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OT - Blogging

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:16 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
I have spent way too much time on my blog today. A friend of mine told me about this website I thought some of you bloggers out there might like it also. They have all kinds of free templates and things to spruce up your blog and it took me awhile to figure out which one I liked best. I'm so happy with the way it turned out. Check out my blog and let me know what you think.

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:15 pm
by beandip71
You're blog looks great! I have a background from that site too. :D


Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:19 pm
by inHistiming

Thanks for sharing the link. I downloaded one of the 'gadgets' just now for my own blog. And your blog looks wonderful, by the way. :)

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:04 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
Your blog looks great! And thanks for the link...I found new backgrounds for both my blogs :)

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:28 pm
by Kathleen

I LOVE your new blog background!!! :D (Fall happens to be my favorite season...and I love the leaf colors. :wink: ) You're just full of great ideas for keeping our school memories. I'm planning to try that blurb book that you wrote about earlier. Now if I can figure out how to create a blog...and then make it cute. :D (Now where did my free time run off to? :roll: )

:D Kathleen

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:07 am
by mamas4bugs
I love your blog! It makes me think two things--I really should blog (this is what my friends back in America keep telling me, anyway), and I can't wait to do LHTH again! I had forgotten how much fun it was. Although, and I think this is so funny, my now 15 year old remembers when we did it with her littlest brother. She loved the letters taped on the floor, and is already planning out cute colors of tape to use for the letters with her little sister. :)

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:19 am
by hsmomof5
It's very cute! I like! :)

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 10:50 am
by inHistiming

You really should's a great way to keep a journal of what you do with your family, and it lets others who don't get to see you in person 'see' you online!

Another thought...if your dd 15 is that excited, maybe you could let her take on much of the could be a great help to you. :) And, it would be wonderful life experience for her: preparation for teaching, mothering, etc. Just a thought!

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:33 am
by mamas4bugs
inHistiming wrote:Another thought...if your dd 15 is that excited, maybe you could let her take on much of the could be a great help to you. :) And, it would be wonderful life experience for her: preparation for teaching, mothering, etc. Just a thought!
That's actually a great idea! I think they would both love that. :)

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:52 pm
by trustinghim
Cute is great to get to know you more :D , I am thinking of blogging too, but a bit worried I will be spending even MORE time on the computer :?: :?: :!: :!:
love Deb

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:56 pm
by Kathleen
Stephanie - I did create a blog...didn't post on it yet :lol: ...but I created one. :wink: (And it only took me about 10 minutes - which is all the time I had when I st down at the computer. Hey, if I can do it, I betcha any of you can!! :D ) Oh, and I used the same abckground as you. Hope you don't care if I copy! :wink:

:D Kathleen

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:15 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
Thanks for all the compliments! For those of you that don't blog, it is tons of fun and a great way for friends and family to keep up with you. Plus, I used to love to scrapbook and now I just don't have the time. But, it's really easy for me to take 10-15 minutes (or less) to upload a few photos at the end of the week and journal about what we did. I was feeling really guilty about not keeping up with my son's scrapbook, but this alleviates that guilt and Grandma and Gramps and the rest of the family get to see what's going on too. It's great!

Kathleen, I don't mind at all that you copied. Now I can't wait to see some posts on your blog! By the way, that is a great picture of your family. Where was it taken?

Re: OT - Blogging

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:28 pm
by Kathleen
We went to Colorado as a family last month. (Notice my husband's black eye! :shock: It actually healed much faster than we expected, but he was on the wrong end of some 2x4's that he was helping move when they were dropped.) We were at Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park in that picture. It has a nice easy little trail around the lake, however we needed to climb up a slope of big boulders that went for a long ways in order to make it exciting enough for my little hikers. :wink: We had a wonderful time and loved all the refreshing scenery that God provides there! (I loved your pics of the Somky Mountains, too, BTW. :D )

:D Kathleen