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How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:01 am
by StillJulie
with LHTH?

with BLHFHG?

with PHFHG?

Do you truly just open that morning and go? Do you look over lessons the night/week before?

Are there recommended book lists that you need to request from the library in advance?

Are there many supplies that need to be gathered? Is there a "headsup" in the manual letting you know that you'll be needing anything special?

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:17 am
by water2wine
We use BHFHG and LHFHG and we do not prepare at all ever, honestly. :D I truly just open it up and go. I never gather supplies ever and I have really found that when supplies are needed I have it all around the house or else it is easy enough for me to ind something close enough to do the job. I am happy to say that I am 100% lazy and unprepared and it still works great! :D Others may prepare and perhaps that makes them feel better and that is fine but I promise you my day is very organized not preparing at all. The guides are just written to be this way that is why there are no supply lists and notes to the teacher. I think you will find that it is very much like a breath of fresh air to use. :D

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:56 am
by yayadaisy
Well if I get the time I like to look over the next week lessons before doing it. That way I can get any books or resources that may go along with the lesson. A friend showed me this web site and it is so great. You can type in spelling words and it make worksheets and all sorts of fun things. It has every subject you can make worksheets with and unit studies on a varitey of things. But I don't always do it and I don't always use everything either. But it is nice for me to know what lies ahead the next week. It helps me with schedules to prepare how much time we will have on certian days we may be going to places. But really you can just look at it and do it. I used to do MFW and hated how much prep work I had to do and the library didn't always have the books that were needed when I needed them. I always felt I was missing something with it. The great thing about HOD is that you use the books you have for the program all year long and if you want you can always get more to go with it. No pressure. Really a great program and so easy to use.


Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:16 am
by Patience
It is really wonderful that you don't have to plan ahead. I may look at the art/geo/science block just to see what the activity is, and next year I will probably print up all the poetry selections and have the copywork ready to go, and you need to decide whether you want to get your literature selections from the library or purchase them, but these things are nothing in comparison to the prep work I've done with other programs. As another reviewer said, it's curriculum heaven.

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:02 pm
by paliz
I use to try to look things over like the weekend before just to know what items we might need but lately I haven't been and we still get things done.

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:24 pm
by Kathleen
I'm with water2wine. I honestly just open up the guide and go! :D (Does that really mean we're 100% lazy and unprepared? :lol: Or are we just being efficient with our time? :lol: ) And, it works great that way, and I'm not stressed about anything. I love that Carrie has done all the work for me in planning, and I get to enjoy the time reading to my kids and doing activities and teaching them. It is truly easy to use! The activities do use things that you'll have around the house, and Carrie usually gives several options to choose from that will work with the activity. (Like when we were experimenting to see how different bird beaks were used, we could use sand to hide things in, or dry oatmeal, or brown sugar. I happened to have all 3, so just picked one, but most people will have at least one of those on hand.)

I have very occasionally browsed ahead for the next week on Sunday night, but that was more because I was so excited to see what we're going to get to do than to plan anything or gather supplies. :D

:D Kathleen

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:03 pm
by my3sons
I'm another water2wine/Kathleen here! :lol: I never prepare. Not a bit. If you've got a kitchen :wink: and basic art supplies, you're set. I do not add other books to our homeschool day. I do try to have all the books in the HOD packages for the programs. I'd rather spend my time and money there and do that than head to the library, surf on the net, or go the bookstore to make more of my own "matches" - though I know other people may actually enjoy that. 8) I figure that's already been done by Carrie, so why reinvent the wheel? But, I do enjoy finding books as time and funds allow for my ds's free reading time, as well as a few handicrafts, board games, etc.. I like that there's no pressure there, but I enjoy looking long over time for these things, as time allows and personal interests arise.

If I were new to starting HOD, I'd get a tub for each child and put their HOD books in their tubs. I'd also make sure each child has an art box (or an art carousel) that they can take along with them as they move around from work area to work area. Also, it's important to read over the Introduction in each HOD teacher's guide and have those things on hand. Once you've done those things - you are in for smooth sailing - no prep time - and happy days! :D

In Christ,
Julie :D

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:11 pm
by momof2n2
The truth is... almost none. :S

If my husband is going to do school for a day or two [like if he is off and I am picking up hours at work] then I read everything ahead of time and help him get up to speed for where we are.

If I am going to need to combine days, then I also read ahead.

When I am nearing the end of a book for storytime, I look to the list to see what we will pick next.

NOW - the downside, is I will occasionally get to an activity where I do not have all the needed supplies. If that is the case, I will improvise, or occasionally I will have to skip. This would not work for everyone, I realize.

A very realistic approach would be for you to look to the next day as they are doing, say, their math problems and jotting down on scrap paper what you will need for the next day and then assembling that stuff later on in the day for the next day.

But really - we are SO HAPPY and we have very little prep. time involved.

BTW - I think you are from H@H and know my buddy - the original momof2n2. I used to be there [when it was an EZboard as stacyb momof3, then momof4].

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:23 pm
by StillJulie
momof2n2 wrote:
BTW - I think you are from H@H and know my buddy - the original momof2n2. I used to be there [when it was an EZboard as stacyb momof3, then momof4].

I remember you! How nice to see you over here!!!

In a few more months, I'll either be mom of 3n3, or 4n2... I like to be surprised. Right now we've got three girls and two boys.

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:36 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
We are using LHTH and I never look ahead to see what we need. When I first got the book, I went through and made sure we had all the art supplies that would be required (mostly household stuff) and since then I haven't had any prep time. I do take a few minutes before we get started to make a copy if there is one needed that day but other than that it is totally open and go.

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:53 pm
by my2guys
Using LHTH - on a good day when I'm trying to be really organized, I might spend 5 minutes the night before looking through the next day and gathering what I need all in one place. :lol: Much of the time though, just like the others, it's open and go.

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:54 pm
by StillJulie
This sounds good. I'm not a prepper or planner at all!

I usually make copies while they're waiting for me or doing something else for that day.

I usually do any book requesting from the library online while they're working independently. I have no interest in looking at school stuff during my evenings or weekends.

Re: How much time do you spend planning/preparing lessons?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:33 pm
by water2wine
StillJulie wrote:This sounds good. I'm not a prepper or planner at all!

I usually make copies while they're waiting for me or doing something else for that day.

I usually do any book requesting from the library online while they're working independently. I have no interest in looking at school stuff during my evenings or weekends.
Sounds like you will be very happy in deed. :D