Would This Work?

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Would This Work?

Post by Mom2SHZC » Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:54 am

I am really stuggling with deciding wither to do 2 programs or just 1. Let me start by saying it doesn't seem to take much to make me feel REALLY overwhelmed. Just thinking about doing 2 programs makes me feel stressed out that I won't get everything I want to do done. Then last night I was reading the posts here and came across the one from MamaMary about putting both her boys into LHFHG and I thought "Hey maybe that would be the answer to my struggle."

If I did two programs it would be LHFHG and BLHFHG. I have read all the posts about how easy it is to do two programs, but right now I am at a time in my life where I don't know if I could really handle it. We just moved 1/2 way across the country to Fl. because of my hubby's job. I am feeling very overwhelmed in the fact that Florida requires more of homeschoolers than Kansas did, so I am worried about not keeping a good enough record of what we are doing. Of course it doesn't help that I currently know no one here IRL who homeschools, so I am also trying to find a group I can start getting together with. Anyway back to my curriculum choices. I was wondering if I could use LHFHG with all three of my youngest and just do alittle more with the two older. (Their ages are 5, 7 & 9) I would add in English for my 9 yr old and maybe the 7 yr old. Everyone would do math on their level. Would this work? I know it would not be the perfect plan, but it would help me get into the swing of doing HOD. I have done alot of curriculum jumping with my oldest and she really struggles with school and is behind in so many areas for her age/grade that I feel like I have done more harm than good, so I don't want to do the same thing to my other children. I know it will be ok, but I am really freaking out right now.

This has ended up longer than I had planned. Thanks for letting me vent my fears and stress.

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Re: Would This Work?

Post by water2wine » Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:24 am

I think it is usually best to put them where they place on the placement chart in general. But having said that we absolutely do not want you in a place where you feel overwhelmed. That completely defeats the purpose. So perhaps Carrie or Julie could help you customize it just for your kids so that you could maybe use one plan but two guidebooks to cover LA and Math only. In my mind I could see doing Beyond but perhaps having LHFHG for doing a portion of the activities like the Rhymes in Motion, and Math on heir level and maybe Story time if you wanted but use the other program for History Science and Bible for everyone. That is my wild guess but I know that Carrie or Julie would have a better plan for you. :D

I want to encourage you not to stress. There is a perfect way for your family. I know that for us I needed to get guidance from Carrie for that and that is what gave us the perfect fit. What I love about HOD is that you do get that personal fit. It is something that gives me complete confidence that we will always be able to find "perfect for us" in HOD. I also want to encourage you to find "Perfect for You" because I know that you can have it. :D It may look different than everyone's plan but when you have the perfect thing for you there will not be stress. Carrie is a genius at helping people find that. She has done an amazing job for us. :D
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)

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Re: Would This Work?

Post by inHistiming » Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:25 am


Boy, can I relate to where you are right now. We just moved a year ago from Florida to New York. I had only home schooled 1 year while in Fl, but found myself feeling concerned about the regulations quite often. Now, in a new state with much more stringent regualtions and reporting requirements, I am wishing I were in Fl again! (at least for the more 'lax' requirements!) :roll: :lol: It is difficult to get used to a new state, learn the regulations and requirements, find a group to get involved in, etc.

It is my understanding (tell me if I'm wrong) that in Florida you need to:

Attend school 180 days per year.

File a letter of intent to homeschool (just once, not every year). You would only then send notification if you decided not to homeschool later on.

You are required to keep a portfolio of your dc's work...and the state must give you 15 days notice before the actual appointment to see it.

You are also required to test them each year or have a certified teacher look over their portfolio (or the test results) and send in an evaluation/progress report. You have the option to send in the test results if you prefer. When I lived there we did the SAT's, then I had a certified teacher look at the test scores and send in her report.

I think that's everything.

What part of Florida are you in? I lived in the Palm Bay/Melbourne area. If you are near there, I could recommend a great homeshool group to you, and possibly get you in touch with some 'veteran' homeschool moms who have homeschooled there for quite a while.

I'm sorry you're feeling so stressed and worried right now. Moving is a huge undertaking....and Florida is way different from Kansas I'm sure. (Enjoy the beach while there if you can...it's one of the things I miss the most! I'm 'land-locked' for the first time in my life. :? ) Throw in homeschooling, learning all the new requirements, trying to meet new people, getting all your legal stuff transferred over, and it can become overwhelming. I will keep you in my prayers, that things will go smoothly for you, and that you'll be able to find a good group and meet some new friends quickly. And know that I am just an email away if you need to ask questions or just vent...as are all the ladies here on the board.

