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Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:12 pm
by lmercon
Do any of you HOD lovers have a hard time not getting too defensive about HOD on other boards? When someone posts about the program, I love to give a glowing review and encourage people to take a good look at it. I know..I know...there are lots of great programs...whatever works best for your family...everyone has their own ideas about hs.....blah, blah, blah. The truth is, HOD rocks and is the BEST! There...I said it. I'm being overtly opinionated and completely close-minded(sticking my tongue out)!

Okay, I feel better now. I'm off to play nice and fair again.

Anyone else feel a little big-headed about finding the best program or am I all alone in my conceit?

I really am a sweetheart, by the way! :)


Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:15 pm
by Dustybug
I'm not really a member of any other homeschooling forums yet. I did join one last week, but I havent' checked into much. There weren't any other people using HOD there that I could tell, but I too, so far would give a glowing review! :D

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:17 pm
by Jessi
Imercon- your post made me giggle. That is too funny! Thanks for a laugh. I needed it as my 2 year old has me wanting to pull my hair out today. LOL

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:31 pm
by Lynnw
I agree! But on the positive side, I haven't wanted to go back to my "other" forum as much since I started HOD :shock: :lol: !

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:43 pm
by pollo_la
Lynnw wrote:I agree! But on the positive side, I haven't wanted to go back to my "other" forum as much since I started HOD :shock: :lol: !
I feel this way too! I use to visit another forum regularily because I was constantly checking out new curriculums. I always wanted to hear what people were using and how they felt about it. I can honestly say that at this point in time I really feel like my search is over. HOD is the PERFECT fit for my family. So, for at least the next 8 years I feel I can just relax and spend the time actually BEING WITH MY KIDS!!! No more spending hours researching and worrying about the hours of prep I might have to do!

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:29 pm
by deltagal
Like some of the others, one of the many blessings of HOD is I no longer belong to any other HS forums! It gives me more time to read this one :wink:

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:30 pm
by StillJulie

I feel a little twinge of sympathy for all those folks who haven't discovered HOD yet. Poor, unenlightened them. LOL

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:37 pm
by anointedhsmom
StillJulie wrote:Poor, unenlightened them. LOL

Oh Julie! I needed that huge belly laugh. I do feel the same though. Or those that think they know all about HOD and call it what it's not constantly. That is so frustrating sometimes :roll:

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:25 pm
by water2wine
lmercon wrote:Do any of you HOD lovers have a hard time not getting too defensive about HOD on other boards? When someone posts about the program, I love to give a glowing review and encourage people to take a good look at it. I know..I know...there are lots of great programs...whatever works best for your family...everyone has their own ideas about hs.....blah, blah, blah. The truth is, HOD rocks and is the BEST! There...I said it. I'm being overtly opinionated and completely close-minded(sticking my tongue out)!
Hahaha! Ok just had to laugh. It's not a crime to love what you use. Contentment is a good thing. :wink:

We love it too. I think if you want a literature based program that honors God HOD is the best. Hands down the best, I am with you. :D

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:44 pm
by Bibliophile
Not only that, but people aren't necessarily nice on those other forums :( . I had to get courage to post here because I had received so much criticism instead of kindness on other forums. HOD is like a breath of fresh air. :D
PS I'm still on the others to sell curriculum, but I will try and refrain from being obnoxious about how excited I am to start HOD :wink:

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:02 pm
by dale1088
Well, how lucky am I that I just started HSing and found Hod right away! It was so totally God-led. I feel completely content with what i will do next year! I still lurk around, but only really about Math because we still have tears over math, but I have been feeling a real peace to stick with Singapore for a year like Carrie suggests and then evaluate. else is there to read about? Mostly I want all my local moms in my hs support group to convert to HoDism. I'll get 'em eventually!!!

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:02 am
by funkmomma71
There are other HS forums?!? :D

You ladies made me laugh out loud! I don't visit other forums, I simply do not have the time or desire, but I do interact with other HS mommies in my local support groups. So many complain about the curriculum that they are using that I always tell them how easy my day is, and try to introduce them to HOD. Usually the response is tepid, which is surprising in light of their complaints in regards to whatever they are currently using. I even had one lady tell me, after complaining about her very LONG day HSing, that everyone says the curriculum is "the best" with a roll of her eyes :roll: , she then changed the subject. You can lead to the water but you can't make them drink!! :?

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:33 am
by MainelyJen
You crack me up! :lol:

Yes, I do want to shout from the rooftops about HOD. I think it's a great program - and after doing this for nine years, I've seen a lot. Enough to recognize junk when I see it! :lol: HOD is a gem.

As for the other forums. . .there's one in particular which I am backing off from. It has really gone downhill. It makes me sad, because I've been reading and posting there for many years. But this crew of homeschoolers is different than they used to be. I sound like an old granny, but back when I started homeschooling the particular board I'm thinking of was mostly made up of Christians who wanted to help and encourage each other. That's not the case now. I think it reflects the larger trend of many non-Christians joining the homeschool movement for with different motivations than you and I might have for homeschooling and for using HOD. I do try to keep on top of the HOD discussions, though, and refute anything I think is unfounded.

I'm sure there are some who think that HOD is a new fad? :roll: They might not realize when Carrie started her company, and they'll surely think twice when years from now we're all still using HOD!

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:11 am
by 1shortmomof4
I totally agree. The other day I read some posts on another forum and it ruined my day. I was so upset and disappointed and I was allowing these comments to really overtake my emotions. By the time I had formulated a kind, gentle, "professional" response, someone had so graciously taken care to give a more balanced review (hmmmm.... wonder who? hee hee). I'm so sad that I'm not using HOD this year and now trying to figure out how I'm going to make it work for next year. I should not have gone looking for something else this year for one my kids but hindsight is 20/20. I'm trying to figure out how I could manage working through at least 2 different programs - this is what happens when you have kids in various ages/stages. My plan is to use Little Hearts for 1st, Bigger for a 4th grader but soooo wanted to use the new program for my 8th grader but we've done Ancients this year. Ugh! I'm still figuring out the logistics.....

At any rate, just had to chime in here because I very much agree.


Who needs to make a siggy line and get creative~! :D

Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:42 am
by Daisy
Yes, I'm limiting my online time to HOD's forum, my blog, and facebook. I occasionally post on another forum but usually it's because I'm lacking self-control that day. My son has been sick this week & vegging in front of movies, so I've been online more than normal.