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Godly character traits

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:55 pm
by sniz-teach
I just had to share how cool it is to see my girls so excited to learn scripture and the "Godly character trait" that goes along with it. I love that aspect and the trait we are focusing on seems to come up often in our regular lives. I shared with my sister (Tiffini) that I am continually amazed at how the girls respond to your suggestions, even when I'm sure they won't get into them! Thank you, Carrie!

Re: Godly character traits

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:58 am
by inHistiming
I also love this aspect of the daily Bible Study in Bigger... We've done persistent, humility, and today we will start with boldness. I like the added discussions about these Godly character traits and how we can develop them in our provides great food for though, both for the kids and Mom! And it is fun to see the kids making connections in their day-to-day lives with each trait.

Re: Godly character traits

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:27 pm
by my3sons
It is wonderful to have these kind of conversations already planned for in the HOD Bible Study. I know that even though I have the best of intentions, I would never get to all of those great character traits without the plans guiding me to do so. I feel like these discussions open up my heart and my children's hearts to have frank discussions about each of those character traits. They remind me of the person God wants me to be as well, and that kind of learning goes on for a lifetime! I totally agree with you, and I'm so glad your girls are responding so sincerely too! :D
In Christ,
Julie :D

Re: Godly character traits

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:04 pm
by water2wine
Isn't it amazing! :D I love the conversations that come from the Bible study and character in my house. It is so weird when you know you have it all covered you are free to just talk about what is there and then you get to see it come out in their lives. I love the Bible in HOD!

Re: Godly character traits

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:08 pm
by Carrie
Bless you for sharing this! We love having those heartfelt discussions at our house too. It forces me to take time to do it, when my boys wouldn't otherwise share these types of things. We've also found it really draws us closer together and makes an open door for communicating about the traits throughout our day too. :D