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Re: Would This Work?

Post by mansmom » Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:00 pm

I am by no means an expert and I'm sure you will get lots of great advice here...but I just received and we are starting Beyond...I am one year behind you...my kiddos are 8,6, and almost 4....obviously the younger won't get "everything" out of the stuff we do in Beyond...I do LHTH with him also bc it take VERY little time and it is special to him, but he can participate in the activities we do in Beyond and he loves to do that....but I would personally say Beyond might be a better fit for your older kids after "reading" the manuel nightly for quite a while now!! LOL

HTH and I pray you find the perfect fit for your children and your family!!


Mary '00 Preparing w/ LLATL orange & Horizons math
Alison '02 some LHFHG and a collection of other things
Nathan '04 LHFHG, RME, and Horizons math
Samuel '07 Constantly talking....


Re: Would This Work?

Post by Mom2SHZC » Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:12 am

Thanks for all the encouragement. I am a bit calmer now. :) I had not thought about using Beyond for all of them. I will have to look at that option.

I was able to meet another homeschooler at church last night so that probably helped calm me down alot.

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Re: Would This Work?

Post by water2wine » Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:04 am

Hang in there and know that HOD really is an awesome road map. Just get the best fit for you and you are going to do great. And even then if you need to tweak it you have a whole bunch of people who are more than willing to help. Just one piece of advice make the best choice not the choice made out of fear. Put reality into your choice but throw fear out. :D I promise you after your first week once you find what that is you are going to be more than great!
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)

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Re: Would This Work?

Post by my3sons » Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:21 pm

HI Michele! Welcome to the HOD Board. :D Just take a deep breath and exhale... you've come to the right place. HOD is going to be a great fit for you and your situation. We'll all help you get this figured out - just like we've all been helped through our stressful times by the wonderful HODies on this board. :D I would LOVE for you to take a minute and look at the placement chart. It will really help us with placement - and accurate placement, along with special consideration for your circumstances, will help get you the best fit with HOD. Just a little information in regard to your children's reading, writing, and math areas would be super! Here is the placement chart link:
In the meantime, inHistiming's post will certainly be of assistance. That's some great information about Florida's homeschooling requirements! Don't worry, that will all fall into place too. For each of these things...
1. Attend school 180 days per year: just pull out a calendar, and make a checkoff of 180 days you're going to be doing school

2. File a letter of intent to homeschool (just once, not every year): This is usually a simple process. You can probably request this form from either a local homeschool group or the public school your children would have attended.

3. You are required to keep a portfolio of your dc's work: Just keep the papers and projects your children complete doing HOD and put them in a big 3-ring binder with plastic sheet protectors (take pictures of projects too big to fit in the binders). This creates a beautiful portfolio.

4. You are also required to test them each year or have a certified teacher look over their portfolio (or the test results) and send in an evaluation/progress report. You have the option to send in the test results if you prefer. When I lived there we did the SAT's, then I had a certified teacher look at the test scores and send in her report: Through BJU, you can be the tester of your children if you have a 4 year degree. Or, maybe the homeschool teacher you met at church would be able to do the testing for you or share how she has done it before.

HTH, and I'll check back for your answer about the placement chart, and then I know we'll all sort through this with you together!!! :D

In Christ,
Julie :)
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Would This Work?

Post by Carrie » Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:57 pm


I just wanted to encourage you that you CAN do this, and we'll help you talk through your options to find the best fit. I'd love to have you pop back in and answer the placement chart question too, but if you're really desiring to combine, then Beyond is the way to go for your kiddos ages. LHFHG will be too young for your 9 year old. Beyond would normally be too young too, but due to the challenges you shared about your older dd, I think you could do it.

In this scenario, your kiddos would all listen in to the left side of Beyond and the storytime box from the right side of the page. Then, you'd do the right side of the page from LHFHG for your 5 year old's language arts and math. Your 7 year old would do all of Beyond as is. Your 9 year old would do the right side of the page only from Bigger (for language arts and math). That way they would all have their own language arts and math, but you'd still have all of the rest of the subjects together. It is actually easier then it sounds. :D

Pop back in when you get a chance and let us know what you're thinking. :wink:


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