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older sibs teaching younger sibs

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:43 am
by netpea
Just wondering how common it is for older sibs to "teach" some of the days' program to the younger sibs. I have my 7yo do The Reading Lesson with my 5yo. I am in earshot to hear everything, but he loves being the teacher for a little while and she seems to enjoy it too. This works especially well for when we school in the car on the way to co-op or bible study. He'll do the Reading Lesson with her and then he'll read to her from the CLP Nature Reader and Stories of the Pilgrims.

(He'd like to be the teacher more but she doesn't like him doing math with her...)


Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:29 am
by blessedmomof4
Hi, Le Ann,
Sometimes, if I'm busy with one of the youngers, my 8th grader will teach reading and math to the other. My 4th grader has also helped my 3rd grader with math. For fun, my 3rd grader teaches me :D I think teaching someone else can help kids understand better, and gives them extra confidence.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:10 pm
by Carrie
Lee Ann,

We have had quite a few busy moms that have used their older dd or ds to teach their younger ones "Little Hands to Heaven....". My older sister actually had her 7th grade daughter do "Little Hands to Heaven" with her 4 year old dd daily until they finished the program. She said it went great, and both girls really enjoyed it.

We've had some other moms continue that with "Little Hearts...". They've had their older child teach the left side of the plans to their younger sibling, leaving the left side to be done with mom.

My older sister had her own version of that by assigning each of her older 3 children a couple of boxes in the "Little Hearts..." plans to do each day during their time with the little ones in their family. That way she covered all of the boxes in the plans through her older kiddos, the little ones had something planned to do with the older ones, and my sister only had phonics and math left to teach to her young ones!

So, there are many creative ways to use our program that I had never even thought of. You wonderfully creative moms continue to amaze me with your resourcefulness! :o
