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What are the Benefits of LHFHG's Rhymes in Motion?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 4:05 am
by Heart_Mom

I have a very crunched school year schedule with my kids. My almost 6 year old LOVES Heart of Dakota, and I'm committed to taking the time to do it with her each day. I intuitively know that the Rhymes in Motion part is worth the time, but I'm wondering if you can explain the specific benefits of that portion. (I think it will help me be faithful to do them even on the busy days!)

Thank you!

Re: What are the Benefits of LHFHG's Rhymes in Motion?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:45 pm
by Carrie

I am so glad that you will get a chance to use LHFHG! We have loved it with our own boys, so we pray it may be a blessing to your family as well. :D

The rhymes in motion are written to integrate the left and right side of the brain. Saying the words and doing the motions call on different parts of the brain. As kiddos say the words and do the motions at the same time, the two sides of the brain are working together. Developing pathways between the two sides of the brain is especially important for kiddos in LHFHG as they are getting ready to read. So, I highly encourage you to do the rhymes in motion. Think of it as fun and easy brain integration therapy and reading readiness help all rolled into one!

As an additional bonus, the motions within the rhymes are also calling upon gross motor skills that are needing to be developed at this stage too. So, take the 5 minutes to do the rhymes. It is worth it! :D


Re: What are the Benefits of LHFHG's Rhymes in Motion?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:54 pm
by Rice
I knew you would have an amazing answer for her, Carrie!

I'd like to encourage you, Carrie, and Elisabeth that there are even more benefits than those!

I love that it teaches that school can be fun, and gets them participating in the rhyme and rhythm of language (other pre-reading skills - phonemic awareness is so huge that it was tested in 1st graders at the beginning of the school year when I worked as an ASL interpretor/tutor before our first was born).

There is also some great knowledge in some of those: my 4yo can almost recite the months of the year because she did the Rhymes in Motion with her brothers (and they loved being allowed to do a somersault on their birth month!).

Thanks for the question, Elisabeth! It's always interesting to put all the skills learned from one little subject into "education speak" and realize how integrated all the subjects and skills are! :D (nerd in me coming out when I talk about this! :lol: )


Re: What are the Benefits of LHFHG's Rhymes in Motion?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:02 am
by Heart_Mom
Carrie and Rice! Thank you both for your helpful explanations. As a musician, I enjoy the exposure to melody, rhyme, rhythm and movement. I'm so thankful to have an open-and-go way to spend some special time each day with my youngest. I don't want her to get lost in the shuffle! Everyday she wants to find out what happens to Reddy Fox next! :D