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Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:23 am
by Marty D
To begin this post I must sort of thank water2wine for commenting that there was a post on the HSR board that was not exactly HOD supportive (that is not how she said it, but you get the idea). I, being the person who can't stay away from a bad train wreck, had to go look at it. At first I became a smidge upset, and a little taken aback by some of the comments. Shortly after I read it, however, I went out to mow the grass. Mowing the grass and showering are the only two times that I actually get away from my kids for a long enough period of time to think. So, I was thinking about some of the things I read, and I honestly had to giggle for a minute.

You see, just last week, I had a conversation with someone who just loved the public schools. He thought that if you homeschool your kids, you are doing them a huge disservice. One of his complaints was that homeschooling is not enough like school. The man who was "conversing" with me has actually been around during some of my homeschooling. It is my husband's grandfather, and he lives with my in-laws. We take school work over there as needed because of scheduling issues. He thinks that you can never get school in in 3 hours a day. After all, kids go to school for about 7 hours. Funny thing, I was just at one of the best charter schools we have around here (I am teaching a sign language class there) and there school day is 6 1/2 hours. The schedule for 2nd grade was on the wall. I counted three hours of non academic stuff included in their day. Leaving only 3 1/2 hours of school work. :o

Anyway, so this morning, when I was reading some of the problems people had with HOD was that it was too much like traditional school. Funny how people see things so differently. Actually, I went to a great Christian school, and I have worked in several public schools, with several different ages, and I must say, one of the things I love about HOD is that it is NOT anything like the traditional schools I have seen.

So, why am I writing this? Just to say that even on our worst days, HOD is the best curriculum I have ever done! My ADHD son would never be able to handle the "regular" textbook approach to learning. I will go over to HSR and write a review this evening. I am on my way out now, but I had to write this before I left.

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:40 am
by Candice
Well said Martha!

I was having a hard time figuring out why some thought that the activities were silly or not age appropriate. I think the activities are one of the strongest points of the program. They totally engage my daughter, they are a wonderful opportunity for her and I to have some fun time together and they so completely help the material to "stick".

I have learned though that everyone has a different vision of what they want their homeschool to "look like". I think the thread just made me feel thankful all over again that I have found HOD and that it has so much meaning for us...even beyond academics. I believe that is priceless.


Oh! I just wanted to add that cutting the lawn is "my time" also, I could do it all day long if I was allowed.
Taking a shower...not so much, my 16 month old is determined to join me everytime!

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:15 pm
by water2wine
It was my3sons that sent you all over. She is on it. :D I think we all really just need to pray against it and pray that what was not meant for good can be used for Good by GOD! And I know that He can do that. :D

But what I love about here is that we have a great little haven where moms all come together and it is always good and for the good of each other. We are really blessed. :D

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:07 pm
by mansmom
First I must say I was LOL that other people mow their grass for time by themselves!!! Our yard begins to look like it might need cut and I am out the husband says our neighbors must think he is worthless...I think he is priceless bc he gives me that time!!

That said...I read those reviews as we were looking to switch to HOD with the girls...and I read the reviews that stated the activities where "childish" or not age appropriate...but this is what I came up with....they are "child-like" and in a time when we ask our children to grow up so fast in so many inappropriate ways...I find HOD the breath of fresh air that my children need so they can act and think and be child-like just a little bit longer....

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:34 pm
by Candice
mansmom wrote: That said...I read those reviews as we were looking to switch to HOD with the girls...and I read the reviews that stated the activities where "childish" or not age appropriate...but this is what I came up with....they are "child-like" and in a time when we ask our children to grow up so fast in so many inappropriate ways...I find HOD the breath of fresh air that my children need so they can act and think and be child-like just a little bit longer....
I completely agree with you! With HOD I feel like my daughter gets to be the little girl that she is. No way do I want to rush this time away. It is just a perfect balance of learning and play combined, to appeal to my young daughter and to satisfy my educational goals for her. I guess you could say, I get to "have my cake and eat it too!"

