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Take 5 minutes to help PLEASE!

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:15 am
by my3sons
Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a blessed Christmas. Now that we are getting back into the swing of things, I'm putting together the photo books for the HOD booth. About 5 very helpful ladies have sent me pictures and comments, and I am so thankful for that. :D :D :D Their pictures are so cute, and our photobooks are off to a good start!

What we really need now is for a whole bunch of you great moms to send even just 1 picture of your kiddos doing HOD along with your 3-5 sentences of comments about HOD. If a whole bunch of you would send your comments along with 1 picture, that would be so wonderful. :D Also, we're needing more pictures for the upper level HOD programs. ]

If you have a picture on a blog I could use, you can just give me that link and I can copy it from there. Here's the original link explaining more what this is all about:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2238&p=17234&hilit= ... ook#p17234

Here's a link explaining how to post pictures:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2404&p=17804&hilit= ... ket#p17804

I would greatly appreciate your help with this - I know you are soooo busy, but I am hoping you will take a moment to do this because it will be such a help to moms trying to learn more about HOD and what it looks like in the day to day as they attend homeschool book conventions. It is going to take longer to put these together than I was originally thinking - so if you could please do this as soon as possible, that would be super! Thanks, ladies!!!

In Christ,
Julie :)

Re: Take 5 minutes to help PLEASE!

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:09 pm
by dale1088
From the other threads it sounds like you would accept pics through Feb? I am just getting started homeschooling and will try to remember to take pics of DD doing Bigger over the next month or so.

Re: Take 5 minutes to help PLEASE!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:59 am
by Jessi
Julie- I'll send you some pics in the near future too. Thanks for the reminder!

Re: Take 5 minutes to help PLEASE!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:06 am
by 1shortmomof4
I've still got many pictures I took from last year's adventure with Beyond that I can review and select 1 or 2 top favorites - but where do I send them?


Re: Take 5 minutes to help PLEASE!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:23 am
by netpea
Hi Julie,
I will try to remember to get pictures soon too.
Lee Ann

Re: Take 5 minutes to help PLEASE!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:49 am
by my3sons
Thanks, Ladies! You can send the pictures (or just a link to the pictures if they're on a blog or on the HOD board) and the comments to me at:

MamaMary and W2W had a great idea of sending me several different sets of positive comments about why they love HOD, and that worked out well. :D If you get a moment to write some comments like that it would be super! There are lots of great comments and pictures already on the board, but I'd like to avoid going through all of them and contacting each person to obtain permission to use them if possible. :wink:

Oh, and yes, I did say I will accept pics through Feb. - but I am thinking I'd better say only through January now because it is going to take quite a bit more time than I thought (this is the story of my life - I'm always short on planning the time things will take :lol: )! I'll also begin editing the new HOD book and working on various projects with that then too - so I'd better move the date up to January. Thanks for asking that, Amy! :)

In Christ, :D

Re: Take 5 minutes to help PLEASE!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:58 am
by Dorla
here are a few pictures from our blog, and a few lines. But I do not think there are any specifics about the unit # and day.
Julie you have my permission to use any of these pictures and text if you need to!

LHFHG ... ticas.html ... ation.html

BLHFHG ... ittle.html ... peace.html ... a-cow.html