblical creation.
Melissa, wife to Jim for 28 years
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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by Carrie » Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:22 pm

Yes, I do recall your husband contacted me about this particular book this past year, and I responded to him. I can always resend my response to his email, if needed. However, in answer to your post on the board, here is a thread that may be of some help: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1694

Here's our explanation on our website, within the package description of this book:
http://www.heartofdakota.com/preparing- ... hild-world


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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by MainelyJen » Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:43 am

Angie, you and your dh are obviously thoughtful people who have a heart for teaching your children the Word. So, your question is most welcome here, I'm sure.

8arrows explained it exactly. The first 3 chapters of Hillyer's book aren't even used. I love the way Carrie has pulled in other resources, such as Life in the Great Ice Age, True Story of Noah's Ark, and Grandpa's Box to weave the tale of Creation. Especially, we love Grandpa's Box! I guess if we were looking for a peg to hang Hillyer on (which, I personally am not) you'd have to say he's a Theistic Evolutionist. (I think) His book clearly states that God always existed and created the world, including people, but does describe an evolutionary process. He does clearly state it is an educated guess, though, as none of us was really there to see it. This is why Carrie skips these opening chapters and substitutes books which reflect the Protestant, young-earth creationist viewpoint. So, if that is also your view, HOD will fit well with you.

Have you read the rest of the book in it's entirety? If so, which pages that HOD actually uses do you have concerns about?

It may be that you feel uncomfortable using any pages of A Child's History of the World because you have concluded Hillyer cannot be both Christian and yet describe an evolutionary process. If so, it may be time to move on and either a) pick a different spine history book and try to essentially rewrite portions of Preparing to suit your needs or b) skip this level of HOD and use a different program.

Your other question seems to be, how is it possible for people of many denominations to use HOD? HOD fits the world view of a Protestant Christian. Others who use the program are adapting it to suit their needs. Naturally, when a program is this well-designed it is easy to use your own denominational devotional or bible study to supplement. I know that HOD recommends using Rod & Staff grammar. It may be that Rod & Staff weaves their denomination into their books. I don't know, because I don't use them and have never seen them. Are you concerned about this as well?

You also mentioned that you prefer the KJV of the scriptures. In my opinion, anyone's preferred edition of the scriptures could be used with Preparing. The manual will tell you which Psalm is being memorized, or which verses to look up as part of your history study and so on. You will simply be using the KJV. In regards to the hymns cd, I don't use it. Is it not KJV? You could simply skip it.

I hope this helps and my prayer for you is that you have peace with this decision. Selecting curriculum is a responsibility and a joy at the same time! For myself, I purchased the Preparing Hearts manual and read it cover to cover before making a decision about using the program. I want to be sure it would be one of my many tools that assist me in preparing my son's heart. . .and it is!
~ Jennifer

Catherine, 14, Where Brook and River Meet
Samuel, 12, Preparing Hearts

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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by 9hillbillies:) » Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:06 am

WOW!! I can't believe how many replies i've gotten already! Thank you all! This was SO helpful!!!:) :P I really apprecaite you putting the other threads in there Carrie, so i could read past post and helpful suggestions, etc..:) It's also kinda nice to know i'm not the only one who had ???s or concerns.
I really really appreciate you all taking time to help me and answer my ??s, PLUS the fact you guys (gals) are SO encouraging!
Yes we are of the young earth creationist belief:) No i have only read the first few chapters of CHOW and i do NOT have the Preparing TM to look through and see how the Grandpa's Box and others are used and woven in and out.
This does make me feel so much better and gives me a good explanation if someone would ask me why i'm using this book:)
I can not express how much it means to me that Carrie and the others took the time to answer my ??s. That means a lot to me. It is so comforting to know that other ladies out there care and come along to help out when there is a need.
It looks like i have stepped into a wonderful homeschooling group here, which i am extremely thankful!!!!

Ok, now the update, if ya'll recall, i go the DR. on thurs for the sono, and oooohhhh,,,,i can't wait to find out if i'm having a boy or a girl:) Our first 2 are boys, our next 2 are girls, then the next 2 are boys, so little Elsie Esther is without a little sister....so some of my kids are praying for a girl,,,but hum,,,Christoper , the one right above Elsie, is 4 and will be almost 5 by the time this new one comes along, so it will be almost 5 years since i've had a boy :cry: So i'm kinda thinking it would be nice to have a little guy again:) :D When i had Elsie, my next girl, Bethany, was almost 6!!! I'm so blessed, as with all my pregnancies, i've had no sickness really, easy deliveries (thanks to the Epideral??) :mrgreen: and all my children have been (and still are) healthy. I am rejoicing in the fact that God shows HIS love for me in this area (any others of course) and now i'm seeing Gods love for me in all of you;) You are most kind and helpful!

Have a blessed week!
Wife to my sexy hubby: Frank :)
mama to:
Frank Jonathan 11
Nicholas Elijah 10
Hannah Martha 8
Bethany Grace 7
Jeremiah Paul 5
Christopher Eugen 4 and little miss~
Elsie Esther 15 months,,,plus a baby GIRL due in Aug:)

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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by Carrie » Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:19 pm

Thanks for popping back in to give us your thoughts. The ladies on the board are so wonderful about uplifting and encouraging one another, aren't they! I'll pray your pregnancy will continue to go well and that the Lord will have His hand upon you and your family. :D


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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by DHT1999 » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:54 am

Hi, Angie! I am new to HOD, so I can't help you with specifics about the curriculum other than to say that I have purchased everything that we will need for next year for Biggers and I could not be more pleased. Having the TM with the basic books in front of you really does help you to see the "big picture". I just wanted to tell you that we are Independent, Fundamentalist Baptists. We are about as conservative as you can get! I am thrilled that both Biggers and Preparing are KJV friendly curricula. You probably know as well as I do that that is very hard to find. Also, Rod & Staff English has KJV verses in it. We are using A Child's History of the World this year with another curriculum. I absolutely love it. I do. The first few chapters are written from an old earth perspective but that is only the first three or four and we skipped those completely. It really doesn't come up much after that. I personally like Hillyer's writing style. Both of my sons love the book and never want me to stop reading. There are not alot of options for a one volume overview of World History for children of these ages. I have been pleased with CHOW.

I am so happy to have found HOD.

I pray you find peace with your decisions. I struggle alot with materials because we do have such strong convictions about some things, but then there are other things that other Christians feel strongly about and we don't feel that same way! We're all just doing the best we can. Pray and the Lord will give you peace if this is His will for your family.

Many blessings.
Last edited by DHT1999 on Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by 9hillbillies:) » Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:53 pm

HEllo! You didn't give your name:) We too, are independent, fundamental, and VERY conservative as well:) :D You don't find that much!!:) Thank you SO much for putting your thoughts on these ???s i have as well. I really appreciate your input~!!! I have been reading it some, and it is good, actually hard to put down:) I did not grow up in a christian home, and went to public school, b/c of my homelife, school was a major source of trouble for me~i hated it and i did NOT pay attention, especially to history! So, for me to actually pick up these books, and read them myself, it a challange! But, one reason i'm wanting to do this, is so i can learn along w/my children, and spend time actually teaching them myself, instead of them sitting in front of bj homesat hours a day!! :|
Where are you from? You need to go back and update/change your signiture and put your name on there and a bit about you/your family:)
I am so excited to be getting this shortly and starting. Do you mind me asking what book you wont be using?? I have many of the readers, but have not actually read them yet. And, i am the type, always open to suggestions from others, as some folks have been where i haven't...(experiences they have).
Thank you again and welcome to the board.
Carrie has been the most helpful person~she really puts her heart into helping us and guiding us. We dont get that much elsewhere, as far as curriculum ??s go. I love the personal aspect of HOD.
Please feel free to email me, reliford7kids@aol.com and keep me updated on how Bigger is working for you. What have you used in the past?
I too don't want to wait til the fall to get started (late aug/sept) so i plan on starting when i get the books~hopefully:) With 7 little ones, i tend to make the plans, yet struggle getting to it;) LOL :mrgreen:

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts!!!
Wife to my sexy hubby: Frank :)
mama to:
Frank Jonathan 11
Nicholas Elijah 10
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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by DHT1999 » Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:03 pm

Yes, I should update my info.!

My name is Donna. I live in Alabama. You can visit our family at www.fishfellacademy.blogspot.com. That is our homeschooling blog. I have used Sonlight, My Father's World and WinterPromise in the past. I have also used a good bit of Ambleside Online. I have liked all of those curricula. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses. I wouldn't necessarily do anything differently. But, I am very blessed to have found HOD. The Lord knows what we need and His mercies are new each day. The things that worked well for my oldest son will not work so well for my youngest, who is more energetic and not so much an auditory learner.

You are very blessed to have 7 little ones. I just have two boys, both "miracle babies".

