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ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:58 am
by momtofive
I noticed these are discontinued, and are scheduled to be updated in 2019. Any word on when this will be available? Or how extensive an update (pace booklets, too)?

Thanks and blessings! ;)

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 7:38 am
by momtofive
Any word on this? Is HOD going to suggest a different course to use if the videos are no longer available? Or can you recommend another resource to use in its place? Thank you!

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 1:45 pm
by mom24boys
I was looking at this same thing. Will the DVDs be out in time for next year? I'm not seeing them used anywhere.

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 10:24 am
by mom24boys
I just got a response from ACE (Tim Briggs, Customer Service Rep):

Response 1: We made the decision earlier this year to discontinue the individual Biology DVD’s as they we were having many issues with them and they were not required to complete the course. However, we still have the Labs DVD which covers the Labs portion of the course which is all that is needed. Since we no longer carry the individual DVD’s the only way you would be able to get them would be to locate someone who is reselling or giving them away as they no longer need them.

Response 2: The DVD’s are not being redone, the course itself is being updated moving from 3rd Edition to 4th Edition, but there is no timeframe as to when that will be completed. I do not believe we will have individual DVD’s for the new 4th edition.

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 6:53 pm
by mom24boys
This was Julie's when I forwarded the ACE emails to them:

Mike recently spoke with our ACE contact, and he said they still don't have a production date for the new Biology DVDs. However, they still might within 1-2 years. For now, you can order the Lab only DVD and receive lab credit. Then, if the other DVDs become available you can choose whether you want to order them at that time or not. If Carrie chooses to add or change something, she will make sure families know via our email/newsletter.

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 7:05 pm
by momtofive
Thanks mom24boys! You've been very helpful. It's too bad they won't have these anymore. Thanks for your help in finding answers on this. :)

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 6:23 pm
by mom24boys
Of course! I was thinking about possibly supplimenting with the Biology 101 DVDs. It seems to get good reviews. Just a thought if your child enjoys video content.

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 11:12 am
by PoppyD
How do you all feel about using this science without the DVDs?
I've considered the Biology 101 to supplement. I've also considered Friendly Biology dvds to supplement.
I'm also thinking about just using Friendly Biology - the entire curriculum vs ACE. But I'm inclined to think that she would like ACE better................
This child is a nature lover for sure - all things animals and plants.

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 11:24 am
by momtofive
I've used the ACE Biology with my oldest, just using the lab dvd alongside, and it worked great. I just wanted the videos for this particular child as it would work well.

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 8:19 pm
by PoppyD
If anyone finishes up with these DVDs and wants to sell them, I’d be interested in buying them to use next year.

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:47 pm
by momtofive
Just a little follow up.....

I recently received an email response/update on my question, from ACE. They stated that the new 4th edition Biology will be available on July 1st, but only the first half of the course, with the second half being made available later this fall. They will not have DVD video lessons any longer, but will have new lab demonstrations, and they will be available for free online for viewing during the course. This sounds like it'll be a great option! :D

We've done the course both ways in the past (oldest used paces w/lab dvd, and the next child used paces with full lesson dvd's), and doing it with just the lab videos is a very efficient, complete course. I just wanted to pass along the information in case its helpful to someone.

Blessings! ;)

Re: ACE Biology DVD's....

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 3:00 pm
by Carrie

Thanks for updating this thread! I apologize that we missed this! :D The ACE Biology program does work well without the daily DVDs. The wording of the text in the Paces is almost the exact wording of the DVDs. The Biology Lab DVDs are still available to use with the Paces for right now. Once the entire set of Biology Paces has been updated, we will most likely switch to the new version. Right now, only the first half of the Paces are available. This makes switching very difficult right now. By next summer, the entire series should be done. :D

We like the look of the new series, but we will have to review all of the series prior to making any change. The labs will be available for free online, which will be a great cost-saving feature! :D