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:36 am
by MamaMary
I enjoyed reading this thread. Isn't funny how protective we become when anyone has negative remarks about something so important to us. Martha, I LOVED your reflection and smiled when you said you had to mow your yard to do that, LOL! I cannot imagine someone not loving HOD, but I know God calls each family differently. I agree with Candice's comments that my kids get to be kids. It seems like there is this movement in the homeschooling community at times to have our children act grown up, even when they are young. I LOVE that my boys can be BOYS with HOD. I don't mind childishness at all. (Foolishness is a totally different duck)

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:24 pm
by water2wine
Can I just tell you something funny about the "childish" or in truth child like activities. I added a devotional to our day and it is good. It was to help my kids in some specific areas this particular lesson had reference to a tea bag in the lesson. Anyway it is actually meant for teenagers or maybe just preteen level and we had just such a funny day today were we just accomplished so much but kept cracking up and I was explaining to my son that this devotional was really meant for teenagers and that is why we did it together. He just looked at me and as serious as could be and said "Mom look around do you see any teenagers? We are just kids. So why did you get it?" :shock: My son has a way about him that really just smacks you sometimes but it is because he is so spot on funny and he always has this grin to go along with it. So of course I went into the whole well you are mature enough and that is why we do it together and I thought you could understand it thing. So my son blurts out "Ok I get it, teabags, we all have sin inside and the hot water is just the stuff that happens but really it's going to be good tea or bad tea and it has nothing to do with the water. But here is the deal just because I understand it does not mean I am not still a kid." We all just busted up laughing and we laughed so hard we cried practically. It is so true just because they get it does not mean they can't learn just as deep and still be the kid that they really are. I mean if they are kids what is wrong with just letting them be kids for a while. I thought my son really hit the nail on the head. He wants the childlike play because after all he is still a child even if he can get the deep lesson. And the funny thing is they still get the deep lesson when it is fun but they just simply enjoy learning it more. :D

I am so glad we do HOD so we can have days like this where we learn but we just laugh our heads off. I'd be so sad if I looked back and they could all say the Gettysburg address but never had any memories of laughing so hard they cried. How sad that would be. :D

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:49 pm
by Marty D
Thanks for sharing water2wine. I always love to read your posts! Your family sounds great, and sounds like you are having a lot of fun. It is a shame that so many people thing their kids need to grow up so quickly.

BTW, sorry I falsely accused you about leading me to the other board. I humbly apologize, and now blame my3sons. :D

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:26 am
by crlacey
My opinion may not be popular but here it is.

I do like HOD and we are enjoying the parts of LHFHG that we use. My kids do like the activities and ask to do them more even after school time. That being said, I feel like people are entitled to their own opinion. I actually appreciated reading about different curriculum from the honest point of view. I expect that some people aren't going to like package XYZ because their family needs are different than mine. Like I love the idea of unit studies and really wanted to do them, but after reading reviews about some of those companies, I concluded that it was too much planning that I wouldn't do. Which would leave my schooling lacking for my kids. So I appreciated the honest reviews of why it didn't work for some families. It saved me time, money and frustration to hear those reviews. Also, I loved the idea of companies like Sonlight but even they list reasons on their website why Sonlight might not work for you. I found some of those reasons rang true in our house, but tried it anyway because I liked it. In the end, I wasted money on the program and made my daughter not like schooling. Now we have found things that are working for our family and my daughter likes her school. My point is I feel it's fine to stick up for what you believe in. But I believe we need to be careful not to be bashing others for their opinion.

I hope that came out ok.

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:09 am
by Marty D
Hey Crystal,

It came out fine, and I also have no problem with stating an opinion about what did and did not work for your family. I apologize if it sounded like I didn't think that any one had a right to say whatever they felt. I did feel like some of the opinions I read were not said in a spirit of trying to help, but rather trying to bash, and I don't like that.

I also looked at SL's reasons not to use list, and I saw some things there that I automatically registered as, "Maybe this is not for my family." I also got it anyway, and I also ended up not using all of it. Live and learn...Actually, I don't do unit studies for the exact same reason you gave. LOL

Again, I hope this thread did not sound like I was upset for anyone stating an honest opinion...every family is different, and every curriculum fits different needs.

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:01 am
by crlacey
I'm not saying you were wrong or anything. You expressed your thoughts well. Especially since you took some time to think about your thoughts before you reacted. I just wanted to remind everyone that outsiders do read these comments and I'd hate for them to think that we were bashing people who don't use "our" curriculum.

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:15 am
by water2wine
I think we all want everyone to have the best fit possible. :D I think we all want for everyone the peace we all have whether it is with HOD or not. :D And I think we really do have a history of embracing what ever choice people make to educate their children. HOD or otherwise. It happens that people come here and decide to try something else instead. I think we all actually are very supportive of that. And I agree with you that it is probably best not to discuss it on this board but I do understand why some people were put off by comments which seemed not so much in the spirit of trying to help since some people that commented had not even tried the program. I agree words do matter and we do need to be careful what we say.

I know I cheer with other people all the time when people find "it" whatever "it" is. I know others do too. People are very kind and giving on this board I think, yourself included. :D I think it would be safe to say that everyone here wants the best thing for their family and other families as well whatever that may be. Those of us that have really found peace in HOD are very excited for moms who also might be blessed by HOD, we can't help it.

Just to clarify though, my story about my son really was about me adding things to HOD in terms of a devotional that was a little bit of a stretch and him just reminding me that he is still in fact a child. :lol: The lesson I seem to have to learn over and over again that sometimes less is more even though I am not able to always wrap my brain around it. :lol: HOD really is enough for us I need to put my tweaking hat away but it is so hard for me to give up. :lol:

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:20 pm
by Kathleen
water2wine - I loved your story! You can never get too much laughing in a day! :lol: I think I'd love to come hang aroud your house for a while. I have a feeling that I'd learn a LOT! :D

Marty - I totally understand the irony of your conflicting "opinions", too. Sometimes it seems that people can be equally displeased with what you do for totally opposite reasons! :shock: "HOD is so different from public school that you're robbing your kids of what they need" vs. "HOD is public school at home" (I don't see that one at all... They must have seen a far different public school than I've taught in!) Good thing our job isn't to make other people happy with our choices, but to honor God!

And, as I go through my school year, I'm so very thankful that God has led me to HOD to use in our family! It is proving to be a huge blessing to us!
:D Kathleen

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:31 pm
by water2wine
Kathleen wrote: I think I'd love to come hang aroud your house for a while.
You'd be more than welcome!!!! :D I think we would have a great time.
Kathleen wrote: Good thing our job isn't to make other people happy with our choices, but to honor God!
Amen! You could not have summed up why we use HOD any better than that! :D That is the reason. How could there be a better reason than that.

Re: Sometimes ya just have to laugh...

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:36 pm
by Carrie

I love the title of this thread! I will pop-in to say that while I certainly realize that HOD is not for everyone, there are many different ways to say that a curriculum is not the one for you or your family. The tone in which a review or comments are written make a huge difference. This is an important thing for me to keep in the forefront of my mind as I respond to posts on this board too! :D Also, the intent is very important whenever we are commenting on a particular product. I try to remember that my intent must be to be helpful when responding with comments. I don't always succeed, but I try to keep that in mind. :D

Here is an interesting scenario that shows this in motion: Let's say that you are meeting with a group of friends to discuss homeschool curriculum. Several of the friends are late, and so it starts out being just 3 of you. You begin discussing a curriculum that none of you have actually used, and only one of you has heard a few things about. As the discussion progresses, this one person shares a couple of not so positive things heard here or there about the curriculum. By the time the other friends arrive, the 3 of you have almost all decided this curriculum is not for you. :wink:

Then, another friend arrives who actually has the guide. As you look through it, you realize some of the things you'd been talking about really weren't accurate. One of you may revise your earlier opinion and decide this might be for you. The others may still see it as a confirmation that it is not their style but they are in a better position now to give more accurate information as to why.

Last, another mom who uses this particular curriculum arrives, and she brings portfolios of her kiddo's work, and shows all of you pictures of her kiddos doing these wonderful things within the curriculum. At this point, most of you are intrigued. Within a span of several minutes the group's entire perspective and dynamics has changed. :D

This happens on homeschool boards too. Just because we lack information does not mean that we will not give an opinion on something. We are wired to give our opinion based on the information we have. But as moms with differing perspectives enter the discussion, our opinion may continually change based on the new, more reliable information that is being shared. The tone of the discussion changes based on those who participate. When accurate information is lacking, any information (even incorrect information) is freely shared.

This is why we monitor the HOD board! We want it to be a place where you can receive correct and reliable information. We also desire for the tone to be gracious and the intent to be to help. I'd encourage each of you to strive for those same things in your board discussions wherever you may go. Since HOD is a new curriculum, when HOD is mentioned, if you have reliable information on it, your sharing will always be welcomed if your tone is gracious and your intent is to be helpful. :wink:
