A lightbulb moment

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A lightbulb moment

Post by mansmom » Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:56 pm

So you all seem like incredibly AWESOME mommies...and we are here in the midst of UTTER chaos most day....created by a toy dropping, screaming, yelling, foot stomping, toy throwing 16 month old....HOWEVER...we had a great moment today in LHTH with my almost 4 year old. As we read the stories for the week, we usually end up reading more than the "snipet" in the guide. So I have come to collect many different story bibles and we just read the entire story each day from a different source. So, today I found the See With Me Bible that my baby was given. And a lightbulb actually appeared above my head!!!!! So I had my ds use the pictures and tell the story of Moses back to me...it made me think of "baby narration with picture prompts." He really liked it and it was so cute and awesome that he had remembered so much. Anyway...off to clean up after the baby before he wakes up and starts over....... :?

Mary '00 Preparing w/ LLATL orange & Horizons math
Alison '02 some LHFHG and a collection of other things
Nathan '04 LHFHG, RME, and Horizons math
Samuel '07 Constantly talking....


Re: A lightbulb moment

Post by mamas4bugs » Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:07 pm

That's great! :) I love it when something clicks. I bet it was adorable watching your little one narrate back to you. And it was a Bible story. That's absolutely precious.

I don't know about the awesome mommy part, but we definitely have the utter chaos covered at our house. :P My oldest cleaned up the path of destruction created by the toddler this afternoon in the schoolroom (pattern blocks and counters strewn everywhere, disassembled puzzles, books pulled off the shelves, markers with missing lids). She had just finished cleaning when the 10 year old wandered in there with the baby on his hip. My oldest used what can only be described as MY mommy voice when she told him, "Do NOT put her down in here." I have to say, that cracked me up. :P

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Re: A lightbulb moment

Post by Candice » Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:31 pm

"Baby Narration With Picture Prompts", that is so precious and adorable!
And a great idea as well! :D

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Location: TN

Re: A lightbulb moment

Post by Samuel'sMommy » Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:55 pm

That's awesome! We use the New Bible in PIctures for Little Eyes and each day before we read our story for that day, he makes me start at the very beginning so he can go through all the previous stories. He can tell just from the picture what story it is and give me a 1-2 sentence summary. It amazes me how much he retains! I'm kind of worried though because if he keeps this up, by the time we get to the end of Little Hands it will take us an hour just to review all the Bible stories :D
Wife to Adam for 25 years
Mom to Samuel (18 - freshman in college), Isaiah (8), and Judah (4) through the miracle of adoption
Using and loving LHTH & BLHFHG


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