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old kingfisher encyclopedia

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:13 pm
by Matt'sMom

We are just beginning Preparing and are loving it!! I have a couple (maybe a dozen :D ) questions. So far we have just used Wikipedia to do our research but I have seen several post recommending you have a Bible dictionary and a History encylopedia. Are there lessons coming were we will need these itmes specifically? What is the advantage of using something like Kingfisher compared to using Wickipedia? I have never seen the Kingfisher History Encylopedias. I am curious! I am wondering is this a set of books or just one large book. Also I have noticed that the recommened version is being refrerred to as the old version. Does that mean it is out of print? If it is available where would you look for it? Amazon? What about a Bible dictionary? Is there one that Carrie reccomends. I don't remember seeing one in HOD bookstore.

Thanks so much for any answers. I love reading the post on this board. Everyone is so kind to share information.


Re: old kingfisher encyclopedia

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:45 pm
by MamaMary
Hi Durea,

We've not gotten to preparing yet, but I have used the Kingfisher. I had the old edition and it was a HUGE hardbook book. It was awesome because of it's STRONG visual aspect. (Lots of pictures)

Re: old kingfisher encyclopedia

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:27 pm
by marypoppins
I'm not sure which edition Carrie has, but there are lots of "old" Kingfisher encyclopedias available on used book websites like,, and to name a few. Good luck!

Re: old kingfisher encyclopedia

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:54 pm
by Marsha
The first Kingfisher was titled Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World It is out of print ... 795&sr=1-1

The second time it was changed and looks like this.. ... 795&sr=1-3

The third time is the same as the second-just a different cover. ... ef=ed_oe_h

Re: old kingfisher encyclopedia

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:00 pm
by Carrie
I'm out of time today and heading out, but this link to a previous thread should help explain our encyclopedia stance. Make sure to read the thread to my reply on the end: :wink:


Re: old kingfisher encyclopedia

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:24 pm
by Matt'sMom
Thanks Ladies! Carrie, I will check out the thread about encyclopedias. Anybody have advice on a good Bible dictionary?


Re: old kingfisher encyclopedia

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:29 pm
by Carrie
We've enjoyed the International Children's Bible Dictionary. It isn't full color though. :wink:
