Grading in WG
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:53 am
I'm probably over-thinking grading, but considering this is our first year of regularly grading things (my son is in 9th grade), I want to make sure I do it right for record-keeping and transcripts. I do have the WG guide, and I have looked over the grading part. I am still a bit confused, as far as overhwelmed. I see that certain parts of certain subjects get say 25% of the grade for that subject, and others get 10%, etc. To me it all seems kind of confusing and like a whole lot of work!
Did any of you do anything special to make it easier to track? Also, I will basically be grading every assignment he does? Thanks for your help...I'm sure it's much simpler than I'm making it up in my mind to be!