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OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:56 am
by Dustybug ... geId=91397

As a new homeschooler, this makes me discouraged that I will not have the right to choose what's best for my own children. It is especially disheartening that the judge ordered a psychological evaluation for this woman just because of her conservative religious views. I'm going to be praying a lot about this.

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:26 am
by dale1088
Wow! Scary stuff! I really should get on the newsfeed through HSLDA to keep track of this kind of thing. I'm not a very political person, so I don't usually pay attention, but this is NOT GOOD. Did you see in that article what's going on in Germany: consul general for the Federal Republic of Germany, has commented previously on the issue, contending the government "has a legitimate interest in countering the rise of parallel societies that are based on religion." :shock:

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:27 am
by spidermansmum
That is quite shocking.I know here in the UK homeschooling faces alot of discrimination and prejudice but I was suprised I thought Homeschooling in America was quite different

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:31 am
by spidermansmum
Germany -Its illegal to homeschool

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:47 pm
by Daisy
I think trying to connect what is going on in Germany with this custody case might be an bit of a reach by WND.

Although I think the judge was biased in his ruling & especially his statements (and I would fight the ruling like crazy) a big part of this issue is that the divorcing parents are in disagreement as to the children's education. This is ultimately a custody case and not a homeschooling case, IMO.

Several things bother me about the judges statements. His requiring a psyc eval on the basis of religious beliefs? Is there more to the story? Sounds absurd. His siding with the father in financial and educational issues when the cause of divorce is the father's adultery?? I guess I'm thinking either the judge is nuts or we aren't getting the whole story.

BUT bottom line is that I'm not surprised that a judge would err on the side of traditional public schooling in a divorce situation where the parents are not in agreement. Don't agree with it but I'm not terribly surprised. The Dad doesn't want homeschooling so the STATE is going to rule on the side of the STATE in all likelihood. I think HSLDA makes mention of how difficult these cases are to defend.

Hopefully none of us will have to worry. Sigh.

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:00 am
by spidermansmum
Daisy -your right this is a custody case and the homeschooling would not be an issue here if both parents agreed to the homeschooling.I think the Judge was wrong .The childrens father had no problem with homeschooling before.I suspect [-not living or knowing much about the U.S judicial system] that the mother who was home educationg could claim some sort of allowance or maintenance as well as child dupport and funding for homeschool books etc[school fees]-where as the mother who has three children in school of their ages would be expected to hold down a job and therefore claim less against her former husband.

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:03 pm
by Tansy
Ladies I'm going out on a limb here, I quote from the article:
"The judge said the husband has not been supportive of his wife's homeschooling, and "it accomplished its purposes. It now was appropriate to have them back in public school."
I think this issues may have been avoided if the wife let God be in charge and she had obeyed her husband. Then prayed the kids back into Homeschooling. I don't think the hubby and the wife are in agreement, did it say they are getting a divorce?? I couldn't tell. That is MHO. I bet if we looked at the bigger picture this family is using homeschooling as a pivotal control issue between Mom and Dad. Not as a issue of homeschooling, but rather to make one or the other back down.

That said I have some commentary on Germany and European countries.

When I was sick 3 years ago My friend loaned me a book to read while I was in the hospital. It made me understand the reasoning behind Germanys rules about no homeschooling.

The Culture they are trying to avoid is one where girls are not permitted to learn, horrible things are done to their bodies in the name of keeping them pure. Teaching is limited to only domestic arts and religious studies. I wish I could remember the title book it was by a woman who had managed to escape a pretty horrible life. And had risen In Holland's political scene and is ?currently? living in America via political asylum in seclusion due to the number of threats on her life. Not sure if she still is, she was a few years ago.

ahh a few key words later here is the book *wikipieda says this book was published in 2007 but I know it was available before that. :-)
It is not a book for the weak or soft at heart, she is very descriptive about her life as a muslim woman. It was pretty horrible.

Germany, France, many european countries's problem is that so many refugees are coming in and taking the "nobody wants to do work" But since most european countries are not creating a replacement population, instead the population is being replaced by immigrants who do not support Christian values. Then these girls are not being taught, are not being assimilated into the existing (western) society keeping them very oppressed and changing the face of the (western) society to a more eastern view.

Its a fine line where to hang on to our rights, I think I might be willing to sacrifice my right to homeschool if it meant I could witness to children, who would never know Jesus. Its a quandary If Germany wants to stay "german" it actually needs to bring all children into "German" schools other wise It will not be Germany anymore.

I am Glad each day Christ's return gets nearer.

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:15 pm
by tiffanieh
Wow Tansy..that is pretty incredible. I'm so glad you wrote about this. Sometimes I can be so closed minded to anyone that opposes homeschooling, not realizing that, IN SOME CASES, there may be a bonafide reason for the betterment of society. Before reading this I would have scoffed at any mention of banning homeschooling...however, you lay out a very good case for Germany making it illegal.

I'll have to remember though...note to self...never move to Germany! check!

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:03 pm
by Daisy
HSLDA had an interesting article in it's latest issue, on the culture behind the ban on homeschooling in Germany. I'm glad I live in America. I would just like to keep America free and not turn it into the next EU country.

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:19 pm
by Bibliophile
Homeschooling in Germany was banned in 1938 by Hitler.

The European Court, however, agreed with the finding of German courts that “Schools represented society, and it was in the children’s interest to become part of that society. The parents’ right to education did not go as far as to deprive their children of that experience.”

The ruling also states that “Not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the integration into and first experience with society are important goals in primary school education. The German courts found that those objectives cannot be equally met by home education even if it allowed children to acquire the same standard of knowledge as provided for by primary school education. The [European] Court [of Human Rights] considers this presumption as not being erroneous [...] The [German] Federal Constitutional Court stressed the general interest of society to avoid the emergence of parallel societies based on separate philosophical convictions and the importance of integrating minorities into society. The Court regards this as being in accordance with its own case-law on the importance of pluralism for democracy.”

The Court’s arguments resemble those which Ayaan Hirsi Ali used last year when she proposed to abolish article 23 of the Dutch Constitution, which guarantees freedom of education. She said that all children should be sent to state schools because “freedom of education hinders integration.” The former Dutch politician, who has meanwhile emigrated to the United States where she now works for the American Enterprise Institute, proposed to close down confessional schools because, apart from religious Christians, Muslim immigrants, too, had begun to establish their own confessional schools. According to Hirsi Ali the state should educate children “in order to ensure that they learn tolerance.”

The problem with entrusting the education of children to the state is, of course, that instead of parents “indoctrinating” their children with their own ideological and philosophical beliefs, they will be indoctrinated with those of the state – which is exactly why Hitler banned homeschooling in Germany in 1938.

Tansy, you're right, it was to "keep Germany, German." But, Hitler's reasoning was a far cry from the one you're talking about. It's interesting, isn't it? I think we tend to ignore the fact that if God is not the center of your homeschool, it may not be the best option for your family. I'm starting to see this in some families I know, and, I suspect I would see more of that if I were still living in Europe observing families there. I still don't think it's right to totally take the rights away from the parents. But, obviously the Lord uses it for good just like He promises.


Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:46 am
by spidermansmum
I have heard of families fleeing Germany in order to homeschool their children.

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 3:15 pm
by DHT1999
Not trying to get too controversial, not step on any toes :D , but I personally do not trust WorldNetDaily as a source for accurate information. In my opinion, their columinists are purposed to create agitation and stir up unrest. They've been predicting a new American Revolution for quite some time and their war drums are getting progressively louder. Not sure about the situation with the mother, but please do pray for discernment... their "news" is meant to provoke.


Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:16 pm
by wisdom4us
DHT1999 wrote:Not trying to get too controversial, not step on any toes :D , but I personally do not trust WorldNetDaily as a source for accurate information. In my opinion, their columinists are purposed to create agitation and stir up unrest. They've been predicting a new American Revolution for quite some time and their war drums are getting progressively louder. Not sure about the situation with the mother, but please do pray for discernment... their "news" is meant to provoke.

A local news station is also reporting on this so I don't think it's WND using one of their "fear tactics" (this time).

Homeschooling is not an "American" freedom, it's a God given responsibility.

The situation in North Carolina and in Germany are linked in their roots. The roots are that the judge in NC and the politicians in Germany want to be in control of the religious teaching of the children. The children do not belong to them! "Our" children do not belong to us but they are entrusted to us; Not to politicians or judges or any other form of government. We have to fight for our responsibilities. Yes, our responsibilities not only our "freedoms".
Her lessons also have a religious slant, which the judge said was the root of the problem.

I search HSLDA's web site but have not found anything there about this case but I will search again. I'll be interested to see if they get involved. This is a divorce proceeding not a direct homeschool thing so we'll see...

Do not fear, God will prevail!

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:11 am
by spidermansmum
Just wanted to add that Home education is having a bit of an attack in England too.I would ask you to pray
HERE is a link to one of a few recent newspaper coverage of the Baroness Delyth Morgans comments about how soem hoemeschooler are just home schooling to cover up their abuse of their children and her preposed action to review all home educators in this light. ... ploitation.

Here is a blog newspaper article -much more in favour of home education

Re: OT-This happened very close to me, and has me worried.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:47 am
by wisdom4us
Dustybug wrote: ... geId=91397

As a new homeschooler, this makes me discouraged that I will not have the right to choose what's best for my own children. It is especially disheartening that the judge ordered a psychological evaluation for this woman just because of her conservative religious views. I'm going to be praying a lot about this.
Do not loose heart! As long as you are abiding by your state laws, they can threaten all they want to but it doesn't mean they will get their way. If you are concerned about your responsibility to choose the best education for your children, I would highly recommend you join forces with HSLDA and sign the Parental Rights petition. You can learn more about them both at my blog ... ation-day/ . This particular post was written after President Obama's inauguration, but in it are the links to the petition and HSLDA.

We all have to stay vigilant and know who you are acquainted with. We are living in the day that more and more of these types of things are going to be happening.

But we are not fear - we are to arm ourselves and be ready to fight the good fight of faith and stay vigilant!