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HOD Blog

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:48 am
by kidsforHim
HI! Just wanted to let you know that I love the Streamlined lunch ideas. I am going to see what we can come up with for our family & may use some of the ideas that were listed. Also, I really love reading the Heart of Dakota Graduate Spotlight. I would really like to pick some of these families brains a bit, but any ways, it's fun and encouraging to read about them.

Re: HOD Blog

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 1:21 pm
by snadig
Where do you find the graduate spotlight on the blog?

Re: HOD Blog

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:09 pm
by kidsforHim
Actually, I had just gotten the Teaching tip from HOD in my email. That's where I read the Streamlined lunches but down further they had the Graduate spotlight. It is in the blog though. I just don't know how to tell you right off quick where to find it as I rather stumbled onto it myself today.

Re: HOD Blog

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:24 pm
by kidsforHim
Okay, here's what I just did ( there's probably a better way, but anyhow....) go to the blog & scroll down to Topics by Category (on the right) click on Dear Carrie. Scroll down about halfway to the article Nervous about Homeschooling in High School to be Ready for College. At the bottom of the article in the P.S. are the names of graduates you can click on & read their story. Hope that helps!