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CTC-4 weeks in and wonder if I mis-placed my child

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:15 pm
by Mississippi Mama
Hi! We have done HOD on and off through the years. I came back this January and really hope I never leave. I love it!!!

But...I have a question regarding my 8th grader I put in CTC. I did this based on the placement chart and his lack of a lot of grammar + I wanted him to get that ancients/old testament study in and I'll admit that I didn't want to place him in a higher level that was too much for him.

I am now wondering if I put him in the right year.

He gets done in 4 hours tops :D . 4 weeks into it, he has gotten bored (he says it's not boring, but he wants "deeper" with less repetition between sources.)

When he narrates, he's like the model child even after not much formal practice. He's a VERY social, verbal child.

I guess you could say he is bored and is not enjoying it now in the 4th week. I truly feel this is perfect for the right placement. I believe the boredom comes from ME not choosing correctly.

Any advise from anyone?

Should I take out things he thinks are baby-ish? Should I plug in some other deeper books. I really don't want to tweak. I'd rather move him up a program if he needs it.


Re: CTC-4 weeks in and wonder if I mis-placed my child

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:13 pm
by Rice
One thought I do have is that there is a reason for repetition between sources and it's not so that what they miss from one source they might catch in the other! Encourage him to use the "repetition" to really compare and contrast. When details are different, are they important to the story? Are they the author's viewpoint or creative expression to make a good story? When they are about Biblical events are the details actually incorrect (when compared with the Biblical text) or are they just different interpretations? Do the differences or new details add to our understanding of the story itself, of God's work in the affairs of men, or of the culture and "feel" of the times?

Now, when they are still checking in with us for so much of the guide (or so little, compared to Preparing) is our chance to teach them to be like the Bereans, checking against scripture. While I can't decide for you whether he should switch guides, you can easily coach him to go deeper from what is already there.

As for switching guides, definitely call HOD. If you leave a message they will call you back and you can discuss the pros and cons of re-considering placement.

Just so you know. You're not the only one. :wink: It took us 10 units before we realized that two of my kids were not going to grow into what was expected where I placed them and they both moved down a guide. It was the best decision ever. The relief was palpable when they could do what was expected of them in a day. We ended up with a 10yo in Bigger, a 12yo in Preparing and a 9yo in CTC. The oldest graduated after WG; the middle graduates next week after WH, and the third will graduate next year after a Canadian equivalent of US History 2, after 11th.

Blessings as you work through all the options,

Re: CTC-4 weeks in and wonder if I mis-placed my child

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:29 pm
by mommyofmany
Only chiming in to say, after reading through this I probably should call HOD before ordering WH for my upcoming 10th grader! :shock: Keep us posted about what you decide to do with your 8th grader!

Re: CTC-4 weeks in and wonder if I mis-placed my child

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:55 pm
by Carrie

Hello! We are glad to see you here. :D The ladies are doing a terrific job of helping you talk through possible options. :D

In reading through what you've shared so far, and keeping in mind that your son is in the 8th grade, I think it sounds like he may be placed a little low for his abilities. Since CTC is mainly targeted for 4th-5th graders with extensions for 6th and 7th graders (unless your son has some pretty significant learning challenges), he would likely need a higher guide than CTC. I can totally see wanting him to have the trip through the ancients with the Biblical focus! The wonderful thing about HOD though is that he will get that wonderful Biblical focus in all the guides! He will also get another chance at the ancients in World History at the high school level. :D

We can also definitely choose a grammar level that will help with his lack of formal grammar, no matter which guide he places best in instead. :D I would probably lean toward doing English 5. It is a great foundational level of Rod and Staff English.

With this in mind, and with your 4 weeks of experience in CTC, it would be great to have you take a fresh look at the placement chart to see where he would fit best. RTR, Revival to Revolution, and MTMM are all possibilities. I might lean in the Revival to Revolution direction with what you've shared thus far. That guide also schedules all of English 5 to be done in a year. You could definitely give us a call to discuss things too if that is easier! :D
