Thanks so much for sharing a bit more about your oldest daughter and her plans for the future.
It helps to know where students are heading as we plan for needed transcript credits for college entrance.
In thinking ahead a bit, if your oldest daughter did MTMM this year, to keep things simpler it would help to do the guide as close to the way it is written as possible (with the exception of adding to the science the suggestions I mentioned above). Those could be added on her free fifth day each week, since MTMM is a four-day plan.
Since she is in 10th grade though, it would be wise if she added foreign language study. She could easily do this by doing Getting Started with Spanish from the World Geography guide (doing two lessons a day early on when the lessons are shorter and one lesson a day after that). Since Getting Started with Spanish is divided into lessons already, it would be easy to use.
Often another area for high school students that we mention adding to in MTMM is the Economics study to earn credit in that area. However, in your daughter's case I think it would be better to add the Economics study to her US1 year instead (as she will be doing US1 when she is a senior and Economics is often done senior year). In order to make room for Economics her senior year...since there are two government-related courses in US1 (Government and Constitutional Literacy), when your daughter gets to US1, she would choose only one of those government-related courses to do at that point and then substitute in the Economics from the US2 guide in place of one of the government courses in US1. She might also want to use the science from US2 at at that point too, since she isn't majoring in a science-related field and likely won't need the more math-based Chemistry from US1 at that point (and will already have earned her general Chemistry credit in MTMM).
Of course, we can just wait until she gets to US1 to decide what to do for science at that point as either science option would work.
Since you talked earlier in this thread about doing Total Health and Biology next year, I will also mention that it might be wise to wait to do those subjects until your daughter does the World History guide for her 11th grade year, as both Total Health and Biology are scheduled in that guide.
Last, I will mention that for literature in MTMM for your oldest daughter you could do DITHR and use the Girl Set of books from the World Geography Guide along with it (since your oldest daughter will be skipping World Geography due to already covering that content). Or, if you'd rather, you could do the literature for her from World Geography as written, including the BJU text and the Girl Set of books, simply having your daughter follow the literature box of plans from the World Geography Guide for literature each day. To do that option, however, you would need to purchase the World Geography Guide. The literature for World Geography is linked here if you scroll down: ... ckages.php
Hopefully, this doesn't confuse you too much as you ponder your options. It just helps to look down the road a bit to make sure we are on track to earn the credits your daughter will need by the time she graduates.