Warmest regards,
Donna T.
2011-2012: Creation to Christ & Bigger Hearts

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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by my3sons » Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:11 pm

Hi Angie! We're using PHFHG, and I cannot tell you how powerful Grandpa's Box is - my ds and I actually almost had tears over finishing it. We just wanted it to go on and on! Grandpa's Box paired with Child's History of the World is an amazing combination. HOD weaves the 2 with one another, along with Scripture you read from a Bible of your choice. It has made my ds truly love history and see God's hand is in it all. I loved it when we read CHOW and then read Scripture that had predicted what would happen in history (in CHOW) hundreds of years before it actually did. Nothing has driven home the point that God truly is sovereign over all of history - past/present/future - then this year's curriculum. HOD skips the evolutionary part of CHOW, and also points out if something may be quite violent ahead of the reading of it (not very often, but if I had a sensitive child I may would have been glad to know about that ahead of time and would have skipped it - I do not have a sensitive child though, so I think I only skipped 1 of the paragraphs of CHOW thus far - we're in week 27). Anyway, when you get the resources and the PHFHG guide all together - I think you will be in love with this curriculum! God has truly breathed life into it - He is a part of every page of it, of every day's plans, and He is kept front and center of virtually every part of HOD - right where He should be! :D I'm so glad you are here - you have come to the right place. :D I think you will also love the ladies on this board! :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by my3sons » Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:18 pm

DHT1999 wrote:Yes, I should update my info.!

My name is Donna. I live in Alabama. You can visit our family at http://www.fishfellacademy.blogspot.com. That is our homeschooling blog. I have used Sonlight, My Father's World and WinterPromise in the past. I have also used a good bit of Ambleside Online. I have liked all of those curricula. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses. I wouldn't necessarily do anything differently. But, I am very blessed to have found HOD. The Lord knows what we need and His mercies are new each day. The things that worked well for my oldest son will not work so well for my youngest, who is more energetic and not so much an auditory learner.

You are very blessed to have 7 little ones. I just have two boys, both "miracle babies".

Warmest regards,
Donna T.
Donna - thanks for sharing about yourself here! Isn't it amazing how the Lord leads us where we need to go and provides for us what we need, sometimes even when we don't know what we need ourselves?!? His mercies are never-ending. I enjoyed your blog - your 2 ds's are precious, and I had to stay on your blog to hear the end of the song I was listening to. I am so glad you've come to the HOD board! Visiting the blogs of HOD moms is always an uplifting experience because God is present there - you fit in perfectly here! :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by 9hillbillies:) » Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:33 pm

Hello Donna, nice to see the name and face (i too checked out your blog)to the person posting:) :P

Hello also to Julie, thank you so much! I am looking forward to doing Preparing~this year we'll start w/Bigger:) My youngest girl Bethany, just turned 7 in Dec, so i really want to get this down some to her level. My oldest 11, can do the Bigger Extentions...plus, the books look to incredible to pass up:) :D

I loved Donnas blog, but , we have OLD dial up~so i don't get to listen to the music:( :oops: :( But i enjoy looking into others lives and learning:)!!!

Have a blessed day both of you~you are both great encouragers~keep up the good work of being servants to the Lord Jesus Christ:) :D

Wife to my sexy hubby: Frank :)
mama to:
Frank Jonathan 11
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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by gestep » Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:47 pm

Angie and Donna,

We are very conservative too so you are not alone (we were part of a fundamental Baptist church but it was conservative enough for us, if that tells you anything. LOL) (Although we do have TV and video games-Daddy fun time :D )
Donna, I would be interested to know which book you felt convicted of not using too and what it was about it that bothered you. We are just starting Bigger. Maybe Carrie can clarify that one too.


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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by DHT1999 » Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:36 pm

Gina, you know, I think I shouldn't mention about the book here :lol: . I really respect Carrie and I feel like the choices that she has made for her curriculum are ones that the Lord has led her to. I certainly do not want to sow doubt or discontent in any way. I am pleased with Carrie's choices. I'm looking very forward to starting HOD.

Many blessings,
Donna T.
Last edited by DHT1999 on Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2011-2012: Creation to Christ & Bigger Hearts

"He maketh the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children." - Psalm 113:9

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Re: A Childs History of the World ???? about this book

Post by 9hillbillies:) » Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:59 pm

Donna, you are a wise lady;) But, you left me confused~~!!! :mrgreen: Which is easy to do:)
I guess since i don't have all the books, i have no way to 'read between the lines' if you are tying to hint at what you are referring to??...:) :mrgreen:

Wife to my sexy hubby: Frank :)
mama to:
Frank Jonathan 11
Nicholas Elijah 10
Hannah Martha 8
Bethany Grace 7
Jeremiah Paul 5
Christopher Eugen 4 and little miss~
Elsie Esther 15 months,,,plus a baby GIRL due in Aug:)

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