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questions about singapore 2 and 5

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:22 am
by AmyB
My daughter is currently using saxon 5/4 math. She is a little tired of the review. I am looking into different programs for next year. A few of my choices are singapore and R & S math. If anyone out there is using singapore 2A or 5A would you please be so kind as to copy a page or two and send them to me here or email me at

Re: questions about singapore 2 and 5

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:49 am
by Mom2Monkeys
There are samples for each level of both the A and B texts and workbooks at You can also see a complete table of contents and placement tests there.


Re: questions about singapore 2 and 5

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:30 pm
by Kathleen

Here's the link to the placement tests for Singapore. My son finished Saxon 2 last year, and we went into Singapore 2A this year. Technically he passed the placement test for that level, but I was pretty sure from going through the test that there were a few areas that we hadn't touched on at all with Saxon. I'm glad we did 2A because there were several things Saxon hadn't covered that Singapore did. The placement tests are great...and they really give you an overview of what's covered in the book. Each problem on the test has the section of the book that it's from. I think if you went there and printed off several levels of tests and have your kids take them, you'll have a great idea where they fit.

Oh, one more thing...Singapore words their problems much differently than Saxon. It took my son a bit to catch on to what he was supposed to do to find the I'd expect that. (Also a good reason to err on the side of picking an easier level to start with than a harder one.) The Singapore problems make him do more thinking, whereas the Saxon problems were written more "predictable" in my opinion.

:D Kathleen

Re: questions about singapore 2 and 5

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:09 pm
by inHistiming
We switched from using Saxon last year to Singapore this year. My son completed Saxon 5/4 last year, and did fine with it...but he thought it was so tedious and boring. We had the hardback textbook and he had to copy each problem; we struggled with dawdling as well as with copying problems incorrectly.

I decided to give Singapore a try, and we're loving it so far! I had each child take the placement test. My ds place in 3B and dd in 2A. My dd did 1A & 1B for 1st grade, used Horizons 2 for 2nd grade and did amazingly well, but essentially 'missed' a year with Singapore and ended up going into the same level this year (3rd) she would have if we'd stuck with it for 2nd. :roll: My son placed in 3b, and he's in 5th grade. However, Singapore is very different from other programs and is advanced, so I wasn't really concerned with placing him in a 'lower' level that it would seem he should be in. He has been doing 2 lessons a day and will likely be into level 4 by January, so starting 'lower' has been good for him. It has allowed him to get used to the 'new' way of thinking and doing problems, so when he does get to the higher level he can concentrate on the problems instead of still trying to get through the learning-curve portion.

My point is (sorry it's taken so long!) that the placement test is an important tool for getting your chld in the correct level. Your dd may place higher than my ds did, and that's great! But I just wanted to assure you that if she doesn't not to worry, because Singapore is more advanced and completely different in many ways from Saxon. My dh, an engineer, thought both programs were good, but really likes the way Singapore is laid out and thought our ds would learn better with it.

Also, dd is using 2A right now, and is doing 2-3 pages a day, even though the guide has less scheduled. We may change that as she gets further into the book, but right now she is easily getting the problems done. I think there were so many problems per page in Horizons, the layout of Singapore seems easy to her. It's a good thing! :lol:

Good luck with your's sometimes tough to know what to choose. I know others here will be along to help as well. :wink:

Re: questions about singapore 2 and 5

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:47 am
by jsusgrl
Hi Amy,
I Know the other ladies did a great job of sharing their thoughts on Singapore but I just wanted to add our experience this year as well:-)
We are using it for the first time and really enjoying it! i am using the Level 2A and B for my 4th grader and like others said, I'm not concerned about him doing a lower level because it does advance so quickly. My 2nd grader is using 1A and B which starts off very easy for her but i know it will adavnce quite a bit by the time she is is in B book next semester. It is going great and I love how the HOD lessons on math are incorporated in the guides. I bought the teacher guides directly from singapore and found that the 2A and B guides do not match my sons text, so that was disapointing and they were not cheap!:-( i really only needed the HOD guides. Singapore has been a very pleasant switch for us and we used to use MATH U SEE, but more than anything, it was just not my learning style, so it was hard for me to use.
Hope this helps and God bless you!!
In Christ,