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Strayed from HOD for 1 year and don't know how to get back!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:56 pm
by jjdmathnut
We had used HOD exclusively from the start and loved it. Then in RTR, my boys LOVED the Mystery of History (volume 3) text that Carried used in the 2nd half of that year. They enjoyed it so much that they talked me into using that as our History text this year. I've used the Science and some other resources from Rev2Rev. The problem is that the Mystery of History (volume 4) covered 2 year's worth of HOD History. So if we go back to MTMM next year, we will already have covered the History portion of it! So now I'm stuck and don't know what to do. I know, hindsight is 20/20, and I shouldn't have strayed from the HOD path we loved! But I did and am now looking for advice! I've thought of going right to WG, but I don't think my boys are ready. They will be in 7th and 8th grade next year!

Thank you!

Re: Strayed from HOD for 1 year and don't know how to get ba

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:28 pm
by StephanieU
Did you use any of the books from MtMM? If not, I wouldn't worry about repeating the time period! You will be covering it differently with different resources, and I think it will be different enough not the cause any issues!

Re: Strayed from HOD for 1 year and don't know how to get ba

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:44 am
by countrymom
I agree with the other poster. We did RTR and I have all of the MTMM books because we will begin this spring and I think the experience will be different enough it won't matter. There are so many great elements in MTMM that aren't in The Mystery of History. Even with some overlap, it will be presented in a different way with a different author. I would not hesitate at all to do MTMM.

Re: Strayed from HOD for 1 year and don't know how to get ba

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:13 am
by Mommamo
We read through Mystery of History 4 last year to prepare for the national history bee regionals, and we are doing MTMM after taking a couple years off of HOD, and my daughter so far (we're only a couple days in, so I realize we don't have a big picture experience yet) isn't complaining at all about the topics covered. She's enjoying the books that are in MTMM, and she didn't express any concerns that it would be boring or that she already knew everything.

Re: Strayed from HOD for 1 year and don't know how to get ba

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:42 am
by jjdmathnut
Thank you everyone for the replies! I was pleasantly surprised to hear that repeating material would be just fine. My boys have enjoyed reading about this most recent period of history, so I'm sure they wouldn't mind staying with it and going a bit deeper!