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Question about the new Ancients...

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:48 pm
by Marsha
Well, I guess it's not exactly a question...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you could use the boy/girl read-alouds for readers.
I think there is a book for each Genre.
I think I will use the History Read-Alouds and use the Boy/Girl read-alouds to go along with DITHOR.
I have a boy and girl that will be in it when we finish Preparing.

Is there any reason why this won't work?

Thank you

Re: Question about the new Ancients...

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:24 pm
by water2wine
I think that will work but curious to see what Carrie will say because I had similar thoughts on this. I love that she has the options this way. Anyway glad you asked the question. I am thinking the same and assumed it would work as long as reading levels matched. We were even thinking of mixing the boy and girl interest for the sake of my son. I think the flexibility is there but glad you asked the question. :D

Re: Question about the new Ancients...

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:28 pm
by TeacherMom
I was also wondering about reader packages. :)

Re: Question about the new Ancients...

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:21 pm
by butterfly113
Great minds think alike...! I love it! I had wondered the same thing. I'm curious what Carrie will have to say!

Re: Question about the new Ancients...

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:16 pm
by Carrie
You ladies are so smart!! We're all starting to think like one another. The Lord must be speaking to us all in a similar way. :wink:

When we decided to add a History Interest Read-aloud Set to the new guide, we pondered long and hard whether to change the Boy and Girl Read-Aloud Sets (that I had already chosen for the new guide) into Level 6/7/8 Drawn into the Heart packages instead. We decided in the end, however, to keep them as read-aloud options (as that was my intention when I selected them), because they are wonderful read-alouds. :D

However, due to the reading levels on each book, and the fact that they are just wonderful books all the way around, they will work as Level 6/7/8 readers for DITHR too. They will also work for younger strong readers who need a higher reading level than the Level 4/5 Book Sets allow. :wink:

So, if you're not going to get a chance to read-aloud those books, they would work well as readers for DITHR. Clear as mud? :D


Re: Question about the new Ancients...

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:22 am
by MainelyJen
That's great, Carrie. I'm sure I'll want to continue our read-aloud tradition here at my house, but if there's a title I can't squeeze in, it could always be used as a DITHOR title. For moms with large families using multiple HOD levels, I'm sure they'll welcome the book pack as a way to implement DITHOR 6/7/8 during the Ancients cycle without more books in mom's read-aloud pile!

This is what we are blessed by, Carrie. . .that you are a homeschooling mom in the trenches, just like us. No one else would have the pulse of what it's like and be able to meet those real needs we have!