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What do I do if we missed a year?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:10 pm
by mitch1114
A few years ago I took a year and tried doing my own thing instead of HOD. It did not go well so we came back to HOD the next year. Now my oldest will be going into 8th grade next year but will only be in the Revival To Revolution guide. So she will be a guide behind going into high school. What should I do? Do I skip Revival to Revolution and go to Mission to Modern Marvels, is it possible to get both guides done before she starts high school? Do we keep going as is and just not do the last guide with her? Help! She will be 13 in May.

Re: What do I do if we missed a year?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:23 am
by StephanieU
I would only skip a guide if the guide gets VERY easy and your child places a guide ahead in the placement chart. It is easy to use MtMM for high school. The biggest challenge is adding economics in at some point.

The science your can use as written and count it as an elective science or switch it out. The last section of science (creation/evolution) you could easily beef up by doing it all (see the teacher's guide for it) and counting it as a half credit. Unless your student is going into a STEM career and will need physics, you have a lot of flexibility since the three high school guides have the FULL credits with lab, which is normally all the is required for graduation/college admission.

English and history are enough as written, and of course mark is at your child's level. The Faith at Work Bible study is also fine for high school (written for middle and high school).

Re: What do I do if we missed a year?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:39 am
by Rice
Why Rev2Rev? If you've checked the placement chart with fresh eyes, and that is where she places, then just keep doing one guide per year and skip the last one. You can fiddle with electives, if you want. For example, I brought personal finance from the last guide down for my kids to do in grade 11 or 12 , so they would not miss that. You can do the same with economics, if that is required, as well as switching sciences around to get the credits that she needs based on state requirements and potential future university acceptance. The social studies, Bible, and language arts don't need to be changed at all from MTMM and up to be high school credit worthy.

If you placed her in Rev2Rev because that is what guide comes next, take a look at the placement chart with her current skills in mind. If she places in Rev2Rev, that's fine, but if she places in MTMM, go ahead and skip to there. If you're unsure, it probably is best to go with Rev2Rev, so she will be most successful (not overwhelmed or frustrated).


Re: What do I do if we missed a year?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 5:37 pm
by Carrie

Welcome back to HOD! The ladies are giving great advice! :D Here is a link to the placement chart:

Scroll down at the link above to look at the Hearts for Him Through Time Guide charts first. You can actually print them if you want as they are in PDF form. It is a terrific idea to look at the chart with fresh eyes and see where your daughter fits best. :D

If Revival to Revolution is the best fit, then that is where I would place her. In that scenario you just wouldn't get to the final guide before graduation (which is U.S. History II), but she would cover a similar time period in Missions to Modern Marvels as a 9th grader then. So, she will have had her U.S. History II credit earned in high school, just on the front end instead. We designed the guides to work that way so that kiddos can get the credits they need even if they need to be placed in Revival to Revolution or Missions to Modern Marvels for the beginning of high school.

Feel free to pop back and share your thoughts! :D Just so you know, we are having our once a year Spring Sale through Sunday night right now too. :D


Re: What do I do if we missed a year?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 10:45 pm
by mitch1114
Thank you ladies for all of the advice. She is doing RTR this year and I will keep going to the next guidebook. I really don't want to skip any of the guidebooks because I really like what they learn in each one. My daughter is loving the physical science this year. I am going to my states homeschool conference in June. Hopefully I can get some help there as to what specific courses she needs in high school. She has already decided that she wants to be a missionary to the deaf when she grows up. So she really doesn't need college. If she wants to, she can go to the local community college and get her associates in interpreting. That way she would be fluent in ASL and better able to reach the deaf community. Anyway. Thanks for the advice. I am excited to see what the next four years brings.

On a different note. I also have an 11 yr old boy that is in CTC. He has a hard time reading though, so I have a hard time getting him to do his independent work. I was getting frustrated with him, but when I realized why he wasn't doing it I started reading the assignments to him. We also set up the computer so he can talk into a microphone and "type" any written narrations or things like that that way. Sometimes I just let him do it orally. I found a reading program (Blast off to Reading) designed for kids who are dyslexic, which I just ordered. I think that is his problem. Sorry I forgot to mention that. I am hoping that will help and he will be able to take off after a while. He likes reading and he likes to learn new things, its just hard. Hopefully this program I'm getting will help.

Re: What do I do if we missed a year?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:10 am
by LovingJesus

I wanted to encourage you to start a new thread for your son. Since this thread is a year old, and your new questions are a different problem /topic, I think a new thread would help you get the answers you need. :D