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Spiral Bound Guides???

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:22 am
by HSMom
I've had this internal debate going on since my box day several weeks ago... and then a few posts here and on some of the FB groups have brought it to the forefront again. How many of you spiral bind your guides? We are starting our journey with my oldest and I currently have 2 others and am hopeful that we will have more. Point being that these guides are going to get used!! Do you find they last longer if they are spiral bound? For those that do spiral bind them, what are your reasons? Anyone done it and regret it?

Thanks!! :)

Re: Spiral Bound Guides???

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 9:10 am
by StephanieU
I have not changed the binding on our guides. We are using LHFHG for the third time right now, and the guide is still in great shape. The only thing we have done is add clear contact paper to the cover to make it a little sturdier (the corners were getting bent before we did that).
Personally, I think spiral bound is less sturdy. It is easier for pages to be torn out of a spiral binding. If any of our guides start falling apart, I plan on putting the pages into a binder, probably a unit or page protector (and then the current unit or two in individual page protectors). But that is only if one of our guides starts to have issues (which I currently don't see happening).

Re: Spiral Bound Guides???

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:46 pm
by MelInKansas
I do not spiral bind. I would think perhaps the pages would rip out of that more easily than they would out of the original binding. People who do that I think want it to open and lay completely flat - though HOD uses a special type of binding that is supposed to do this better than most books of this style. It seems to work fine to me. I photocopied some pages in my guide the other day and was impressed at how well it laid open flat (of course mine ARE well used).

Re: Spiral Bound Guides???

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:02 pm
by mrsrandolph
I have mine 1st coil bound and 2nd have the back and front covers covered with thick laminate. I have done this from Little Hands to World Geography and never regretted it!

Re: Spiral Bound Guides???

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:55 am
by HSMom
Thanks for your answers, ladies! Stephanie - stupid question... when you put contact paper on it, do you fold it around the cover or just trim it at the edge. Not sure if my question makes sense or not. :?

Re: Spiral Bound Guides???

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:50 pm
by StephanieU
I trim the top and bottom and then fold it to cover the inside of the cover as well. Did that make sense?

Re: Spiral Bound Guides???

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 1:10 pm
by HSMom
Yes, makes sense! Thanks, Stephanie!

Re: Spiral Bound Guides???

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 4:54 pm
by Taramisu
I had my LHFHG manual spiral bound at Staples this past fall and I do not regret it so far! It has been very sturdy for us and I love that it lays flat. I did have the front and back covers laminated which make them very sturdy and protective, but I am careful when I handle the manual. We have not had any pages tear all year. I'm not sure how it'll hold up long-term, but there is no indication right now that it will be worse than the original binding. I'm going to have my LHTH and Beyond manuals spiralized this summer for next year! :)

Re: Spiral Bound Guides???

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 7:13 am
by momtofive
I actually have a spiral binding machine, which has been a huge blessing in our homeschool, however, I've not spiral bound my guides. I've found they hold up extremely well with the original binding. After several years of different kids using them, I do cover them in laminating film (much like contact paper) just to sturdy up the covers if they are getting bent up. I love being able to easily spot the guide on the shelf by looking at the spine. We keep them on my desk when not in use, so it makes it super quick for the kids to grab their guidebook and get started. With 5 different guides running here daily, its been helpful to just quickly be able to grab the right guide at a glance. ;)

Re: Spiral Bound Guides???

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 3:24 pm
by Home_Mama
This is what I do with my guides. When I receive the guide, I take it to a bindery and have the binding shaved off and the guide 3-hole-punched. I put it into a binder. Each child has picked out a special portfolio that has tabs to allow 3-hole-punched items to be secured in it. In each portfolio I put good quality sheet protectors. Each week I fill the sheet protectors with the papers for that week's Unit taken from the big guide binder. I also put into the portfolio the poem for the week. I have a place also for the dictation and extension papers from the guide. My kids find it very easy to carry around their portfolio, the guide stays nice and they easily see their Unit's work. We can write on the sheet protectors with erasable markers if we want to. At the end of each Unit, I switch out that Unit's papers back into the big binder and put the next Unit's work into the portfolio. It works for us!