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Cursive Question for next year.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:02 am
by jsusgrl
Okay,i know I am jumping ahead.........BUT, we are currently using Beyond along with Bigger's Cheerful cursive, English and Math,, so i am wondering what we should do for next year when both of my dc will be in Bigger together. They will have completed cheerful cursive but I'm sure they will still need the practice. Any ideas?
p.s I couldn't help but notice in looking ahead that Preparing had cursive lessons using the (forgive me if I have the title wrong, please!) book Drawing through History.......or something along those lines...............Is THAT a cursive writing practice book with models to follow?
Thank you all for your insight and by the way......We are loving HOD!!!! :D

In Christ,
using BLHFG for 6 and 8 yr olds along with BHFHG for English, Cursive, and math for 8 yr old!

Re: Cursive Question for next year.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:52 pm
by Carrie
I'd suggest having them copy the poetry from Bigger Hearts in cursive (a few lines to a stanza a day), so they have the whole poem copied by Day 5. Then, they'll have a great poetry binder of poems they've studied written in cursive by the end of the year. :D

I know some moms plug their kiddo's copywork into StartWrite and will probably pop-in to let you know how they do that too! I've always just written it for them to copy beneath my writing, but StartWrite may take less time (especially if you have multiple students)! :D

Draw and Write Through History does have models of writing in cursive they can copy to go along with their sketches.
