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Feeling like I can't get it all in...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:00 pm
by momof3kids
Hi all!
We have loved HOD for several years now, but my second son was recently diagnosed Type 1 diabetic, and attempting to start my 5 yo dad at half speed with Little Hearts... I'm overwhelmed. I feel like there's no way I can get everything in.... my oldest is 9, works pretty much independently in Preparing, the 8yo ( diabetic) on unit 15 Bigger...and just starting with my 5yo dd (also have 2yo)
I feel they are each placed correctly... I'm struggling though.... even though we enjoy HOD, I just can't get to everything.... we have even dropped all other activities for the time being....even looking at Sonlight or something where I could combine at least part of our day. Suggestions???? TIA
.. a lot of my time is now managing his blood sugar, preparing meals and such... thanks ladies!

Re: Feeling like I can't get it all in...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:19 pm
by StephanieU
Remember that Bigger is often the most teacher intensive guide! It takes the most out of you I think. We ended up skipping a lot of the Storytime, poetry, and hymn study when we did it last year for a variety of reasons (pregnancy/new baby, my daughter read the storytime books in her own and then narrated to me when I wasn't expecting it, etc). We also don't always do everything in LHFHG and Beyond. We focus on the 3Rs (reading, writing, abs arithmetic) in those guides, followed by history, storytime, and then everything else.
I would focus on the Bigger kids for now, seeing if there are things you can move to at least S to free up some time for the 5yo. Notebooking, timeline, cursive/copywork, abs some of the science labs might fit in there. If you can free up 30-45 minutes, then you can get half of a LHFHG (or the basics) done with the 5yo. Also, if you haven't already, periodically assign a child to entertain the 2yo so you can work without distraction with another child. We are getting to where that is a life saver with my little guy!

Re: Feeling like I can't get it all in...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:49 pm
by countrymom
It can be overwhelming at times and life does get in the way sometimes. I would focus on your Bigger student right now, as it is an important guide for future skills. I know we all feel like we should do something with a 5 yr old, but I would skip it for now and start her in Little Hearts next year. Five is still young and it is important for you to get your footing and help your 8 yr old become a solid student so he can work independently as you move forward. IMaybe drop Bigger to 1/2 speed to get into some routine, then go back to full speed down the road a bit. Hang in there, adjustments are tough, but in the end they are worth it.

Re: Feeling like I can't get it all in...

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:56 am
by momof3kids
Thanks ladies!... backing my 8yo to half a lesson is a good idea, just feel "behind" since we have taken so much time off with him being sick. But, we'll get there when we get there! Not sure if trying to combine things may help or not...??..

Re: Feeling like I can't get it all in...

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:21 pm
by Carrie
The ladies are already giving such great advice! :D I had a few moments online today and thought I'd just chime in too. A diabetes type 1 diagnosis is a big life change, and you have to give yourself a chance to adjust!! My grandpa and father both had diabetes later in life and my nephew was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 14. So, I can glimpse a little bit of the adjustments you are currently going through. I also see that you have a two-year old at your house, so you are one busy momma!!

I agree with the ladies that your 5 year old can definitely wait to do LHFHG and downsize to doing reading, math, the handwriting workbook, and the Rod and Staff workbooks from LHFHG daily. Or, if you prefer, you could instead do the left side of LHFHG one day and the right side the next day. Either way, this would get your school time down to about 45 min. a day for the K child. I did find with a couple of my own boys that doing LHFHG half-speed (left side one day, right side the next) worked for us for a season. It kept things changing and fresh too, helped me feel like I was still chugging forward, and left me the option of going to full-speed whenever I was ready. :D

For the Bigger Hearts child, you can definitely shift down to half-speed for a time as you adjust to the new medical needs at your house. You may even find that slowing down will help your Bigger Hearts child produce more careful work. :D

As you adjust a bit, you can slowly move your Bigger Hearts child up to full-speed and just keep your 5 year old at half-speed for the rest of this school year.

Take heart that even slow, steady progress forward is still progress!! :D It is amazing how much you can get done through the years if you just keep slowly moving forward.


Re: Feeling like I can't get it all in...

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:12 am
by momof3kids
Thanks Carrie!
I think slowing down is a good option for now. That way I would feel like we are at least moving forward. I discussed changing/combining with the kiddos... my oldest in CTC said "no way, I don't want to change!"...
With this new diagnosis, things just haven't been working as well..(hard to keep our hearts where they should be with all these changes)....but, I think leaving them where they are correctly placed will save a lot of time and energy down the road. Thanks for the encouragement... feeling better about having a plan to go forward! Blessings!

Re: Feeling like I can't get it all in...

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:36 am
by raindrops
We are having to do CTC slowly here too, as I had a baby 12 weeks ago...

One thing that has helped here is to cook "in bulk" and freeze portions. Then all I have to do is heat something up and the meal is ready. This would be especially helpful if you are having to make special food for dietary restrictions.