Separate cohesion??
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:28 pm
I guess my question is twofold...
1) I totally understand the reasoning behind using multiple guides geared toward specific ages...however, one of the reasons I love homeschooling is that it allows me to teach my dc together and then as a family we are studying the same does this work when you are teaching multiple ages with multiple guides??
2) Given the above thoughts...I am planning to begin BLHFHG with my 6yo ds and plan to involve my 4yo dd in as much of the program as she can alouds, Bible, history, it enough to just have her sit in on these (as she has done to this point) and add her own LA (basically letters and sounds) or will I miss alot if I do not follow a specific guide (I am thinking LHTH)?
I appreciate your insights...
1) I totally understand the reasoning behind using multiple guides geared toward specific ages...however, one of the reasons I love homeschooling is that it allows me to teach my dc together and then as a family we are studying the same does this work when you are teaching multiple ages with multiple guides??
2) Given the above thoughts...I am planning to begin BLHFHG with my 6yo ds and plan to involve my 4yo dd in as much of the program as she can alouds, Bible, history, it enough to just have her sit in on these (as she has done to this point) and add her own LA (basically letters and sounds) or will I miss alot if I do not follow a specific guide (I am thinking LHTH)?
I appreciate your insights...