And I'm frustrated. And feel like a failure.
He's come sooo far, but now we're stuck, and I dont know how to fix it.
He's currently doing Bigger (8 1/2 years old, 3rd grader). We've been doing it for a while, and he struggles so much. I've had to eliminate things-- poetry, timeline, and the scripture memorization. It was overwhelming him. Oh, and I had to eliminate cursive too. He just isn't ready for cursive, so instead we just practice his nname in cursive. Over and over and over-- and he still doesn't get it.

He's doing GREAT in history, science, art and he's doing so muh better on the reading, but he's barely able to add and subtract double digits and barely single digits. He cant keep up in math. I do the activities, they don't seem to reach him. He's very visual, right brained, but nothing seems to be working. And here in Texas, 3rd grade is when they're supposed to be learning multiplication. But that concept is totally out of reach (and hubby is really wanting him to be on track on multiplication too).
And the English/grammar/spelling/vocabulary... Oh, I just wanna scream today. His book keeps disappearing. Today, I announed that he was going to lose every toy in his room until it re-appears. Suddenly, he "found" the book mysteriously in the bathroom cabinet. Hmmm... wonder how it got there? But that's actually not the point-- he cries every day when it's time to do any english, writing, grammar. sentences, spelling, or vocab. He knows the work, but putting it on paper seems to be pure torture for him.
The fact is, I don't mind helping him, reading to him, etc... BUT he HAS to be able to do some of this, right???? He's CAPABLE of this. He's smart. Very smart. He has problems that make things difficult, but he's very smart.
And I'm refusing to allow attitudes, manipulation etc over this. I've sent him to his room when he decides to get an attitude. (the worse thing you can do. LOL)
So do I switch programs? Do I eliminate more? Do I just go run and hide in the closet???
Please don't bash me. I really love HOD. But I need to find a solution, and I'd appreciate any help ya'll can offer either with or without HOD.