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Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:58 am
by quiverfull
I just noticed that P&P is gone from the Literature list. Is there a reason for the change? Just curious.

Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:23 am
by StephanieU
It looks like both boys and girls sets went from 6 down to 5 books. I wonder if while actually writing the plans, Carrie realized there just want time to do six books plus BJU?

Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:25 am
by StephanieU
It is now in one of the US history guides though, so they will read it eventually!

Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:47 am
by quiverfull
Is there an update to the guide?

Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:43 am
by momtofive
I'm interested in this too, as my next child to use WG, will be using the girl's literature package. The list has more changes than just P&P though. In my WG guidebook, it lists A Lantern in Her Hand, Pride and Predjudice, Papa's Wife, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Little Women. However, on the website, the current list has A Lantern in Her Hand, Persuasion, Anne of Avonlea, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Little Women. So it looks like two books changed. I'm thinking they must have an update to the guide to reschedule these two changed books.

Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:12 am
by Carrie

We have updated the World Geography guide to reflect the book changes you mentioned, so there is a new edition of the World Geography guide out now. Pride and Prejudice is such a terrific book that I didn't want my boys to miss reading it along with watching the BBC DVD of Pride and Prejudice with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. My oldest son read all of the Austen books after first reading (and watching) Pride and Prejudice. It is a wonderful way to experience Austen! 8)

In order to move Pride and Predjudice to the senior year British Literature part of the U.S. II guide, we moved it out of the girl set for World Geography and replaced it with Persuasion. At the same time, Papa's Wife went out of print, so we replaced that particular title with Anne of Avonlea.

The changes make a solid girl set for World Geography and a solid British Lit. set for U.S. History II. :D We are excited about the changes!

My second son is doing Pride and Prejudice now along with the DVDs with U.S. II and really enjoying it! We pray your students will enjoy the readings too. :D


Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:41 am
by quiverfull
Carrie wrote:Ladies,

We have updated the World Geography guide to reflect the book changes you mentioned, so there is a new edition of the World Geography guide out now. Pride and Prejudice is such a terrific book that I didn't want my boys to miss reading it along with watching the BBC DVD of Pride and Prejudice with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. My oldest son read all of the Austen books after first reading (and watching) Pride and Prejudice. It is a wonderful way to experience Austen! 8)

In order to move Pride and Predjudice to the senior year British Literature part of the U.S. II guide, we moved it out of the girl set for World Geography and replaced it with Persuasion. At the same time, Papa's Wife went out of print, so we replaced that particular title with Anne of Avonlea.

The changes make a solid girl set for World Geography and a solid British Lit. set for U.S. History II. :D We are excited about the changes!

My second son is doing Pride and Prejudice now along with the DVDs with U.S. II and really enjoying it! We pray your students will enjoy the readings too. :D


Will there be an update available to those of us who have the old version of the Guide?

Thanks :)

Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 8:38 pm
by Rice
Just curious, Carrie, (as a Canadian who has never been able to make myself get farther than a few chapters into the Anne books, but read many other Montgomery books), why did you choose Anne of Avonlea, instead of Anne of Green Gables? (I'm one of those who likes to start a series at the beginning. Should I have my DD read/listen to Anne of GG before hitting the WG guide? :D )

Thanks for including a Canadian author, though! :D

And now I have to find a copy of Papa's Wife, anything you've chosen is worth reading! (I was able to get a copy of the book for MTMM that was replaced by Candy Bomber, which made me really happy since DS had already read Candy Bomber for DITHOR! :D )


Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 11:25 am
by Carrie
We use Anne of Green Gables in CTC in the girl pack. The Anne books can stand on their own, but if your daughter hasn't read of Anne of Green Gables it is well worth reading! :D Anne of Avonlea includes a more grown-up Anne with all of the thoughts of an older teen/young lady. So, it works great for the WG guide-aged young lady. Anne of Avonlea also has some very funny moments that will make you laugh out loud. :lol: I know I did!!


Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 12:29 pm
by momtofive
Carrie wrote:We use Anne of Green Gables in CTC in the girl pack. The Anne books can stand on their own, but if your daughter hasn't read of Anne of Green Gables it is well worth reading! :D Anne of Avonlea includes a more grown-up Anne with all of the thoughts of an older teen/young lady. So, it works great for the WG guide-aged young lady. Anne of Avonlea also has some very funny moments that will make you laugh out loud. :lol: I know I did!!

Carrie, will an update to the WG literature plans be available for those of us who've recently purchased the guide (before the changes)?

Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 4:16 pm
by Carrie

We updated the plans in our new edition of the WG guide to coordinate with Papa's Wife going out of print. In that way families purchasing the guide were able to get the books that matched the version of the guide that they received. You can still use your guide with the books that were available when you purchased the guide, as those plans and books still work. :D We only use replacement schedules when a guide is still in stock but needs schedule changes to make it work until the guide is reprinted. So in this case there was no replacement schedule. If we made a replacement schedule for every book that went out of print, it would be overwhelming for us and for the customers to know what schedule to use when and with which version of the guide.


Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 4:26 pm
by StephanieU

So I think the question some are having is what would they do if they used Pride and Prejudice with WG when it comes to AH when it is scheduled again? Do you have any suggestions/plans for that scenario? In many cases, families also have younger children. Is there an update for skipping Pride and Prejudice in WG? I don't think people are worried about the other book change. it is the book that is now scheduled twice for their students.

Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 4:30 pm
by Carrie
Good question! :D With the World Geography guide it is very easy to switch out Pride and Prejudice with Persuasion if desired by simply dividing the number of pages in Persuasion over the number of days Pride and Prejudice is scheduled. This wouldn't work well for literature in any of the other high school guides, as I wrote daily plans to match the readings; but in World Geography the novels alternate with BJU Lit, and so the novels have more general assignments like narration and Common Place Book entries (making the books easy to swap out without affecting the flow of the plans). :D Anne of Avonlea can also be switched for Papa's Wife just as easily. :D


Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 4:43 pm
by momtofive
Carrie wrote:Good question! :D With the World Geography guide it is very easy to switch out Pride and Prejudice with Persuasion if desired by simply dividing the number of pages in Persuasion over the number of days Pride and Prejudice is scheduled. This wouldn't work well for literature in any of the other high school guides, as I wrote daily plans to match the readings; but in World Geography the novels alternate with BJU Lit, and so the novels have more general assignments like narration and Common Place Book entries (making the books easy to swap out without affecting the flow of the plans). :D Anne of Avonlea can also be switched for Papa's Wife just as easily. :D

Oh, this is perfect! :) I hadn't realized that they could so easily be substituted and still carry on the same flow for the literature in WG. Great planning, Carrie! Thank you!! ;)

Re: Pride and Prejudice gone from WG?

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:32 pm
by Glad2Bsaved
My daughter just completed WG and read Pride and Prejudice. When she gets to AH-2, will she read it again since the Guide's instructions go with that book?