I am really enjoying the dialogue on the Science opinion thread and will weigh in on much of it later.

Now, the goal in the new ancients guide is to help them form the daily habit of a quiet time. We are currently thinking that this will last about 20 minutes each day, be scheduled for the kiddos to do independently, will not consist of a formal Bible study (as that will be covered through Genesis: Finding Our Roots.. which will be done with the parent), but will consist of daily Bible reading, Scripture memorization, and prayer.

We are currently thinking that we will schedule the "Family Illustrated Bible" for daily Bible readings (but will include a schedule of Scripture reading for those who would prefer their kiddos to read directly from the Bible). The Family Illustrated Bible is written in the NIV style and is a paraphrase, but does include wonderful sidebars about historical facts and stays very true to the original text. There is a newly released version that we need to check to make sure it is as God-honoring as the previous version. You can view the link to it here: http://www.amazon.com/Illustrated-Famil ... 486&sr=1-1
We also desire to have a Scripture memorization time and a prayer time. We are looking at having the kiddos pray one of the 4 parts of prayer each day of the week, to familiarize them with the various parts of prayer without overwhelming them. The 4 parts of prayer we are looking at including are adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. We would include a starter to help kiddos pray in that area for the day (i.e. I praise you Lord, for....).
So, my questions to you are:
1. What would you like to see within your child's daily quiet time?
2. What things have you enjoyed within your own quiet time, and how could that knowlege of what has worked for you transfer to helping develop a quiet time for your kiddos?
3. What would you like to see in the way of Scripture memorization? Would you prefer your kiddos to learn key verses or would you prefer for you kiddos to learn entire passages?
4. What would you like to see in the way of prayer?
Feel free to answer any or all of the questions. I post them to get you thinking, but I would love to have you weigh in with your responses on this VERY important area. I praise the Lord for ladies like each of you, who are seeking after Him. He blessed me with each of you.
