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Combining in Preparing ?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 9:59 pm
by RebekahH.
Should I combine my 8s and 10s in Preparing. I will be starting at 1/2 speed? I have them both working on the correct levels in Rod & Staff, spelling, reading programs, handwriting and math. I am comfortable adjusting the level or amount of writing depending on ability level. I also have a 6s who I am teaching to read, ect. and a 3s; our house is busy.
My 10s can read all materials on his own, and the level of assignments is great. My 8s fit Bigger perfectly, but I can't do both Bigger and Preparing time & energy wise. My 10s is past the project type assignments in Bigger, but not writing or working independently at CtoC level. 8s has maturity to handle the book topics in Preparing, if I do the read-aloud portions. Both boys are learning to work on their own in English, handwriting, spelling, reading programs and math. They ask questions and I facilitate learning new materials.
I tried a week of Bigger with 8s and a week of Preparing with 10s. Each week worked at 1/2 speed, but I couldn't do them at the same time. We covered our spelling, math, handwriting, and reading daily. My 8s asked to read the books from Preparing or other books like them.
I could also combine my 8s with my 6s in LHFHG and add extra reading books.
This is our first year of HOD, but our 7th year homeschooling. My goal for my 8s and 10s this year is to begin to establish personal devotions, a deeper relationship with the Lord and the foundations for independent learning.
Your thoughts and advice would be appreciated.
Thanks, Rebekah

Re: Combining in Preparing ?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:36 pm
by StephanieU
Have you considered combining in Bigger, but having the 10yo do the extensions? I think that would be a better option long term since the 8yo places perfectly in Bigger.

Re: Combining in Preparing ?

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:35 am
by RebekahH.
Thanks Stephanie,
I have considered using Bigger for them both. I actually already bought it with the extensions, then second guessed myself. My 10s has already read some of the books in the extension package. I didn't realize he had found my HOD book section of our library, which is now off limits. He reads books like they're candy. I'm sure he will get more out of reading them "slowly" a second time though.

Re: Combining in Preparing ?

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:37 pm
by manyblessings
It seems like Bigger would be the best fit for combining, with your older child doing the extensions in addition to the other work, and of course each child in his own level language arts and math as you said. I had the same situation years ago. I think with this combination you won't need to go half-speed :)

Re: Combining in Preparing ?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:00 am
by RebekahH.
Thank-you Ladies,
I am planning on starting Bigger with them after Christmas. I agree that long term it will probably need the least adjustments. The 1/2 hour difference in time commitment should also let me do the program full speed, too. I really like what I see of the building blocks being laid each year for the next year.

Re: Combining in Preparing ?

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:42 pm
by cbenner0723
I welcome to the HOD curriculum. When I started out with HOD 3 years ago I did the same thing with my two oldest boys. I started them both out in Bigger and placed them in the appropriate level math and English. My oldest did the extensions and thoroughly enjoyed it but I had to stay on him about reading ahead as well. He also goes through books like they are candy. He asked for the Harry Potter series (he was only 12) and I bought it for him and he read all 7 books in a week. Crazy! But back to having them both in Bigger, This allowed me to get a feel for the guide and be able to discover their learning abilities as it was the first time I started homeschooling and they were in public before I removed them. I also had a daughter in Little Hearts as well that year.
I think you'll do great and it gives the children a chance to get a feel for the guides as well.
If at the end of the guide you feel that one of them isn't ready to move up, don't feel like you need to can't go "down" a guide. My second son wasn't ready to move into Preparing after finishing Bigger so I just did him in Beyond Little Hearts and beefed it up a bit. This way I could work more with him on the skills he was lacking and I let my oldest son move into Preparing where he was now familiar with the guide and had more confidence to go it on his own. He still had issues but I just did a friendly reminder in the mornings (for about 8 units) to let him know to come to me if he is having any trouble. He excelled on his own and I also bought the extensions because he loved reading them.
Hope these words give you encouragement.
You got this
Carrie Benner