It takes a little while to hit your groove and find what works for you.

But, I'll give you a few ideas of things we've done in the past and are doing now.
If you still want some together time (which we do like and enjoy at our house too), then the Hymns from "Bigger...", the Storytime, and the Poetry work well to do together. I always did the together time at lunch and right after lunch because we were all together to eat anyway.
We sing our hymn before lunch, then some years I read aloud the Storytime part while they eat, and some years I do it after they eat. It's also very easy to do the poems as read-alouds during together time too. You could do the one from "Beyond..." and then the one from "Bigger..." back-to-back in short order. Eveyone can benefit from reading wonderful poetry.
For Storytime, if you wish to do it together, you can just do the lessons from "Beyond..." or "Bigger..." instead of doing both. Your kiddos will still get a great literature study component by doing either set of Storytime lessons. You could read-aloud one Biography from the Beyond choices and then one from Bigger... to use some selections from both guides.
For the rest of our day, I alternate my time with my kiddos in short spurts by dividing up the plans. Short spurts work better for me, so I can be available after a short time for whoever needs me and also so the kiddos are able to focus better. For example, I do the Reading about history box, the Bible Study box, and the bottom left activity box from "Bigger..." in one chunk with my one kiddo, while my other kiddos are working independently (computer, assigned reading, written narration, copywork, handwriting, books on tape, spelling, etc.).
Then, I'll teach the left side of "Little Hearts..." in one 30 min. chunk with my 5 year old, while my child doing "Bigger..." and my 6th grader work on something more independent. I try to make this a time where no one interrupts my time with my 5 year old.
Then, I'll check in with my 6th grader and go over what he needs, and start back with my kiddo in "Bigger..." again, helping him with Preparing to Build English: 2 and dictation.
Then, I work my way through my other kiddos doing the right side of "Little Hearts..." with my 5 year old and then presenting what's needed to my 6th grader. We do "Drawn into the Heart..." in a separate segment in the morning, and usually do the science box after lunch, so I'm available to oversee if needed.
I try to group my formal teaching time in the morning so that I can just go from child to child, with our together time at lunch, and then subjects after lunch that really just require me to oversee but not really present. Then, I can really tell myself that my hard work is in the morning, and I'm just facilitating after lunch.
I hope this is not overwhelming, because I really just want to show you that you can group the boxes in the plans as you wish to make them work for you. You can also style your day to keep the together time you enjoy, so you don't lose that.
I know other moms use two or more of our programs too, so maybe they'll chime in here with their day!