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a little update

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:21 pm
by Marty D
Howdy ladies,

Just wanted to come and give a little update after my post last week about struggling. Things are starting to go more smoothly. Nathanael is settling in, and though there is still some moments of difficulty, we are finding what works for us. We are doing SOS still, but at a much slower pace. I have found a way to actually skip some of the problems, so making things a bit less intensive has helped. On days where I see that his attention is less than at its best, we are using the language arts and math from our HOD book. He likes having a schedule, but also having some change within that schedule, so it is working better.

I am still struggling with my middle son. Trying to get his Kindergarten done is still giving me some problems. But, as the year goes on, and as he matures a little, I am sure things will come together.

I have been doing a lot of reading of other posts here, and it has helped me to see other people who have come and honestly said they were having a hard time. It is great to see the good posts too, but I guess I needed to know I am not alone in struggling at times. I am sure we all go through it.

Just wanted to say thanks again to all those who encouraged me. I appreciate it.

Re: a little update

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:22 am
by inHistiming
I'm so glad things have been better for you this week. Just hang in there! We do all have our days, but it does get better as the schedule gets cemented for everyone. :)

Re: a little update

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:55 am
by Vicki

I'm glad to know that you're hanging in there. Keep on keeping on. Claim a scripture to help on those difficult days--Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

Until you can get settled in with your K learner, I'd suggest to get some activities together in giant ziplocks and let the child choose which one to work on while your teaching the older child. Try a set or two of magnetic letters from the Dollar Tree and a pack of phonics cards with words and a cookie sheet, and let them try to build the words. Maybe a baggie with crayons and some letter of the week coloring pages or a cheap Bible coloring book, or a few picture books with the stories on cassettes to listen to. Trace out a few simple patterns or dotted lines on paper for cutting exercises, or get a couple of sets of those alphabet cards from Dollar Tree and let him play the memory game, turning them over to match sets. I think a few of these things will cover "K" for your 4 y/o while you're doing school with the older child.

Oh, I forgot...Story Nory has some children's stories you can download and burn to a CD. Put one of these on, and give him/her some colors to draw with, and you've got another 30 minute window to work with.

Re: a little update

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:42 pm
by Marty D
thanks for the suggestions Vicki. I will definitely try some of those stories for my little guys. You have been a big help.

Re: a little update

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:30 pm
by water2wine

I am so glad you are doing better and feeling like it is running better for you. We all have tough spots. I think HOD is the absolute ideal program but there are days when one of my dd that is delayed can throw a tantrum that will rival any 2 year old. She has special needs and while it is not acceptable it also kind of goes with the territory and I just have to manage it with her. For her it is always math or LA that sends her over the edge. HOD is our peace in our day that holds it all together. And sometimes it can just be life that throws you and even that does affect school sometimes. In this world we will have struggles.It's a promise that seems always to fulfill itself. If you have seen the movie Princess Bride you might know the line "life is pain Princess and anyone who tells you differently is selling something". :lol: But on the other hand there is always a blessing that goes along with it and I am glad you are getting to experience that.

Hang in there and give yourself more time to get into the groove. It is so worth it. I am willing to bet in a few months you are going to be having lots of praise reports. :D

Re: a little update

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:08 pm
by Carrie

I'm so glad that you are finding a mix that will work for your little guy. As the days pass, and you hit your stride with your schedule, more things will fall into place. I'd agree with Vicki's suggestions wholeheartedly to help your younger one have some things to do more independently while you work with your older one. That makes everything go better. :D

We've used rotating books on tape with a snack, playdough, coloring, paint with water books, using a markerboard drawing and coloring, a rotating educational video, rotating educational CD's for computer time, playtime in their room with a special tub of toys (labled Day 1-5 and rotated), and a variety ofkids exercise videos to help fill those independent time slots for a 5 year old. :wink:

Once your older child falls into more of rhythm, it will be easier to add your K'er schedule onto your day. One bit at a time, you can do it! :D
