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Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:53 am
by savedbyloveandmercy
Hi, ladies! I know Carrie is on vacation right now, so I'll check with her when she gets home, but I have heard really good things about the Apologia Astronomy, Botany, and Zoology, and I think that Carrie told someone it would be overkill on science to add one of these books into the regular schedule ( I believe she mentioned that perhaps doing it on Friday would work). Would these be good books just to use as readers? Anyone have opinions? I also heard that Carrie is CONSIDERING (not decided :wink: ) using Zoology 3 in one of her upcoming guides, and voiced some concern over the previous books. I guess the reason I'm even looking at them is that I have two boys who LOVE animals, and I thought they might be a fun biblically-sound resource.

I guess my question is whether anyone else has experience with them, or even opinions would help! :D




Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:07 pm
by inHistiming
What I have to say is just an experience with these books.

One of the great things about HOD is that it is very thorough, it's fun, and it maximizes your school time....does NOT take endless hours to complete. :o This means you do not have to feel that you need to tweak it here or there to make it a complete program, because it already is! However, what is also great is that you can add something extra, and it still will not take ALL DAY to complete school. So, I think if you want to add the extra Science you could, and it would be fine. I don't know how they would be as readers for your dc to read, I guess that depends on their reading ability. I have a dd who LOVES all things animal too, so I completely understand your 'dilemma'. I would say adding this one day a week might be a good addition to your schooling; that way it's not adding time to your day every day, but you can still make your dc's studies a bit more personal to them. You could even work on a lapbook or notebook to go with each lesson you do. Just my thoughts. I'm sure others will be along to offer their opinions and suggestions as well.


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:24 pm
by my3sons
Hi Briana! My ds's love animals too, and they are big outdoors fans already (taking after my dh). :D InHisTiming and I are thinking exactly alike here, so ditto to what she already said so well. :) I looked at Apologia pretty extensively this past summer, and I think the one Carrie is looking at is more living than the other ones. The other ones I looked at can read a bit encyclopedia-like with many facts in a row, which results in them sounding not very living sometimes. It seems like the more recent ones are more living with better photographs (not so small). But, that is just my opinion. They are definitely Christian, which is such an asset. I'm not sure how old your dc are, but that would probably make a difference in how they'd respond to it. It also would make a difference what you do with it. It would be a neat reference book for information, and it probably would lend itself well to notebooking or nature journaling. If you are looking for a great read-aloud book about animals though that is really going to be fun, I think there are other books you might enjoy more. Masterbooks has some neat books about animals that are Christian, depending on the ages of your dc. However, you should do whatever you think you and your dc would be best because only you know what purpose best fits your Fridays with your dc! HTH! :D

In Christ,


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:58 pm
by Amey
We have the Apologia Astronomy book and my six year old ds will just sit and look through it for quite some time. He loves for me to read it aloud to him as well and I find it very conversational. He is very intersted in planets and space, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to have around for some extra science info. We will be doing HOD science, but this is a good supplement I think.


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:48 pm
by my3sons
Good point, Amey! :D If your dc are into something - they're INTO it, and they'd probably love the extra learning!
Julie :)


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:51 pm
by savedbyloveandmercy
Thanks for the help, ladies!

Julie, can you please tell me more about Masterbooks? I googled it and checked a couple of sites that I purchase books from, and I couldn't find them.



Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:56 pm
by savedbyloveandmercy
One more question that I need help with, please!

This doesn't relate to Apologia, but I know that the ladies that responded will be able to help me! :D

How do you get your personal info. to show at the bottom of each of your posts (children, ages, which guide you're using,etc.)??

I haven't been able to figure that out, so I'd sure appreciate some help!

Thanks again,


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:56 pm
by holyhart
That I can help with!! :D

At the top of your page, click on "user control panel". Then it will give you 6 tabs to choose on "profile". Then to the side will be 4 tabs to choose on "edit signature". Write in that box what you want to show up on your posts. HTH! :D


Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:55 pm
by ksjk3
I just had to throw in my two cents worth on the Apologia books. I love them and so does my 10 year old. Last year we read the first part of the Botany book. Throughout the summer, my daughter kept repeating things she had learned over and over again. Mind you I do NOT have a child who's an eager learner. We tried the Small Square book on the Seashore with our Bigger program and it just didn't click with my kids, so I'm doing Apologia's Swimming Creatures in its place. My kids are loving it. I think the important thing is to listen to your kids and let the Holy Spirit lead you to what's best for them. I throw in some of the Small Square book here and there when I think it enriches the other. Some may think the Apologia books sound too textbook like, but my kids think otherwise!


Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:10 pm
by Carrie

I'm just popping in here on our last night of our vacation before we head home tomorrow. The ladies are doing a wonderful job of showing you all sides of the Apologia books. I'll link you to a past thread here, which will more fully explain my thinking on it:

Here's another thread as to why we're looking at using Zoology 3 in our new Ancients guide: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1655

As the ladies mentioned, if you're a science loving family, you can easily add Apologia to your schedule. I'd just caution you against adding too much of anything to your daily schedule, as you don't want to wear you or your kiddos out! If you're doing a 4-day plan, it would work great to add Apologia on the 5th day (along with any other special interests your kiddos have). But, you'll know what fits your family best. :wink:



Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:49 pm
by Teena6
Just wanted to add..... b/c I think it was me that Carrie was talking with on one of the threads. Not sure that is the one you are referring to. We have used the Apologia Science with our 11 yr old (she just turned 11). She did the Zoology 2 this past year. SHE LOVED IT. She loved reading it on her own and loved how the book talked to her! LOL

I agree that Carrie covers everything in HOD. You could add but like others have said be careful to not over load. We have the Zoology 1 Flying Creatures..... and my dd still says she wants to read it. We will see. :)

This past May we met Jeannie Fulbright at our state curriculum conference. She is so nice and down to earth. I am so thankful for good christian authors ..... like her and Carrie ..... and they are HOME SCHOOLING MOMS TOO!! :wink:


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:50 pm
by Carly
We LOVE the Land Animals book. Our kids read it for fun from our reference book display shelf.
I would love to see Carrie use Apologia!



Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:05 pm
by Carrie
The Land Animals book (Zoo. 3 is the one we're leaning toward using in our new Ancients guide), although it would be one portion of the year of science. I do really like the layout and look of this particular Apologia book. As with all authors, over time, they just get better!?! Right? :lol:
