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Ready for CTC?
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 4:07 pm
by mrsrandolph
Struggling with what to do about my son who will finish Preparing very very soon. He has the intelligence. We had neuro psych testing done on him, and his IQ is 120. HOWEVER he is ADHD and we haven't figured out what meds and doses are going to work. Another BIG thing is severe handwriting deficits. He gets OT but it takes him close to a minute to write one word...Thinking of timeline entries etc. I have used HOD from LHTH to High School, but I am vexed.
Re: Ready for CTC?
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 7:01 pm
by Nealewill
What do you do now? Even though I have done CtC before, my younger kids just finished up Preparing last year and started CtC this year. I was thinking they would riot and be frustrated by the increase in level. They didn't even blink! It was a very smooth transition. I would just do the same type of modifications as you need that you did last year with your son for this year.
Re: Ready for CTC?
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:17 am
by LynnH
Does your son type? I think you know my son has dysgraphia and he has used all levels of HOD from Preparing to US2. He types most things such as written narrations and writing assignments. He dictates things that are in workbooks that require longer answers. You could also look into the various speech to text programs out there. My understanding is Google Docs actually has a very good speech to text system built in. There is also Dragon Dictation as well as various apps for the Ipad etc. I have felt like HOD is very easy to modify for him, much easier than if we were using a straight textbook program.