When the kids were younger I often read one of the read-alouds from Beyond, Bigger, or the Boy or Girl Books from CTC aloud at lunch. When I didn’t have time to do that, we switched to listening to an audio of one of the read-alouds at lunch, listening to a chapter a day.
When we had kids in Bigger or MTMM, we sang the hymns from that guide together at lunch before we ate. Other years, we read and discussed the poetry from Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR, Rev2Rev or MTMM at lunch.
Some years I had my older artsy son have a scheduled time daily to do the history projects with one of my younger sons. They also did the painting together for CTC.
Every year, my older kiddos had scheduled 30 min. playtimes daily with my younger sons. This is where they really developed shared interests! My older boys 18 and 14 still do a daily 30 min. time together in the middle of school as a break!
I often just take a look at the inspirational subjects in my guides for that year and see one or two things we could share for the year easily at lunch. It is important that these are things that I need to do anyway. Then, I look at ways to pair kiddos up at least once during the day to build bonds! I always look for ways that will save me time. We used to do outdoor recess together every school day after lunch too!
The last few years we added a 30 minute family reading time at night. We set the timer, and everybody brings a book to our living room to quietly read. We cozy up with our books together. Sometimes we share after we read. Often the kiddos grab their guides, and read either their DITHR books or their Living Library or Lit books for the next day of HOD.
Once you start thinking of ways to be together while still doing school, the ideas will flow! Just be sure not to add more time to your already full day!