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math question

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:42 pm
by April
I have a question about which math curriculum would be best for my son. I am currently using LHFHG with my daughter and we are doing singapore math as it is written in the guides and that is working out wonderfully. My concern is that my son may have some problems with abstract thinking (we adopted him and he had drug and alcohol exposure). He just turned 5 so I am thinking ahead for this upcoming school year. I know he would do fine with singapore math now but I didn't know if it would likely get to difficult for him, and if it would be better to start a more concrete program with him just because I'm not sure if this will be an issue or if I should just go ahead with singapore math and if it becomes too difficult look into other math programs. If anyone has any experience with this I would love your input.

Re: math question

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:41 pm
by my3sons
Hi April! I'm glad you and your dd are enjoying LHFHG. :D From having worked with dc with FAS, I'd say that Singapore would be great. The lessons are short, there is not a lot of written work, and the hands-on activities would keep his interest and give him a concrete, fun way to do the problems. Up through 2A/2B, there are hands-on activities in the HOD guides written to coordinate with the math, so up until then, I'm pretty sure it would be a good fit. You can always re-evaluate then (or before then, if it's not working), but I think so many other programs would be way harder to do than Singapore.

In Christ,
Julie :D